「often」を含むwiki一覧 - 8ページ

Type-52_Pistol - Halopedia日本語版

side of close range can take down a user with a Mauler. Ammunition is often rare to come by, and its five shell magazine can be used up rath

Aldo - Fallout Wiki

e about it once given some money. According to Aldo's dialogue, he is often drunk and uses the money he rakes in from greeting to buy more a

北欧神話 - ゲーム情報ウィキ

DanorumYnglingasaga現代の作品[]Modern retellings of ancient mythology are often inventiveArmstrong, Fredrick and Puls, Dave (2004). It Came From

アキーラ号 - ASSASSIN'S CREED wiki

Eraicon-AC3.pngEraicon-featured.png"Who is she? Why the Aquila, boy! The Ghost of the North Seas! ... She's a ship, boy, and make no mistake

リボン - プリキュア Wiki

0th anniversary, it's likely that Ribbon gained her name due to プリキュア often wearing bows made of ribbon.トリビア[]She shares her voice actress w

大森_ゆうこ - プリキュア Wiki

nd Hime's surprise.人間関係[]愛乃 めぐみ: They are classmates and friends. She often gives Megumi lunch during school break.白雪 ひめ: She first meets Hi

Area_of_Effect - Warhammer Online Wiki

on the allowed number of targets affected, but other types of spells often do. In the event of more targets inside the area than allowed, t

Capture_the_Flag - Warhammer Online Wiki

ームの旗を奪って自陣へ持ち帰ることを目的とします。Compared to a deathmatch game, CTF scenarios often feature some sort of transportation tool that can be used to tra

ダングルフの涸れ谷 - FFXIclopedia

merous natural geysers can be found in this area. Long ago, the Galka often would come to bathe in the hot springs here to relieve the aches

ロムルス教徒 - ASSASSIN'S CREED wiki

so possessed one of the weakest resistances in the game.The Followers often used throwing knives before directly attacking, had unique death

キスメ - 東方Project Wiki

ile, little is known about her, but she seems rather childish. She is often seen in dark places such as caves or wells.Fun Facts[]Tsurube ot

コーンスス - ASSASSIN'S CREED wiki

ing a nonexistent being, whom he befriended and called Consus. Consus often spoke in Giovanni's head and gave him advice, even once allowing

学者 - FFXIclopedia

者Job OverviewScholarDuring the Crystal War, these military tacticians often served as high-ranking officers in allied forces across Vana'die

ダボイ - FFXIclopedia

er-weakening forces of the kingdom remain powerless in this fight and often rely on hired adventurers to assist them in their campaigns.Davo

Yayap - Halopedia日本語版

aying Halo 3, Grunts may say "He killed Yayap!" or "For Yayap!". This often happens in one of the towers on the level "The Covenant". This i

少佐ドウモ - Halopedia日本語版

will attempt to lure the player into the open. They do this far more often when they have support from significant threats such as Mgalekgo

Unicorn - マイリトルポニー Wiki

rge an opponent on several occasions. Twilight Sparkle and Rarity are often seen using their intellects to compensate for their lack of phys

マントル - Halopedia日本語版

minated. Cruelly. Without wisdom.”— Ur-DidactThe 'Eld' or 'Tree mark' often associated with the Mantle.マントル[1]は、フォアランナーが有していた哲学的概念である。その正確な定

パーク - Graveyard Keeper Wiki

性が高い。とはいえ、運とエネルギー次第であることには違いない。必要テクノロジー:黄金の嗅覚Find rare resources more often when mining.Carpenter_Perk.png大工あなたは木材の使い方を分かっている!あなたの扱う丸ノコは他の者た

エリート - Halopedia日本語版

stance: squid head, split lip, split face, etc.). The word "Elite" is often transposed as an English translation of their own name in-game f

エピスコプ - Graveyard Keeper Wiki

p and as the keeper of the local graveyard you'll be seeing him quite often. As a visitor NPC he is only available to talk to on Pride.png w

エルディーム古墳 - FFXIclopedia

Church, to spend one's final days on Vana'diel within these tombs was often considered the greatest blessing before departing to the afterli

トレイジャン_C - DESTINY ウィキ

トレイジャンCトレイジャンCTrajan-Cオーバービュータイプスナイパーライフルスロット特殊ウェポンクラスアンコモン技術仕様攻撃力83連射速度112マガジン4入手[ソース]   [トーク]精度が高められたロングバレルの狙撃用武器。大抵は妙なシステムが取り付けられている。― ゲー

八坂神奈子 - 東方Project Wiki

-5, 11-7 Boss)テーマ曲:{{{テーマ曲}}}Fun Facts[]In humorous fanart, Kanako is often depicted as a robot, or an RX-77-2 Guncannon from Mobile Suit Gu

Alien - Fallout Wiki

fields, capable of spaceflight and technological feats equal to, and often beyond, that of even the most advanced human pre-War technology.

八省連合 - The Kaiserreich Wiki

soon their money found its way into the pockets of his subordinates, often in return for favors. Soldiers and officials at almost every lev

MK1-Strun - Warframe日本語 Wiki

n Ammo Mutation mod can help regain ammo when needed, although not as often as the full auto shotguns.Weapon's spread cone can be shrunk by

Mass_Vitrify - Warframe日本語 Wiki

not loaded. Javascript Not loadedBugsCasting Mass Vitrify in the air often delays the effect of refreshing Splinter Storm's duration until

Kronen - Warframe日本語 Wiki

LotusWhite.png Tenno Weapons Kronenファイル:TennoTonfa.pngStatisticsMasterySigilClear.pngMR3装備MeleeMiniMapMod.pngタイプTonfaUtility攻撃速度0範囲2.5 mコ

MK1-Kunai - Warframe日本語 Wiki

ng, masonry, and other things.In popular culture, the word "Kunai" is often associated with ninjas and is depicted as a throwing knife.The M

Kestrel - Warframe日本語 Wiki

ed and thrown, but the explosion timing cannot be controlled and will often damage the user in close quarters.It should be however noted tha