


"Who is she? Why the Aquila, boy! The Ghost of the North Seas! ... She's a ship, boy, and make no mistake about it!"―Robert Faulkner to Connor regarding the Aquila, 1770.[src]




Under their command, the Aquila helped to capture Continental Army captain and Templar Nicholas Biddle, who had been raiding locations along the coast. The pair also patrolled several trade routes along the Eastern Seaboard and the Caribbean Sea, engaging in multiple privateer contracts.[1]



"She's still the fastest in the Atlantic – sure she needs some attention... minor things mostly but with a little affection she'll fly again."―Robert Faulkner discussing the repairs needed on the Aquila.[src]








Faulkner recruited some of his old shipmates, David and Richard Clutterbuck, as gunnery officers, and tutored Connor in sailing the Aquila as captain. After practicing to fire the cannons at an old shipwreck, the Aquila saw her first fight in years against a patrol of British gunboats and a frigate.


Connor and Faulkner on deck

Following this battle, Connor used the Aquila to defend trade routes along the Colonial seaboard and the Caribbean. The Aquila was called upon to defend a number of trading vessels, such as the Henderson and Independence, securing trade routes for the colonists and reducing the risk for merchants.

Privateers and English frigates were terrorizing the coast, and the Aquila's patrols put her in a premier position to eliminate the threats. Gunboats and frigates were among the privateers' favored ships, though they occasionally had a few larger ships to rival the Aquila, such as the Dartmoor, Saint James, and Prospector.

While these battles were relatively brief, their effects were far-reaching. Civilian traders were affected by the patrols of the Aquila and her crew, as they were less likely to lose goods to the raiders. This meant that prices to trade goods were lowered across the colonies, making the Aquila not only a military force but an indirect economic one as well.


Connor and Haytham hunting the Welcome

The ship also served as transport for her captain when Connor sought out the hidden treasure of Captain William Kidd and traveled in pursuit of Templars. Often, this meant the Aquila waited offshore while Connor and Faulkner went ashore in a rowboat to explore the maps Peg Leg had given Connor in exchange for trinkets.

These locales varied greatly, from a jungle beach to the frigid north. However, on some occasions, the Aquila was directly used in hunting a Templar. Haytham Kenway and Connor, during their brief armistice, used the Aquila in the hunt for Benjamin Church and the Welcome in the Caribbean Sea, eventually boarding the ship, retrieving her stolen cargo for the Patriots at Valley Forge, and killing her passenger. In the process, the Aquila had decimated the Welcome and her crew, proving to be a resounding victory for her captain.


The Aquila firing at a Man-of-War under Biddle's command

The Welcome was not her only prey – Nicholas Biddle had been raiding Martha's Vineyard in the USS Randolph. Issues first arose when privateer frigates threatened merchant vessels near the Vineyard, and the Aquila successfully found and defeated their fort headquarters.

When another merchant vessel was threatened, the Randolph was spotted leading the privateers, though she escaped in the cover of a storm. For several years thereafter between 1776 and 1778, Connor and the Aquila hunted Biddle and the Randolph, thought to be the party responsible for inciting the privateers to raid the Vineyard and the ships visiting it.

The ship's hunt was delayed by needing to help La Belladonna, a vessel vital to the war effort, and other constraints on her captain's time. Eventually, however, in 1778, Connor and the Aquila managed to corner the Randolph.

The Aquila proved the hardier ship compared to the larger Randolph; Connor's superior seamanship and the Aquila's firepower allowed her to disable the Randolph, kill her captain, and scuttle her, securing the Vineyard and stopping the Templars from encouraging further attacks. With Biddle out of the way, the seaboard was safe once more for neutral traders to conduct business with the colonies.


The Aquila sailing in the battle at the Chesapeake

When the Battle of Chesapeake Bay began, General Marquis de Lafayette requested the Aquila give support in the battle. The French Admiral de Grasse believed that he would receive a large fleet and experienced captains, but instead he received only the Aquila and her captain Connor.

While irritated at the concept, de Grasse gave Connor two frigates for assistance, the Marsellois and the Saint Espirit, and asked them to engage the encroaching fleet. During the battle, the trio of ships sank several gunboats and at least four English frigates, before the Marsellois was destroyed by an English vessel midway through the battle.

Once all the English frigates had been destroyed, a Man-of-War sailed into the battle and sank the Saint Espirit, before she managed to disable the Aquila's guns. Due to lacking any other means of attack, Connor decided to destroy the Man-of-War by ramming her, getting on board in hand-to-hand combat, and killing her captain. Ultimately proving successful, the battle ended with the French as the victors.

