テンプレート:Infobox biome この記事はバイオームに関しての内容です。ゴンドールの派閥に関してはこちらをご覧ください。 Also note the features described here only cover the main biome, specific sub-biome information is included in the respective sub-biome pages, except for Gondor Woodlands and Pelennor Fields.
Gondor! Gondor, between the Mountains and the Sea!
West Wind blew there; light upon the Silver Tree.
The Kingdom of Gondor (Sindarin: Stone-land) was once one of the greatest kingdoms of Men in Middle-earth, but has since waned. In past ages, it was ruled by the line of Anárion, but as the line of kings failed (for there was no heir), the White Tree withered and the rule of Gondor was given over to the stewards. However, even now hope still prevails, as the people of Gondor wait for the return of the king.
Gondor is a large バイオーム roughly located south of ローハン, west of イシリアン, and north of Harondor. The southwest coast of Gondor borders the Bay of Belfalas, part of the Great Sea.
Gondor is a flat, grassy land with few trees, resembling the Minecraft plains biome. ゴンドールの岩石 is a type of white stone that can be found only in Gondor and Gondor's biome variants, and is used in crafting many ゴンドールのレンガ materials, and which can also be found underground (between the dirt and stone layers as well as in large patches that occasionally spawn deep underground).
Upon entering Gondor you gain the achievement "The Kingdom of Men".
The Gondor Woodlands are two large forests in Gondor territory north of the White Mountains and west of Ithilien. The region is called Anórien. To the west, bordering Rohan, lies the Firien wood. To the east, north-west of the Pelennor Fields, lies the vast Drúadan Forest, the home of the ancient peoples of the Drûghu, or Drúedain. These two Gondor Woodland areas generate with 4 variants: Standard, Flowers, Hills and Clearing. The standard forest is dense and the forest floors are enriched with flowers and tall grasses and teeming with wildlife. Packs of wolves hunt in these woods.
The Pelennor Fields is the region around Minas Tirith. This small region consists of standard Gondor biome variant and holds two major structures:
The wall and high presence of Gondorian military ensure that no Orcs roam there at night, and the risk of bandits and invasions by forces of Mordor is eliminated.
This part of Gondor has domesticated farm animals only, implying there are テンプレート:VanillaLink grazing its meadows and テンプレート:VanillaLink play the part wild boars have everywhere else in Gondor. The only structures to be found here are settlements and scattered turrets.
Upon entering Pelennor Fields, the player earns the achievement "The Townlands".
Andrast is a rugged land in the utter west of Gondor, where the White Mountains meet the Belegaer. The area is relatively inhospitable and only very sparsely inhabited.
Upon entering Andrast, the player earns the achievement "Wild Shores".
The Blackroot Vale is a region covering the upper vales of the Morthond river and its tributaries bordering the southern White Mountains. It is home to one of Gondor's proud fiefdoms and its famous Blackroot Vale Bowmen.
Upon entering the Blackroot Vale, the player earns the achievement "Bows and Blackroots".
Lamedon is a hilly chain of valleys in the White Mountains. It is home to the Lamedon fiefdom of Gondor. It consists of hills, plains and scattered forests, as well as scattered settlements.
Upon entering Lamedon, the player earns the achievement "Hills and Vales".
The fair land of the five streams, Lebennin contains fewer Mordor Orcs and more Gondorians. It resembles a more picturesque version of the main Gondor biome with Chestnut Trees, more flowers and grasses. Lebennin has no "Barren Steppe" biome variant. Throughout the ages the Anduin and the other four streams have left their marks on this region as stone boulders dot the landscape.
Upon entering Lebennin, the player earns the achievement "Five Fair Streams".
Lossarnach is a region of Gondor south-west of Pelennor Fields. Lossarnach is home to the fearsome and hardy Axemen of Lossarnach.
Upon entering Lossarnach, the player earns the achievement "Vale of Flowers".
