Growing_Power - Warframe日本語 Wiki
Growing PowerUntransmutableStatisticsIntroducedUpdate: The Silver Grove (08-19-2016)極性Rarityレアトレード税Credits64.png 8,000Source(s)Enemies:Knave
Growing PowerUntransmutableStatisticsIntroducedUpdate: The Silver Grove (08-19-2016)極性Rarityレアトレード税Credits64.png 8,000Source(s)Enemies:Knave
食材や植物を種にする、また鍬を作るためには最初にあるクエストを順番にクリアしていかなければならない。LEARNING TO FAME・PINE SEED(マツの種)MAPLE SEED(カエデの種)BLUE SPRUCE SEED(青いトウヒの種)を それぞれ10個見つけて植える
pngPebble Crab- "You can't hide from me."Berry Bush- "Those are never growing back."Fern.pngFern- "Perhaps it has some flavor to it."Mushroo
Razorwing.pngENERGY25KEY4Razorwingサイズを縮め飛行モードに変換し、レイザーフライの群れが付近の敵を攻撃。エネルギー /秒: 5 s-1威力:50 / 80 / 120 / 160 (gun damage)150 / 165 / 180 / 200
an prevent forest fires."Spiky_Tree_Burnt.pngSpiky Tree (burnt)- "Its growing days are over."Evergreen (sapling)- "Grow, grow!"Log.pngLog- "
em to work the same here."Basic_Farm.pngBasic Farm and Improved Farm (growing)- "It's growing at a remarkable rate!"Basic_Farm.pngBasic Farm
a medium or small Salt Formation.Wolfgang_Portrait.png“Weird statues growing back.”–Wolfgang, when examining a medium or small Salt Formati
ough to grow a garden."Improved_Farm.pngBasic Farm and Improved Farm (growing)- "Not quite ripe."Improved_Farm.pngBasic Farm and Improved Fa
still hear mention of Harold from time to time. Apparently, the tree growing from his head has gotten larger, and if rumors are to be belie
labor to me."肉体労働か~…やだな~…Basic_Farm.pngBasic Farm and Improved Farm (growing)- "I hope it's organic."これ、有機栽培だよね~?Basic_Farm.pngBasic Farm a
nate mishap befell the tree sap."The_Gorge_Ivy.pngIvy- "Creeping ivy, growing strong."The Altar of Gnaw- "A place to place a plate!"Altar_of
sh_Plant1.pngPlant and Marsh Plant- "I wonder if it is edible."Plant (growing)- "Plant.pngPlant (ready to be picked)- "Spiky Bush- "A prickl
t Reeds- "HOLLOW PLANT MATTER"Plant.pngPlant- "IT LOOKS EDIBLE"Plant (growing)- "GO FASTER, PLANT"Plant.pngPlant (ready to be picked)- "IT I
studying agriculture."Improved_Farm.pngBasic Farm and Improved Farm (growing)- "Cultivating rather nicely."Improved_Farm.pngBasic Farm and
Scenario IV:The Boundary Beyondサンアントニオ郊外、テキサス州南部の埃っぽいハイウェイを車で疾走していると、上空から熱く黄色い陽光があなたを照らしている。アーカムからメキシコシティへ向かう旅に出て数日が経った。メキシコシティでは、アレハンドロの仲間の
Preceded byArtifact since Update 9.0 (07-13-2013)オーラオーラはModの一種で、装備されているWarframeのみに効果を与えるのではなく、分隊全体にパッシブで有益な効果を与えるものである。分隊内の複数のプレイヤーが同じオーラを
d all the bugs öut! Then I ate them."Plant.pngPlant- "A plant."Plant (growing)- "I am a shieldmaiden, nöt a farmer!"Plant.pngPlant (ready to
Mushroom-growing Tent-icon Mushroom-growing Tent取得時にバインド飾りカテゴリー:広々とした庭必須: The Mathom Society における Ally (盟友) の地位『大型の網のテントは茸が育つ最高の環境だ』価値: 12
ppears to be an ordinary ghoul, but was later distinguished by a tree growing out of his head some years later.Harold left Vault 29 in 2090,
Power DonationUntransmutableStatisticsIntroducedUpdate 23.10 (10-12-2018)極性Rarityレアトレード税Credits64.png 8,000Power Donation は自身のアビリティ威力を犠牲にして、
m.pngFarm- "'Spose th' ground be somewhat useful."Basic_Farm.pngFarm (growing)- "Aye, 'tis breaking free o' its earthly bonds."