Connor also loaned the Aquila to his apprentices for various contracted missions. The ship was present at the Battle of Gloucester in 1775 and the Frederica naval action of 1778, and she also aided Caesar Rodney in holding control of the Delaware River.

Alternate timeline[]


The Aquila approaching New York

In an alternate timeline created by an Apple of Eden, the Aquila and Faulkner were located in Boston. When George Washington crowned himself the King of the United States, Benjamin Franklin had the ship confiscated.

However, Franklin was eventually freed from Washington's influence by Ratonhnhaké:ton, and suggested acquiring the Aquila to reach Washington's palace in New York. Franklin and the Assassin struck a bargain with Faulkner, having him gather a crew while Ratonhnhaké:ton untied the ship's moorings and assassinated the snipers guarding her. Faulkner's crew stormed the docks and swam to the Aquila, which had gone adrift. Ratonhnhaké:ton held off the soldiers firing on the sailors, and eventually climbed on board with Kanen'tó:kon to sail for New York.[2]


The Aquila ramming an American Man O' War

During the approach, the Aquila was attacked by Washington's fleet. Ratonhnhaké:ton took the wheel and destroyed the attackers before taking their flags to sail into the lower bay unimpeded. The Aquila then navigated through the naval mines and launched a surprise attack on the remaining ships.

However, the ship's ammunition was depleted shortly after, with more of the King's ship on their way. Ratonhnhaké:ton ordered everyone to jump overboard as he rammed the Man-of-War in the lower bay, providing distraction for the others, but also destroying the Aquila in the process.[3]


  • Ratonhnhaké:ton - Captain (1770 – ?)
  • Robert Faulkner - First mate (1753 – 1754, 1770 – ?), Acting captain (1754 – 1768)
  • David Clutterbuck - Gunnery officer (1773 – ?)
  • Richard Clutterbuck - Gunnery officer (1773 – ?)
  • Numerous unnamed sailors


"We've fitted her with a modest amount of guns to start but rest assured there's ample room to add more should you feel the need."―Robert Faulkner on the Aquila's first fitting under Connor.[src]

The Aquila firing heated shot upon a fort

Although relatively well built, even when initially repaired by Connor, the Aquila underwent several major improvements during his captaincy.

In addition to the warship's standard round shot and swivel guns, the Aquila was eventually upgraded to include several more projectile types: chain-shot to destroy a ship's sails, disabling them; grapeshot to target the crew; and heated shot to start fires among the hull.

The Aquila also received improvements in her hull strength via reinforcements, an improved rudder for sharper turns, and the addition of a naval ram. Fully upgraded, the Aquila was armed with 60 main cannons, 30 on each side.

This would have made her equivalent in firepower to a third-rate ship of the line, which meant that she would have been a smaller ship of the line but larger than a frigate. Most contemporary 60-gun ships carried those guns on only two decks; however, the Aquila carried them on two dedicated gun decks with a few cannons and the swivel guns also present on the weather deck.


  • Aquila is Latin and Italian for "eagle", and it was a reference to the eagle motif of the Assassins.
    • Continuing the eagle theme, the Aquila had an eagle-shaped figurehead.
    • "Aquila" is also the name of a constellation, with its brightest star known as "Altair," namesake of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad.
  • In an interview, Mission Director Philippe Bergeron stated that Connor could freeroam the seas with the ship between missions. However, this was not possible in the final version of Assassin's Creed III.
  • The Aquila had lifts attached to her central mast, with the pulley handles shaped like Assassin insignias.
  • By the number of guns the Aquila would be considered a third-rate ship-of-the-line. While not as massive as a first-rate or second-rate, the third-rate ships were considered to be the ideal balance in sailing warships in terms of speed and firepower. This would also mean that she had a crew complement between three and five hundred men.
  • The Aquila typically flies the British flag, even during the Battle of the Chesapeake when she fights alongside French ships.
  • The Aquila's wheel and figurehead could be obtained by Connor's grandfather, Edward Kenway, during his time of piracy in the early 18th century.


