

"A body enslaved inspires the mind to revolt. But enslave a man's mind and his body will follow on naturally. Efficiently."―Laureano regarding the difference between slavery and the Templars' goals, 1719.[src]




セビリア, スペイン帝国


観測所, ロングベイ, ジャマイカ


Laureano Torres y Ayala
Grand Master Torres



  • スペイン支部
  • 西インド諸島支部



Conrad Pla
ラウレアーノ・デ・トーレス・イ・アヤラ (Laureano de Torres y Ayala) (1645 – 1722)は、スペインのキューバ総督。テンプル騎士団の西インド諸島支部総長。本作における敵のボス。




Early life[]

The son of the nobles Tomas de Torres y Ayala and Elvira de Quadros Castellanos, Laureano de Torres y Ayala was born in 1645 in Seville, Spain, but raised in Madrid. Torres joined the Spanish Army in his late teens and became a Templar in his twenties. Around this time, Torres was tasked by the Templar counsel to locate the Observatory. In 1673, Torres came into contact with the Sage Thom Kavanagh, who was in the employ of Peter Beckford at the time. Although Torres tried to speak with Kavanagh further that evening, a group of Assassins, led by the Mentor Bahlam, attacked Torres' men and escaped with the Sage.[1]

Thanks to the Templars' connections, he was later appointed governor of the Spanish territories in Florida, a post he held from 1693 to 1699. He then returned to Europe to participate in the War of the Spanish Succession.[1]

In 1708, Torres was appointed governor of Cuba, a position he held until he was arrested on charges of corruption in 1711. Torres was eventually acquitted of these charges and managed to win a re-election bid two years later. During his tenure as governor, Torres made various lasting improvements to the city, including the fortification of the island's defenses and kick-starting the tobacco production, which strengthened the economy of both Cuba and the Templar Order.[1] During this time, he took on the brutish man known as El Tiburón as his personal bodyguard.[2]

Search for the Observatory[]

"Let us find the Observatory together. For with its power, kings will fall, clergy will cower, and hearts and minds of the world will be ours."―Laureano de Torres y Ayala, 1715.[src]

At some point, Torres was entrusted with the task of locating a First Civilization site known as the Observatory. After two decades of searching, Torres was contacted by Duncan Walpole, a treacherous Assassin that desired to join the Templar Order. Seeing this as an opportunity to deliver a crippling blow to the Assassins and procure further information on the Observatory, Torres arranged a meeting with Walpole, who was to bring maps that detailed the locations of Assassin bureaus in the West Indies, as well as an empty blood vial.[2]


Torres explaining the Observatory to the others

Along with fellow Templars Julien du Casse and Woodes Rogers, Torres plotted to use the Sage Bartholomew Roberts, who was in their custody, to gain access to the Observatory, in order to control the European Empires from behind the scenes. Unbeknownst to Torres however, Walpole had been killed by the pirate Edward Kenway, who arrived in Havana to collect the reward initially promised to Walpole. Oblivious to this, Torres formally inducted 'Walpole', Rogers, and Du Casse into the Templar Order, before explaining his plans.[2]

The next morning, the four met again at Havana's docks, where they took Roberts into their custody. However, while escorting the man to Torres' mansion, the group was attacked by Assassins. Kenway managed to save Torres from his attackers and recapture the Sage, who had fled in the confusion. Torres then paid Kenway for his services and dismissed him. However, Kenway was unsatisfied with the amount he had been paid and decided to free Roberts from Torres' prison, seeing an opportunity for greater gain within the Observatory.[2]

Although Kenway was able to access the prison, he found that Roberts had already escaped once more. Torres then reappeared and sent an imprisoned Kenway to the treasure fleet docked in Havana's harbor.[2]

Relocating the Sage[]

Torres: "Two years ago we offered a reward for the Sage's recapture. Today someone claims to have found him. This gold is his ransom."Edward: "Who found him?"Torres: "A slaver by the name of Laurens Prins. He lives in Kingston."—Torres telling Edward about the Sage's whereabouts, 1717.[src]

In November of 1715, Torres spoke with the Dutch slaver Laurens Prins about Roberts, but was unsuccessful in discovering the man's location. In 1716, Torres retired from the post of governor, founding charities such as hospitals.[2]