NAMES"Basic_Farm.pngFarm- "'TIS FOR MAKINGS FOODS"Basic_Farm.pngFarm (growing)- "IT MAKE'TH FOOD"Basic_Farm.pngBasic Farm (finished)- "Impro
Augur SecretsUntransmutableStatisticsIntroducedUpdate 22.0 (10-12-2017)極性Rarityレアトレード税Credits64.png 8,000Source(s)Missions:Cetus Bounty (30-
neit. Oddly, the device seems completely undamaged. It vibrateswith a growing intensity, humming louder now than ever before.Check Campaign
eamed all night and gazed all dayOver the sea from Tenko.Far away his growing fameLit the clouds. No message cameFrom the sky, whereon she g
WilsonWillow_Portrait.png“Just a bunch of seeds.”–Willow“Is seeds for growing.”–WolfgangWendy_Portrait.png“Nothing grows in the garden of my
]発売日タイトル楽曲制作規格規格品番1st1999年12月8日Love, Day After Tomorrow作詞:倉木麻衣作曲:大野愛果編曲:CybersoundCDGZCA-10142nd2000年3月15日Stay by my side作詞:倉木麻衣作曲:大野愛果編曲:Cy
この要素は: 新版, 旧版に実装されています。テンプレート:Infobox TreeThere are no trees like the trees of that land. For in the autumn their leaves fall not, but turn
_White_Tent-icon.pngBlue and White Tent青と白のテントSally MarshfellMushroom-growing Tent茸が生えているテントBungo PuddifootRed_and_Gold_Tent-icon.pngRed and
Defeat and stop the Mordrem commander from growing enough explosive pustules to destroy the island場所Dragon's Domain(Dragon's Stand)タイプEvent
_White_Tent-icon.pngBlue and White Tent青と白のテントSally MarshfellMushroom-growing Tent茸が生えているテントBungo PuddifootRed_and_Gold_Tent-icon.pngRed and
, be wary! Tis fruit I see.”–WigfridWebber_Portrait.png“There's rocks growing out of that bush!”–Webber“What a strange looking shrub!”–Warly
gin to bear fruit and the super mutants are born.2120Angus rules over growing Hub and establishes himself as governor.2125, WinterAngus is m
A. 倉木麻衣の楽曲「Growing of my heart」は、恋の始まりや成長、そして別れなど、恋のさまざまな局面を描いた楽曲です。参考URL:
Sporelings are growing in the pen and killing the beetles. Stop them!場所Teku Nuhoch(Tangled Depths)タイプEvent swords (tango icon).pngダイナミックイベント
flesh tasting and not by nudity,not by the plucking of head-hairs,nor growing of matted locks,not by the smearing of the ashes of the dead,n
ical force that can crack, break, shatter, (etc.) a rock.Grass - Moss growing on rocks and weeds growing in between the cracks?Ground - Can
g_shop_florist"“A garden variety shop.”–WilsonWillow_Portrait.png“For growing stuff.”–Willow“Is shop for little growing things.”–WolfgangWen
()スタック数40デバッグ用コード"rock_avocado_fruit_sprout"Wilson_Portrait.png“It's growing.”–Wilson“Ewww it's got a little arm.”–WillowWolfgang_Portrait.
プレイヤーキャラクター 101===Many Vault 101 characters have multiple base and ref IDs because they have different models, one for each segment of the t
reflects on the number of people in the valley with talents for plant growing and ponders that it might come from living so close to nature.
Lotus_photo.png“It's taking longer than I calculated.”このページは現在作業中です。完全に正しいとは限りません。 このページを正確にするのを手伝ってください。Mod picture needs to be updatedSpri
e young NCR expanded, the Lost Hills region was incorporated into the growing nation in the form of the newly founded state of Maxson. While
Toxin ResistanceUntransmutableStatisticsIntroducedUpdate 21.0 (06-29-2017)極性Rarityアンコモントレード税Credits64.png 4,000Source(s)Enemies:Nox 0.2256%T
Stand UnitedUntransmutableStatisticsIntroducedUpdate: The Silver Grove (08-19-2016)極性Rarityアンコモントレード税Credits64.png 4,000Source(s)Enemies:Orp
Swift MomentumUntransmutableStatisticsIntroducedHotfix 25.7.6 (09-18-2019)極性Rarityレアトレード税Credits64.png 8,000Source(s)Missions:仲裁 (仲裁)Swift M
ough; if you don't exercise your muscles and bones soon, you'll start growing mushrooms.)下雨的时候…(雨の日…)Media:VO_ZH_Kaeya When It Rains.ogg 这雨天
Steel ChargeUntransmutableStatisticsIntroducedUpdate 5.0 (12-18-2012)極性Rarityアンコモントレード税Credits64.png 4,000Source(s)Other:Nightwave Offerings