Dual_Heat_Swords - Warframe日本語 Wiki
]この武器は主にSlash_b.svg切断 damageメリット:高い切断ダメージ – 対して有効 ヘルス。Slam Radial Damage has 生得的なHeat_b.svg 火炎ダメージ – 対して有効 Cloned Flesh, Infested, and Infes
]この武器は主にSlash_b.svg切断 damageメリット:高い切断ダメージ – 対して有効 ヘルス。Slam Radial Damage has 生得的なHeat_b.svg 火炎ダメージ – 対して有効 Cloned Flesh, Infested, and Infes
The Tome of Swords (功績)-icon The Tome of Swords (功績)チャンピオンObjectives / 目的 The Tome of Swords 『剣の書』を使用する Icon4The Tome of Swords, Page 1 『剣の書
(80) Guard Scholar Keenwit as he translates druid markings (80)Event_swords_%28tango_icon%29.png Destroy the vinewraths and their Mordrem i
]↑'s Creed↑'s Creed: Revelations↑'s Creed II↑ 4.04
investigate Kitah Manse (75)成功: Kill the Kitah Conjurer (75)失敗:Event_swords_%28tango_icon%29.png Kill the Risen Priory explorers (75) Drive
d's mother from bandits (15) Accompany the Lionguard patrol (16)Event_swords_%28tango_icon%29.png Clear the bandit roadblock from the road t
Hero_point.pngVigil Tactician 1 VistaZho'qafa Catacombs76—イベント[]Event_swords_%28tango_icon%29.png Clear the Pact field hospital of Risen (70
、前哨基地付近で小さなイベントが頻繁に発生して、チェーンイベントがいくつか繰り返されます。Outpost: Jaka ItzelEvent_swords_%28tango_icon%29.png Defeat the Mordrem invaders to clear the v
light tree (2) Give firefly luminescence to Warden Annwyn (2)成功:Event_swords_%28tango_icon%29.png Clear the mosquitoes that have been drawn
rysdan's medicine (61) Defend Quandry Scratch from Risen (62)失敗:Event_swords_%28tango_icon%29.png Drive the Risen out of Quandry Scratch (62
The Seven Swords (功績)-icon.png The Seven Swords (功績)Angmarレベル:40七つの剣はクルースレ・ランナンから盗み出されました。然るべき場所に戻す必要があります。Objectives / 目的 関連クエスト Quest:【42】
っています Halt dredge expansion by defending Fridgardr Lodge (48)失敗:Event_swords_%28tango_icon%29.png Drive the dredge out of Fridgardr Lodge (4
s many casino coins as possible before time runs out! (80) ラウンド1Event_swords_%28tango_icon%29.png Clear out the gang of troublemakers to rec
First Haven (26)失敗: Defend First Haven from Risen (26)Failure: Event_swords_%28tango_icon%29.png Recapture First Haven from the Risen (26)上
icebrood quaggan (74) Defend Ridgerock Camp from the Svanir (74)Event_swords_%28tango_icon%29.png Liberate Ridgerock Camp from the Sons of S
ch them (80) Destroy ley-energy combs to release ley-energy (80)Event_swords_%28tango_icon%29.png Defeat the enraged chak (80) Protect the o
the godforged hellstorm before he reaches Provatum Castrum (66)Event_swords_%28tango_icon%29.png Destroy the undead mesmer illusions (66) H
35#.png35#.png {{テンプレート:|}} {{テンプレート:|}} ZealotSpecies and equipment informationSpecies and equipment informationSpeciesSangheiliSpeciesSang
png15,000特徴[]この武器は主に 火炎ダメージを与える。メリット:Second highest基礎ダメージ of all dual swords, behind DualGrnEgyptSwords.png Twin Krohkur.生得的な 火炎ダメージ – 対して有効
ght: Zagonur TowersHunter Glorgイベント[]メタイベントForged with Fire (80)Event_swords_%28tango_icon%29.png Defeat the Priests of Balthazar powering u
fighting for the side of Cosmos in Dissidia Final Fantasy. A skilled swordsman, he also excels in using his shield both defensively and off
h red highlights. Cecil's weapons also change color - his Dark Knight swords have more red colorings and a shade of black to match his armor
ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー隠された洞窟 旅の商人If you could go and... acquire... some swords for me in Sporewood, I will be most grateful and share the prof
asily hide behind all the cover. Be wary though, as some of them have swords of their own.Halo Wars[]“Protect the Hierarch!”— Honor Guard El
dredge drilling machines before they destroy the bedrock (51)失敗:Event_swords_%28tango_icon%29.png Annihilate the destroyers loosed by the dr
know a lot about Destiny's Edge (2) Defeat the Lady in White (3)Event_swords_%28tango_icon%29.png Drive the harpy flock from the dam (3) Pre
[] Help Peacemakers weaken the malfunctioning PM-900a golems (2)Event_swords_%28tango_icon%29.png Prevent Inquest thieves from stealing boxe
ndu lure (80) [Group Event] Destroy the Awakened trebuchets (80)Event_swords_%28tango_icon%29.png [Group Event] Destroy the Forged cannons (
. It's all very sophisticated.Paimon: Over the years, many heroes and swordsmen have also chosen Dihua Marsh as the location of their duels.