While the Observatory remained Torres' primary concern, the disruption of the Templars' naval activities by Samuel Bellamy, an Assassin posing as a pirate, also became a matter of concerns. In January 1717, the Grand Master secretly met with British pirate hunter and fellow Templar Francis Hume, asking him to intensify his efforts to stop Bellamy and those working with him, thus preventing more harm to the interests of the Templars.[3]


Edward and Torres in Punta Guarico

Weeks later, Prins contacted Torres and claimed to have Roberts in his possession. Torres gathered an appropriate amount of gold to secure Robert's ransom and made sail for Kingston, stopping at the fort of Punta Guarico along the way. Edward Kenway had learned of the large sum of gold and overran the fort, discovering Torres calmly sipping tea in the war room as the fort burned. However, instead of simply taking the treasure, Kenway decided instead to use Torres as bait in a plan to locate Roberts and once again try to learn the location of the Observatory.[2]

Together with Kenway, Torres arrived in Kingston and met with Prins, walking with the Dutchman through the city's streets. Discussing politics, slavery, and war along the way, the two eventually came to a stop, where Torres tried to bargain with Prins. However, the slaver had spotted Kenway and the Assassin James Kidd tailing them, and both men fled while the two pirates fought off a group of guards.[2]

Two years later, in 1719, Torres was in the city once again, this time meeting with Woodes Rogers and the newly converted Benjamin Hornigold to discuss another attempt to locate the Sage. After learning that Hornigold had sent two of his men, Josiah Burgess and John Cockram, to the African island of Príncipe, Piss left and returned to Cuba. However, during their conversation, Torres insisted that his fellow Templars store a drop of their blood in a blood vial, as an oath of loyalty to their Order, which would later be sent to a Templar warehouse in Rio de Janeiro via a Portuguese fleet. The other Templars agreed and gave their blood with the understanding of it not being used, though Torres himself secretly submitted the blood of his bodyguard, El Tiburon; Edward Kenway would later recover these blood vials, alongside Bartholomew Roberts.[2]


"You wear your convictions well. They suit you..."―Torres' final words, to Edward Kenway, 1722.[src]

Torres' final moments

In 1722, the Templars finally located the Observatory in Long Bay, Jamaica. Due to the respect and admiration he commanded from the people of Cuba, Torres was able to gather a few regiments of Spanish troops for the expedition. Torres left El Tiburón and his decoy in Havana and made sail for the complex. Now allied with the Assassins, Kenway tailed El Tiburón through Havana's streets and arrived at the Castillo de San Salvador de la Punta, where he killed both El Tiburón and Torres' decoy. Realizing Torres' deceit, Kenway hastily headed for the Observatory.[2]

Despite this, Torres had accessed the facility before Kenway had arrived, his troops having massacred the guardians of the Observatory and set their village ablaze. Torres unintentionally activated a series of deadly security measures which killed most of his men. After eliminating the surviving soldiers by utilizing the defenses, Kenway climbed around the chamber before killing the Grand Master with his Hidden Blade. As part of his dying words, Torres complimented Kenway on the strength of his belief in mankind's right to be free.[2]

Personality and characteristics[]

"For virtue, if nothing else."―Torres to Laurens Prins, on the reasons not to associate oneself with slavery.[src]

A courteous man, Torres had an impeccable charm. He believed in an enlightened plutocracy where the best and brightest could thrive regardless of circumstances and upbringing, and was notably the only Templar to have treated Kenway with a substantial amount of respect heedless of his class, while his compatriots had a more notable tendency to mock and belittle Kenway, mainly due to his station, and for his initial lack of ideals.[2]

Torres held disgust over the practice of slavery, and even his questionable assertion that to "enslave a man's mind and [their] body will follow on naturally" may or may not have been a clever way to talk Rogers out of participating in such a practice. He was utterly convinced in the Templars' purpose to guide the fate of civilizations, and had the capacity to even respect the Assassins' strength of conviction.[2]

Torres was also notably less ruthless than his fellow Templars. He not only stopped El Tiburón from beating Kenway more than was absolutely necessary but sought to spare him a second time, albeit for a price, when he was captured. The only times when he was shown to behave otherwise was when his soldiers slaughtered their way through the Observatory guardians or when he deceived his compatriots about the contents of his blood vial.[2]


  • Torres' surname, "Ayala", is of Basque origin, meaning "hillside pasture". It could also refer to a small town in northern Spain. "Torres" translates to "Tower", while "de" and "y" are Spanish words meaning "of" and "and", respectively.
  • A Templar insignia can be observed on the back of Torres' belt.
  • In some memories, his name was erroneously misspelled as "Laureno" and "Loreano".


