🔑 easy & exist long theory

ページ名:how to built theory pyramit

🔑 how to built  easy & exist long theory ?    🐄🔑

source: ejypt, solomon, " professor "

🔑 ➀    burden to theory:


    0 how many theory necessary to prove theory ?

    1 how many logical tie necessary to prove theory ?

    2 how many times used from other theory

    3 how much total quantity of theory increase ?


🔑 ➀    durability of theory:


    0 how many experiment shows theory looks true ?


🔑 ②    proof


    1 rule about logic

    2 proof about physic


    1 & 2 = proof


🔑 ③ what is proof ?


    lead true fact,

    from other true facts


🔑 ④ to get easy explanation


    A & B & C = E


    sometimes, rewrite into


    A & B = E


    or if, rewrite into


    C = E


🔑 ➄ solid stand ability of theory




    AB & CD = > E




    A & B & C & D => E 


    1 True or False check easy

    2 easy to read


🔑 ➄ cycle of true reason


    if A = true     >     C = true


    if  C = true   >      A = true


    A and C, prove each other.


🔑 ⑥ source of reason


    if A = > C


    and not


    C => A,


    A is nearer theory to source of reason.


    if A & C = > E


    and not


    E => A & C,


    A, C

    is nearer theory to source of reason.


🔑 ⑦    good point to search source of reason


             = connection between theories, become clear.

             = easy to check true or false 


               !  be aware to 🔑 ➀    burden to theory:


🔑 ⑧ infinity loop theory


           infinity loop, sometime stop

           your thought.

           then, how we involve " infinity loop " into structure ?


           ( infinity loop also stops, computer program )

           ( sometime, that also become ⚡ loss of energy. )


graph:  cycle in real worlds  

                 (  hint, when we think about logical cycle  )

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