Rotten Flesh (0-1)
Orc Bone
[...] There came a blare of trumpets. Then there was a crash and a flash of flame and smoke. The waters of the Deeping-stream poured out hissing and foaming: they were choked no longer, a gaping hole was blasted in the wall. A host of dark shapes poured in.‘Devilry of Saruman!’ cried Aragorn. ‘They have crept in the culvert again, while we talked, and they have lit the fire of Orthanc beneath our feet.’
Uruk Sappers are a class of Uruk that are very similar to Mordor and Angmar Orc Bombardiers; they are equipped with the Fire of Orthanc. They have the same armour values, but the Uruk Sappers are much stronger in that they run faster than other Uruks.
Sappers will spawn anywhere that normal Uruks will spawn, but they are significantly rarer, and run quite a bit faster, even more so once they have dropped their load. They will ignore any player with an Isengard alignment of 0 or higher, but if they catch sight of a player with an Uruk alignment of -1 or lower, they will walk up to the player (their sight range is 16 blocks), and when they get suitably close, they'll drop their Orc Bomb, light it, and run. In about two or three seconds this bomb will go off, doing great damage to the environment, and any players or NPC's in the area. When their bomb has gone off, they'll switch to an Uruk Scimitar (if they're still alive) and attack in a manner similar to regular Uruks. If you have hired Uruk sappers who have used up their bombs, interacting with the Uruks while holding a bomb (Any kind of bombs, even fire bombs!) will give him the bomb you are holding.
If you manage to kill an Uruk sapper before he drops his bomb, you'll earn the Achievement "Bring Him Down!".
ドロップ | レアリティ | 数量 | 映像 |
腐った肉 | Common | 1-2 | |
オークの骨 | Common | 1 | OrcBone |
オークのドラフト | Uncommon | 1 | |
虫が湧いたパン | Uncommon | 1-2 | Maggoty_Bread.png |
ウルク鋼インゴット | Uncommon | 1 | |
オークの松明 | Uncommon | 1 | Orc_Torch.png |
ウルクの鉈 | Rare | 1 | |
ウルクのヘルメット | Rare | 1 | HelmetUruk.png |
ウルクのチェストプレート | Rare | 1 | |
ウルクのレギンス | Rare | 1 | LegsUruk.png |
ウルクのブーツ | Rare | 1 |
Note that as Uruks do not skirmish they do not use the 'skirmish' lines.
Uruk_Hai_Shield.png アイゼンガルドの大隊 |
NPC:ウルク (旗手, 狂戦士, 弩兵, 工兵) |
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