20]PaxR_6.pngチェーザレを死の道へ突き落とすエツィオ1507年、フアン3世によりSiege of Vianaヴィアナ攻囲のための軍の統帥権を与えられる。将校自らが戦闘中、今一度宿敵エツィオと対峙する。チェーザレは城に向かって逃走するが、 追い詰められ、 Viana C
tle in Tarir は Auric Basin で発生するマップメタイベントですメタイベント[]Trial by FireEvent swords (tango icon).png Enchanted Armor Challenge: Kick mushrooms into
yard (80) [Group Event] Defeat the Mordant Crescent Captain (80)Event_swords_%28tango_icon%29.png [Group Event] Destroy the mesmerizing foun
rem spitfire (80) [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (80)Event_swords_%28tango_icon%29.png Help Gammalon Vineripper destroy the bramb
g 設計図 Price:N/A特徴[]この武器は主に 貫通ダメージを与える。メリット:Highest base damage of all swords.高いPuncture_b.svg 貫通ダメージ – 対して有効 armor。生得的な 放射線ダメージ – 対して有効 アロイア
8tango_icon%29.png Watchful Source WaypointWatchful Sourceイベント[]Event_swords_%28tango_icon%29.png Kill nightmare spellbinders before skritt
Stev_Whitethorn_v2.jpgTaxidermist所在地: 30.28S, 52.35WWhitethorn's TaxidermyBree-land >> BreeIconSmall_POI29.pngスティーヴ・ホワイトソーン物々交換のアイテム / 受け取るア
全ての装飾品はこちらを参照Small Wall / 小さい壁アイテムレシピ / 材料購入%27Above_Weathertop%27_Painting-icon.png'Above Weathertop' Painting絵『風見が丘の向こう』'Above Weathertop'
e Mordrem spitfire (80)失敗: [Group Event] Defend the camp (80)成功:Event_swords_%28tango_icon%29.png [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire
発生するメタイベントです目的[]救助した市民:瘴気の致死レベル:ダイナミックイベント[]できるだけ多くの市民を救出してください。Event_swords_2_%28map_icon%29.png [Group Event] Stop the Molten miasma deplo
Decoration Items / 装飾アイテムCeiling (天井) • Floor Color (床色) • Floor Surface (床面) • Large Floor (広い床) • Small Floor (狭い床)Special Furniure (特殊家具)
' infested allies. Capable of hitting multiple targets.The Dual Ether swords are the dual wield variant of the ファイル:Ether-Sword.pngEther Swo
goliath (16) Defend Njordstead villagers from the icebrood (17)Event_swords_%28tango_icon%29.png Clear the icebrood out of Njordstead (17)
The Tome of Swords, Page 7-icon The Tome of Swords, Page 7最低レベル: 39クラス: チャンピオン『伝説的な書物から失われた1頁』価値: 2 40 Copper coin-icon 功績[]The Tome of Swo
ding Blades Dividing Bladesに適合する。デメリット:Third lowest基礎ダメージ of all dual swords, after DEDualKamas.pngDual Kamasとファイル:DualZoren.pngDual Zoren.低
Class Skill / クラススキルBurglar Skills (バーグラースキル) • Captain Skills (キャプテンスキル) • Champion Skills (チャンピオンスキル)Guardian Skills (ガーディアンスキル) • Hunter
he Risen (62) Defend the Stone of Hazaan from Risen (62)Failure Event_swords_%28tango_icon%29.png Clear Risen from the Stone of Hazaan (62)
_20px.png Dividing Blades.デメリット:Second lowest base damage of all dual swords, after ファイル:DualZoren.pngDual Zoren.低い 衝撃とPuncture_b.svg 貫通 –対し
t catapults and roadblock場所Devast District(Plains of Ashford)タイプEvent swords (tango icon).pngダイナミックイベントレベル10NPCEngineer Lynnka SteelbenderDe
— [&BIAAAAA=]ビスタ Dalin's Pumping Station Vista — [&BGgFAAA=]イベントEvent_swords_%28tango_icon%29.png Bandits have constructed a roadblock to st