Timberline_Falls - ギルドウォーズ2 非公式wiki
icon%29.png Help Hogarth catch the taunting skritt (52) [Group Event] Defeat the giant Destroyer troll (52)Event_swords_%28tango_icon%29.png
icon%29.png Help Hogarth catch the taunting skritt (52) [Group Event] Defeat the giant Destroyer troll (52)Event_swords_%28tango_icon%29.png
you guys."2/8/2014 🌏Show/Hide the World Boss storyline.Dread Drag'on Defeated! Prizes: Mantis Shrimp Pet, Mantis Shrimp Mount, Food, and Ba
%29.pngSandswept Isles Insight: The Hunting Groundsイベント [Group Event] Defeat the Legendary bounty (80)Event_swords_%28tango_icon%29.png [Gro
essex Hills5 QueensdaleBloodtide Coast[]場所レベルスキルチャレンジStormbluff Isle48Defeat Agent XinnStormbluff IsleDeputy CrackshotLaughing Gull IslandBe
Ossa's Defeatタイプ興味のあるポイント範囲内Deadlock Sweepゲームリンク[&BNEKAAA=]Ossa's Defeat.jpgOssa's Defeatオサの敗北は、デッドロック・スウィープの興味のあるポイントです。目次1 イベント2 NPC2.1 敵3
sets bombs in the Separatist camp (42)Event_boss_%28tango_icon%29.png Defeat the renegade charr (42) Complete the challenges presented by "R
rotect the Priory explorer while he studies the academy's murals (80) Defeat the Branded storm elemental and cull the Branded from the area
White Mantle Control: Saidra's HavenEvent_shield_%28tango_icon%29.png Defeat the White Mantle and save the villager from burning (80) [Group
re it escapes with the treasure (80)Event_swords_%28tango_icon%29.png Defeat the Forged raiding party (80) Disperse the wild magic that esca
cubs before she captures them (50)失敗:Event_boss_%28tango_icon%29.png Defeat Bria to rescue the captured cubs (50) Patrol the wall with Rexa
nd Spear NimaniGather dolyak meat to use as bait for the Branded hydraDefeat the champion Branded hydra terrorizing supply routesShattered R
pg敗北した熱狂者:x/5制限時間:30:00ブランデッドの忘れ去られた熱狂者がブランドのどこかに現れました。 [Group Event] Defeat the Branded Forgotten zealot (80)Event_boss_%28tango_icon%29.pn
ます。ここで内部リンクがあなたを導いた場合は、意図した記事を直接指すようにリンクを変更することをお勧めします。 [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (80) (Northern Assault)Event_boss_%28tango
ow disguise and demonstrate techniques to the cows (17) [Group Event] Defeat the giant assaulting the Town of Nageling (18)Event_boss_%28tan
ys to free hostages (80)Event_boss_%28tango_icon%29.png [Group Event] Defeat the Legendary bounty (80) [Group Event] Defeat the champion bou
: The Wobbling SkiesイベントEvent_boss_%28tango_icon%29.png [Group Event] Defeat the Alehound Captain (80) Defeat the Alehounds to lure out thei
になっています!部屋に入って、調査してください。Event_boss_%28tango_icon%29.png [Group Event] Defeat the Simulacrum of Beyn, Scion of Thorns (80) [Group Event] Defe
に関連する記事がリストされています。ここで内部リンクがあなたを導いた場合は、意図した記事を直接指すようにリンクを変更することをお勧めします。Defeat the Mordrem champion (Iron Marches)Defeat the Mordrem champion
s before launched prowlers can destroy the caskets (80) [Group Event] Defeat the Legendary Forged Hounds (80)Event_boss_%28tango_icon%29.png
の司令官は外に出ています。彼らを倒してください。Event_boss_%28tango_icon%29.png [Group Event] Defeat the Champion Molten Munitions Specialist (80) [Group Event] Def
in the open. Kill them.Event_boss_%28tango_icon%29.png [Group Event] Defeat the Champion Molten Munitions Specialist (80) [Group Event] Def
ssex Hills5 QueensdaleBloodtide Coast[]場所レベルヒーローチャレンジStormbluff Isle48Defeat Agent XinnStormbluff IsleDeputy CrackshotLaughing Gull IslandBe
_boss_%28tango_icon%29.png[Group Event] Boss Blitz (80) [Group Event] Defeat Shurakk the Savage (80)Event_boss_%28tango_icon%29.png [Group E
に向かう問題です。ヒーローチャレンジMiner Voss (75)イベントEvent_boss_%28tango_icon%29.png Defeat the dredge artillery general (75) Defeat the dredge commissar (
te stranded nobles from vine chambers, and escort them to safety (80) Defeat the wyvern so the Pact helicopter can land (80)Event_boss_%28ta
M.E.T.A. golem to the rescue! Help him defeat the WST-8100 golem (2) Defeat the rampaging dolyak holo-projection (2)Event_star_%28tango_ico
phyrite crystals and returning them to their queen (80) [Group Event] Defeat the legendary giant before the sandstorm dissipates (80)Protect
80のメタイベントですダイナミックイベント (日中)[]Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Defeat the patrolling justiciar (80) [Group Event] Defeat the patrolli
2.2 Paint the dolls2.3 Take back the hamlet2.4 Defend the Ventaris2.5 Defeat the malfunctioning turrets2.6 Defeat Toxx3 NPCs3.1 Allies3.2 Fo
re it escapes with the treasure (80)Event_swords_%28tango_icon%29.png Defeat the Forged raiding party (80) Help Priest Bashshar get healers
the grawl away from Bear's shrine (40)Event_fist_%28tango_icon%29.png Defeat the bear spirit to prove your strength (40) Protect the Durmand
ree villagers from Krait's Larder (19)Event_boss_%28tango_icon%29.png Defeat the veteran ettin carrion weaver (19) Collapse the destroyer fi
Line 2Link▶️⏏️Boy, she's kinda scaring the hell out of me!うわぁ、怖いよこの子!Defeat Star BreakerSpecial Line 3Link▶️⏏️Phew... I broke a cold sweat.
