「SONGS」 No. 320 中森明菜~歌姫伝説~
番組URL: https://www6.nhk.or.jp/songs/prog.html?fid=141115
参照動画: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV16e411p7c7/
1982年、歌謡界の歴史を塗り替える一人の歌姫がデビューしました。中森明菜。80年代を駆け抜けた彼女は、30年以上経った今も人々の心を捉えています。今年「オリジナル」と「カバー」2つのベストアルバムを同時に発表し、25万枚を突破。再び明菜旋風を巻き起こしています。 その魅力は、一瞬で切なさを伝える高い歌唱力、そして自分で考えていたという歌世界を舞い踊る振付、さらに本人のアイデアをモチーフにして作られた斬新な衣装。それらすべてが明菜の歌に特別な輝きを与えていたのです。「SONGS」今夜はなぜ中森明菜が時代を超えて愛されているのか、その秘密に迫ります。 高校一年でオーディション番組に合格した彼女は、デビュー曲のレコーディングでロサンゼルスを訪れます。そこにいたのは期待と不安に揺れる少女の明菜。
<<セカンド・ラブ>> , <<1/2の神話>>
「少女A」や「1/2の神話」を書いた作詞家売野雅勇は当時の明菜をこう表現しています。 「中森明菜は僕の作り上げた詩の主人公を見事に演じ、脚本以上の映像を作ってしまう。すばらしきシンガーアクトレスだ。 」
<< DESIRE >>
喜んでもらえるようにやんなくちゃやんなくちゃって、どんどん自分にプレッシャーかけますし、ましてやその生のステージになると。「こういう衣装で喜んでくれるか?」、「こういう感じでいいのか?」、「この歌のセレクトでみんな満足かな。もっとこっちを歌って欲しかったんじゃないかな?」とか。でもキリないわけですよね。たくさんの方がいらっしゃってくださってるから。 でも、一人でも多くの方に、来てもらった人が一人でも。あの「え、違う。私こうだと思ったから来たのに」って思う人がいないようにいないように、一人でも多くの人が「ああ、良かった。来てよかった」って思ってもらえるようにって思うと。楽しくないんですよ。必死で、必死すぎちゃって。楽しくないっていうのは違うんですけども、楽しんではいられないんですよ。
そんな苦悩と戦い続けたからこそ、たどり着いた境地がありました。22歳で凄みさえ感じさせる表現を身に着けた明菜。そこに共鳴したのが、シンガーソングライター加藤登紀子でした。自らの作品「難破船」を明菜に提供。描かれていたのは命枯れるような絶望でした。 恋に破れ悲しみに沈む主人公と人生のすべてを歌にささげてきた明菜の姿が重なり合い、深い歌の世界が生まれました。
<<悪女>>, <<ダンスはうまく踊れない>>
20代で歌だけで深い愛の世界を表現することにたどり着いていた明菜。そんな彼女が40代を迎え、向かい合おうと決意した曲が、尾崎豊の「I LOVE YOU」です。
32年前、自分の歌を探し始めた明菜。若さに任せて突っ走った時期もありました。栄光も苦悩も知り、もがきながら手にしたのは、声だけで人生を表現する深い歌の世界。「歌姫」中森明菜は歌を演じ、歌に生きています。 最後に、お聞きください。「I LOVE YOU」
for English
In 1982, an Utahime who changed the history of the music industry made her debut - Nakamori Akina. She ran through the 80's and still captures people’s hearts even now, more than 30 years later. This year, she released two Best albums, “Original” and “Cover”, which sold over 250k copies. Akina is creating a whirlwind again. Her charm lies in her high singing ability, which conveys sadness in an instant, her choreography in which she dances in a song world that she thought of herself, and her innovative costumes based on her own ideas. All of them gave Akina's song a special brilliance. "SONGS". Tonight, we will explore the secret why Nakamori Akina is loved over time. After passing an audition program in her first year of high school, she traveled to Los Angeles to record her debut song. We could see Akina there and then, a girl who was swaying with anticipation and anxiety.
I made mistake because it is written “Yuruyaka-ni”.
At the age of 16, she made her debut singing “Slow Motion”. At that time, she was still an idol whose innocence left an impression rather than her singing ability.