Pelargir is located on the banks of the river Anduin and the capital of Lebennin. The Marines of Pelargir guard the white coasts from any Orc foolish enough to venture near.
Upon entering Pelargir, the player earns the achievement "The Royal Havens".
The Pinnath Gelin are a range of hills in the west of Gondor, north of the coastal region of Anfalas, east of Andrast and to the north-west of Dor-en-Ernil and south of the White Mountains.
Upon entering the Pinnath Gelin, the player earns the achievement "The Green Hills".
The White Mountains are a chain of mountains between Rohan and Gondor. They are towering mountains made of Gondor Rock. Beacon towers spawn here, and these towers are the only place that Gondorians spawn in this biome.
Upon entering the White Mountains, the player earns the achievement "Ered Nimrais".
Dor-en-Ernil is the Land of the Prince, a region in the south of Gondor ruled from the port city of Dol Amroth. The Swan Knights are its military force. The inhabitants of Dor-en-Ernil are more noble than the common Men of Gondor, owing to their half-Elvish ancestry. The biome Dor-en-Ernil is not technically a sub-biome of Gondor and has different generation and spawn characteristics.
Upon entering Dor-en-Ernil, the player earns the achievement "Land of the Prince".
The following structures are typical for the Gondor heartland:
Because of the abundance of generated structures, Gondor can be a very good place for a new player to get suited up; most of the structures in Gondor have a good chance of including a piece of Gondorian armour or a Gondorian weapon, although it may not be in tip-top shape.
For an overview of the structures in the sub-biomes, see the dedicated pages of those sub-biomes.
Mount Mindolluin.
Mount Mindolluin is the easternmost mountain in the White Mountains. Minas Tirith is built upon it. It spawns West of the Minas Tirith waypoint and peaks about Y: 187. It makes it very easy for players to build the city.
The following hills are home to Beacons of Gondor in the lore.
Erech is a hill at which the Dead gather in times of unrest. It is here that Isildur made them swear the oath that they broke.
Dol Amroth is a hill upon a peninsula in the Bay of Belfalas. The fortress of Prince Imrahil is built atop it but is not included in the mod.
Elendil the Tall, the first High King of Arnor and Gondor used to sleep here, but it was a mistake made by the mod, for the Tomb of Elendil was located at the hill where is called Halifirien now, and his casket was moved to the Rath Dínen of Minas Tirith. The waypoint has been removed.
The region of Gondor is patrolled by Gondor Levymen, Gondorian soldiers and Gondorian archers. Gondorian captains may be found in Gondor fortresses. At night, Mordor Orcs, Mordor Orc archers, and Mordor Orc bombardiers crawl out of their caves and spread death and destruction.
Gondor can be conquered by Gondor, Mordor, Isengard, Near Harad, Half-trolls and Rhúdel. Gondor and all of its sub-biomes have a conquest rate of 1.0; except Dor-en-Ernil and Pelargir who have a conquest rate of 0.5, and the Pelennor Fields who have a conquest rate of 0.2.
All biomes in greater Gondor feature the standard ore distribution, but unlike other biomes they also feature Gondor Rock below the surface. This rock is essential for the crafting of Gondorian building materials, and can be found in a thin layer beneath the dirt surface of the biome, in patches underground, and in boulders on the surface.
Gondor is a massive land with many landscapes varying from vast, empty plains to densely forested mountains slopes. Generally broadleaf trees make up its groves and forests, usually consisting of oak, beech, and birch. Throughout the Gondor heartlands, one may find fruit trees of apple, pear and plum quite commonly and there are also orchards of these types of trees. The land is also fit for olive and almond trees, but these are a rare sight.
Gondor's soils are relatively fertile and covered with many common grasses and flowers. Gondor is one of the few biomes that Athelas can spawn in, albeit rarely.
A very old screenshot of Gondor.
"The Tolkien Gateway"の同名記事へのリンク Gondor |
"The Tolkien Gateway"の同名記事へのリンク Pelennor Fields |
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