とはできません。(何人の将軍が残っているかによります)同時に発生する4つのイベント:Event boss (tango icon).png Defeat the dredge artillery general (75) Defeat the dredge resonator g
by mimicking their moves to increase their appeal (80) [Group Event] Defeat the Champion Branded Devourer (80)Event_shield_%28tango_icon%29
essors — [&BEkJAAA=]イベントEvent_boss_%28tango_icon%29.png [Group Event] Defeat the angry spirit of Savant Ehrin (80) [Group Event] Defeat the
Line 2Link▶️⏏️Boy, she's kinda scaring the hell out of me!うわぁ、怖いよこの子!Defeat Star BreakerSpecial Line 3Link▶️⏏️Phew... I broke a cold sweat.
読する。NPCを復活させる。貢献するイベント[]Event_star_%28tango_icon%29.png [Group Event] Defeat Branded Josso Essher in the Ascension Chamber (80)完了時のメール[]Foll
bbian Griffon MasterイベントEvent_boss_%28tango_icon%29.png [Group Event] Defeat the champion bounty (80) [Group Event] Defeat the champion boun
つけられると、膨張して羽ばたき、ゆっくりと浮き上がり、落下DMGを受けられなくなる。膨張Media:Anemo Slime Instant Defeat.ogvAnemo_Slime_Instant_Defeat.gifInstant Defeat説明風スライムは膨張した状態でD
fully charged, it will attract nearby opponents to come and attack it.Defeat these opponents to prevent the Pursina's Spikes' integrity from
哨戦アイテム) • Town Services (街の施設)Skirmish Items / 前哨戦アイテムRemove Skirmish Defeat Penalty-icon.pngRemove Skirmish Defeat Penalty前哨戦の敗北ペナルティーの除去 1
を参照)。プレイヤーが新しい探索者を選択しようとして、プールに探索者が残っていない場合、プレイヤーは敗北となり、キャンペーンは終了します。Defeat by Card Abilityカード能力による敗北探索者はカードの能力によって敗北する可能性があります。 負けた探索者はゲーム
ドじゃないSpecial LinesVs. MarcSpecial Line 1Link▶️⏏️Oh, greetings.あら、御機嫌ようDefeat MarcSpecial Line 2Link▶️⏏️Give up on being a pilot already.もう飛行
gKAAA=]ビスタVista.png Augury Rock Vista — [&BDoKAAA=]イベント [Group Event] Defeat Branded Josso Essher in the Ascension Chamber (80)Event_star_%2
ドじゃないSpecial LinesVs. MarcSpecial Line 1Link▶️⏏️Oh, greetings.あら、御機嫌ようDefeat MarcSpecial Line 2Link▶️⏏️Give up on being a pilot already.もう飛行
Line 1Link▶️⏏️Your flying's all over the place as always.相変わらず不細工な飛び方だDefeat MarcSpecial Line 2Link▶️⏏️You should give up on being a pilot!君
Line 1Link▶️⏏️Your flying's all over the place as always.相変わらず不細工な飛び方だDefeat MarcSpecial Line 2Link▶️⏏️You should give up on being a pilot!君
tango_icon%29.png Deactivate portals to stop the Inquest looters (80) Defeat the champion jungle skelk (80)Event_boss_%28tango_icon%29.png D
Defeat the swarm of Risen chickens場所Garden of Ilya(Malchor's Leap)タイプEvent boss (tango icon).pngダイナミックイベントレベル79前提Destroy the chicken coops a