Naval battle concept art
Concept art of Aquila's cannons firing
Concept art of the Aquila navigating through naval mines
Concept art of the Aquila navigating a tropical storm
Concept art of the Aquila hiding from enemy ships in the mist
Aquila Caribbean concept
Concept art of a rescue boat leaving the Aquila
North America Stormy Day by Max Qin
Tropical Storm by Max Qin
Naval Battle by Max Qin
The Perfect Storm by Max Qin
The Aquila docked off the North American coastline
The Aquila entering a narrow passage
Concept art of the Aquila's lower decks
The crew of the Aquila and a British Marine
Concept model of the Aquila
Connor and his crew aboard the Aquila

The Aquila pursuing the Providence
The Aquila at sea
Connor at the helm of the Aquila
Connor calling an attack on enemy vessels
Faulkner commanding the crew
The crew boarding an enemy vessel
The Aquila firing several chain-shots
The Aquila during the Battle of Chesapeake Bay
The Aquila firing on a British fort


  1. Assassin's Creed III
  2. The Tyranny of King Washington: The Betrayal
  3. The Tyranny of King Washington: The Redemption
デズモンド・マイルズ • ウィリアム・マイルズ • ショーン・ヘイスティングス • レベッカ・クレイン | コナー・ケンウェイアキレス・ダベンポート • ロバート・フォークナー • ステファン・シャフュー • ダンカン・リトル • ジェイミー・クーリー • デボラ•カーター • クリッパー・ウィルキンソン • ルイス・ミルズ
ウォーレン・ヴィディック • ダニエル・クロス | ヘイザム・ケンウェイチャールズ・リー • ウィリアム・ジョンソン • トマス・ヒッキー • ジョン・ピトケアン • ベンジャミン・チャーチ • ニコラス・ビドル • エドワード・ブラドック • レジナルド・バーチ
ランス・オドネル • ライル・ホワイト • デビット・ウォルストン • エレン • ティモシー • ミリアム • ノリス • ゴッドフリー ・ キャサリン ・ テリー ・ ダイアナ ・ ウォーレン ・ プリューデンス ・ ウィリアム ・ オリヴァー ・ コリーヌ
ジュノー ・ ミネルヴァ ・ ユピテル | ガジージーオ ・ ガネンドゴン ・ ババ様 ・ ジョージ・ワシントン • ベンジャミン・フランクリン • トマス・ジェファソン • ラファイエット • サミュエル・アダムズ • ベネディクト・アーノルド ・ イズラエル・パットナム • ベンジャミン・トールマッジ ・ ポール・リビア • サイラス・サッチャー ・ デヴィッド・クラッターバック ・ リチャード・クラッターバック
猛き熊 • 大工 • 司令官 • 独国兵 • 猟兵 • 孤高の炎 • 異端者 • 薬売り • 追跡者 • 開拓者 • 神父 • 強盗 • 英国兵 • 狙撃手 • 沈黙の影 • 鉄の長
アサシンテンプル騎士団(アブスターゴ社)|植民地ア教団 ・ 植民地騎士団 ・ 英国軍 • 大陸軍(愛国派) • フリーメイソン • モホーク族 • 自由の息子達
トゥーリン ・ ニュー・ヨーク • サンパウロ ・ ローマ(アブスターゴ社)|ロンドン(ロイヤル・オペラ・ハウス) ・ ニューヨーク(ウェストポイント) ・ ボストン • フィラデルフィア • フロンティア (レキシントン | コンコード | モホーク族の土地 | モンマス | チャールズタウン | バレーフォージ | ) • ダベンポート・ホームステッド • カリブ海 (コスメル島 | デッドチェスト島 | ジャマイカ | マルティニーク島) • チャールズタウン • マーサズ・ヴィニヤード • ウォルコット砦 • 北西航路 • オーク島
フレンチ・インディアン戦争(ブラドック遠征) • ボストンの虐殺 • ボストン茶会事件 • アメリカ独立戦争 (レキシントン・コンコードの戦い |バンカーヒルの戦い | モンマスの戦い | ウェストポイントの戦い | チェサピークの戦い | ジョージ砦攻撃)
アブスターゴ・ストーリー • 実績 • 年鑑 • アニムス • 暗殺対象 • アキーラ号 • 紛れる • 大砲 • クラブミッション • コントラクト • 制作 • 二刀流 • 鷹の目 • 盗聴 ・ 経済システム • 砦 • 隠れ場所 • 狩猟イーグルダイブ • メモリー • エデンの果実 • ソーシャルステルス • ピボット • ソーシャルステルス • シンクロ • ビューポイント
銃剣 • 爆弾 (Trip mines) • 弓 • 拳 • 火器 • 重武器 • アサシンブレード • 機雷 • ロープダート • 短剣 • 剣とメイス(キッド船長のソートゥース・カトラス)(オプワンディヤグ・ウォークラブ) • 投げナイフ • トマホーク
ベネディクト・アーノルドミッション ・ ワシントン王の圧政(悪名 | 裏切り | 償い])

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