<< Slow Motion / スローモーション>>
However, she transformed suddenly by the second song "Shoujo A". A smile was sealed. The gloomy facial expression and delinquent lyrics will took people’s breath away.
<< Shoujo A / 少女A>>
Akina ran up the stairs to stardom with a smart strategy with a contrasting world view in which she alternated between a pure and earnest image, and the exact opposite of that, a delinquent.
<< Second Love / セカンドラブ>> , << 1/2 no-Shin’wa / 1/2の神話>>
It was from the second year of her debut, "Kita Wing", that she began to express an adult woman who is neither innocent nor delinquent. Akina decided the song title and nominated a composer as well, embarking on the road to self-producing.
<< Kita Wing / 北ウイング>>
Akina later said about herself at this time:
When I was young, as soon as I was inspired and got hold of it, I had a tremendous power to achieve and create it immediately. However
Urino Masao, the lyricist who wrote "Shojo A" and "1/2 no Shinwa", describes Akina at that time as follows. “Nakamori Akina plays the main character of the lyrics that I have created, and creates images that exceed the script. She's a wonderful singer actress.
<< Jukkai / 十戒>>
And Akina met Inoue Yousui. With his sharp sensibility, he created works one after another that captured the ages. With this exciting song unlike any other song, Akina transformed completely from an idol into an artist.
<< Kazari-ja Naino-yo Namida-wa / 飾りじゃないのよ涙は>>
Four years after her debut, at the age of 20, Akina, who was praised for her exceptional expressiveness, finally stood at the top of the music world. Received Japan Record Award with "Meu Amor e..." for the first time.
<< Meu Amor e... / ミ・アモーレ>>
The following year, she won consecutive Japan Record Award by DESIRE. The Japanesque visuals that she devised herself caused a sensation, and Akina became an unwavering presence as an Utahime of the times.
But staying on top puts more and more pressure on her. What was the agony she felt at the top?
I put a lot of pressure on myself in order to make them happy, especially when it came to the live stage. "Will they be happy with this kind of costume?", "Is this kind of taste okay?", “Will they be satisfied by this song selection? Will they think that they would have wanted me to sing other songs more?” etc. But they were never ending questions because a lot of people were there. However, I did not want even one person thought “Ah, no, I came here expecting different”. I wanted as many people as possible to think, "Oh, I'm glad I came here." It's not fun. I was desperate. I was too desperate. It's not that it's not fun, but there was no space I felt a fun.
There was a certain state where she arrived at because she continued to fight with such anguish, At the age of 22, Akina acquired an expression that made audiences feel even terrifying. It was singer-songwriter Kato Tokiko who resonated there. She provided Akina with her own work "Nanpasen". What was depicted was a life-threatening despair. The love-broken main character sinking into sorrow and Akina, who has devoted her entire life to singing, overlapped and created a deep world of songs.
<< Nanpasen / 難破船>>
More than 20 years after singing Nanpasen, Akina was recording a cover album in the United States. The cover album "Utahime" released in 1994 was well received, and since then, she has released one after another. It was the forerunner of the current cover boom.
The originals are already basically "in". I heard them a long time ago, so I try not to listen to them as much as possible. Otherwise, I have a deep attachment to them and the impressions of the singers who sang the original songs remain clearly (in my mind), I don't want them to get through to my heart, I don’t want to have mine become like a copycat rather than a new weapon, so I try not to listen to it (before the recording).
Akina challenged one after another the famous songs that can be said to be Japanese standard numbers.
<< Akujo / 悪女>>, << Dance-wa Umaku Odorenai / ダンスはうまく踊れない>>
In her twenties, Akina had reached the point of expressing the world of deep love through singing alone. The song she decided to face when she turned 40 is Ozaki Yutaka's "I LOVE YOU".
In his case, I feel that his such character can be seen "between words" As that kind of things come to my mind when I sing his songs, I can’t do any other things than trying to waive such feeling.
A: No this. No, no, no. This song makes tears come out. It's tough.
Akina started looking for her own song 32 years ago. There was a time when she rushed forward with guided by her youth power. Knowing both glory and suffering, what she struggled to obtain is the deep world of songs that express life with just her voice. "Utahime" Nakamori Akina sings and lives in her songs. Finally, please listen. "I LOVE YOU"