Yusuke MASUYA, Ph.D.
Affiliation:Department of Food Production and Environmental Management, Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University
Major:Agricultural meteorology, Crop science
Academic degree : Ph.D. (Iwate University, Japan Mar. 2021)
Interests:Environmental response, functional morphology of plants, Evaluation and application of germplasm, Mathematical model
Academic society:Crop science society of Japan, The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan, Japanese Society for Root Research, Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery and Food Engineers, Tohoku Branch of Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery and Food Engineers
ORCID ID:0000-0002-0239-2525
*Publications : click here
[7] Versatile and Widely Applicable Prediction Model for Amylose Content of Rice (2022-2023)
[6] Forecasting Model for Rice Leaf Blast with IoT Meteorological Observation Device (2019-)
[5] Decesion Support Tool for Rice Cultivation based on Crop Growth Model (2019-)
[4] Adaptation to Climate Change through Optimize Cropping Schedule using Simulation Model (2019-)
[3] Carbon Flow from Rice Plant to Soil (2018-)
[2] Quantitative Evaluation of Environmental Responsiveness of African Rice Oryza glaberrima on its Dry Matter Production (2014-2017)
[1] Method for Evaluate Cultivar Characteristic from Legacy Data (2015-2016)
Rice Cultivation
Crop Modeling
Programming (Python, R, VBA ...)
Photosynthesis measuring(Gas exchange)
Academic background
2018.3 - 2021.3 The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Iwate University (Ph.D. in Agriculture)
2016.4 - 2018.3 Graduate School of Agriculture, Iwate University (M.Sc. in Agriculture)
2012.4 - 2016.3 Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University (B.Sc in Agriculture)
2006.4 - 2012.3 Tohoku Gakuin Junior/Senior High School
Job history
2025.3 - Present Assistant Professor in Department of Food Production and Environmental Management, Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University
2021.4 - 2025.2 Researcher in Tohoku Agricultural Research Center, National Agfriculture and Food Organization
2019.2 - 2021.3 Research assistant in Tohoku Agricultural Research Center, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization
2018.5 - 2020.9 Research assistant in The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Iwate University
2017.9 - 2019.3 International student tutor in Iwate University
2016.4 - 2017.3 Teaching assistant in Basic Medicine, Iwate Medical University
2016.4 - 2016.9 Teaching assistant in CTLCD, Iwate University
2016.4 - 2018.3 Teaching assistant in Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University
2015.9 - 2016.3 International student tutor in Iwate University
2019.3 Incentive Award from The Society of Agricaltural Meteorology of Japan(for Study[1])
2018.3 Repayment Exemption for Students with Excellent Grades (JASSO Type I scholarship, all of loan)
2016.12 Best Poster Award, 1st UGAS, Iwate University International Symposium, 2016
2017.3 Incentive Award from Iwate University (awarded to obtain Best Poster Award)
2016.3 High School 1st class Teacher’s License (Science and Agriculture)
2012.9 Driving License
Treking, Skiing(XC and alpen)