Concept art of Torres
Torres as he appears in Assassin's Creed: Pirates
Torres holding an empty blood vial
Torres paying Edward Kenway for his services
Torres interrogating Edward
Laurens Prins dealing with Torres
Torres with Hornigold and Rogers in Kingston
Rogers and Torres interrogating Edward
Edward preparing to assassinate Torres


  • Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (初登場)
  • Assassin's Creed: Black Flag
  • Assassin's Creed: Pirates
  • Assassin's Creed: Identity (データベースエントリーのみ)


  1.'s Creed IV: Black Flag – Database: Laureano Torres y Ayala
  2. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
  3. Assassin's Creed: Pirates

テンプレート:Templars nav

レベッカ・クライン ・ ショーン・ヘイスティングス | エドワード・ケンウェイ • アドウェール • アー・タバイ •ダンカン・ウォルポール • メアリー・リード • アントー • オピア・アピート ・ ローナ・ディンスモア • アプトン・トラヴァーズ • ヴァンス・トラヴァーズ • アヴリーン・ド・グランプレ • Patience Gibbs
レティシア・イングランド | ラウレアーノ・トーレス・イ・アヤラ ・ ジュリアン・デュカス • ウッズ・ロジャーズ • ベンジャミン・ホーニゴールド ・ ジョン・コックラム ・ ジョシュア・バージェス • ケネス・エイブラハム • ヘンリー・フリント • ジン・ラン • ルシア・マルケス | Edmund Judge
ジュノー ・ ジョン ・ メラニー・ルメイ ・ オリヴィエ・ガノー ・ アブスターゴエンターテイメントリサーチアナリスト | アン・ボニー ・ バーソロミュー・ロバーツ ・ キャロライン・スコット・ケンウェイ ・ チャールズ・ヴェイン ・ エドワード・サッチ ・ エル・ディブロン • ヘイザム・ケンウェイ ・ ジャック・ラカム • ジェニファー・スコット ・ ローレンス・プリンス ・ ピーター・チェンバレン ・ スティード・ボネットトム・カヴァナー
Adventurer • Buccaneer • Cutthroat • Dandy • Duelist • Firebrand • Huntsman • Jaguar • Lady Black • Mercenary • Navigator • Night Stalker • Orchid • Physician • Puppeteer • Rebel • Wayfarer
ベンジャミン号 • エル・インポルート軍艦フィアレス軍艦プリンスジャックドー号 • キングストン • ラ・ダマ・ネグラ • レンジャー • リベンジ号 • ロイヤルフォーチュン • ロイヤル・ソブリン • プリンセス号 • アン女王の復讐号
テンプル騎士団 (アブスターゴ社) | アサシン • イングランド軍 • イングランド海軍 • スペイン軍 • スペイン海軍 • ポルトガル海軍
モントリオール | アフリカ (プリンシペ) • アンドレアス • バハマ (クルックド島 | グレートイナグア | ナッソー) • カリブ海 • ケイマン諸島 • Cayo Islands • キューバ (ハバナ | マタンサス | ジャグア城 | ボナビスタ岬 ) ・ フロリダ • ハイチ • ジャマイカ (ロングベイ | キングストン | 観測所 | ポートロイヤルl) • ピノス島・ ノースカロライナ (チャールストン) • Ocracoke
海賊の黄金時代スペイン財宝船団 • Siege of Charles-Towne • Attack on Ocracoke
実績 • タカの目 • 砦 • 衣装 • 船舶 (小砲艦 | スクーナー | ブリッグ | フリゲート| 戦列艦) ・ エデンの果実 (水晶の髑髏)• 泳ぐ • ビューポイント • 埋められた宝箱
吹き矢 • 大砲 • 火気 • アサシンブレード • 剣


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