「translates」を含むwiki一覧 - 1ページ

Acrid - Warframe日本語 Wiki

ge.The Acrid has テンプレート:グリニアScript written in グリニア near the バレル, this translates to "Obey".The Acrid also has テンプレート:グリニアScript written in グ

ダイモス - Warframe日本語 Wiki

.Formido is the Roman equivalent to Deimos.Hyf in Old English roughly translates to (bee)hive and in Swedish it refers to the long, threadli

Viper - Warframe日本語 Wiki

7 (03-18-2013).On the Viper's バレル, the word テンプレート:グリニアScript, which translates to "Viper" is inscribed in the グリニア Language。 In earlier ve

Twin_Gremlins - Warframe日本語 Wiki

ant.The text at the bottom of each magazine テンプレート:グリニアScript roughly translates to "Bullets for your face", rather odd given that, as a nai

ヴァナラーナ - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

中国語: 阿兰那 ālánnà).[3]According to Arama, the full name Mahavanaranapna translates to "Vanarana of Great Dreams";[4] where the affixed parts o

Output - Blender Cycles memo

opriate number of # anywhere in the file name (e.g. image_##_test.png translates to image_01_test.png).This setting expands Relative Paths w

ナギニ - ハリー・ポッター 辞典Wiki

生 魔法のアーカイブ (この画像を参照) "venu des profondeurs de la jungle Indonesienne" translates to "comes from the depths of the Indonesian jungle"特に記載のない限

Venka - Warframe日本語 Wiki

ely quick and deadly with extra mod slots for matching 極性。トリビア[]Venka translates roughly to "victorious" or "to win" in Esperanto。The claws

Miter - Warframe日本語 Wiki

ular sawblade.Written on the disc is the word テンプレート:グリニアScript which translates to "Cutface" in グリニア.The Miter can be carried by グリニア Targe

Mongoose - Halopedia日本語版

weigh up to 450 kilograms. A SPARTAN weighs around a half-ton, which translates to around 454.5 kilograms, so carrying around another SPART

Kuva_Tonkor - Warframe日本語 Wiki

ル:Grineer V.svgファイル:Grineer A.svgファイル:Grineer G.svgファイル:Grineer E.svg translates to "Ravage".Media[]Kuva Tonkor 1.pngKuva Tonkor as shown in

Lanka - Warframe日本語 Wiki

), and Perrin Sequence Operatives.The text near the bottom of the バレル translates directly to "Luksor Forge", implying a possible creator to

Kuva_Quartakk - Warframe日本語 Wiki

ル:Grineer Y.svgファイル:Grineer H.svgファイル:Grineer E.svgファイル:Grineer M.svg translates to "Mayhem", while the text on the left side, ファイル:Grineer

Ack_&_Brunt - Warframe日本語 Wiki

up as much room when stowed.The text on the inner part of the shield translates to "Meat Protector".バグ[]Blocking shots fired from Detron Cr

Kuva_Kohm - Warframe日本語 Wiki

ル:Grineer I.svgファイル:Grineer Z.svgファイル:Grineer E.svgファイル:Grineer R.svg translates to "Vandalizer".Media[]Kuva Kohm 1.pngKuva Kohm as shown in

Grakata - Warframe日本語 Wiki

s of the gun. The ones marked by a red グリニア symbol, テンプレート:グリニアScript translates to "Want to know" (close to the trigger) and テンプレート:グリニアScr

Gram - Warframe日本語 Wiki

Mythology.Gram is a word in the old Germanic language, which roughly translates to depression.The wheel by the Gram's guard spins during at

Buzlok - Warframe日本語 Wiki

イドロンの草原]やオーブ峡谷など)に意外と適している。トリビア[]The グリニア text on the side of the gun translates to "DO NOT TOUC" but is missing an "H" at the end to spell

Atterax - Warframe日本語 Wiki

, while very hard to make out, seems to say "テンプレート:グリニアScript" which translates to "MEAT BLENDER".This weapon seems to share a base color s

霧雨魔理沙 - 東方Project Wiki

sa. She has an ultimate spell called "Finales Funkeln" which roughly translates from German as "Final Sparkle". In the lore of the game,

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