「stares」を含むwiki一覧 - 1ページ

scriptversion1_2 - Leon the professional

yday. And his name… it’s a surname.Stansfield pauses. He stares at Tony.STANSFIELD(to his right hand)Take me the children&helli

scriptversion1_1 - Leon the professional

ALéon…I have no fear…. It’s so.Léon stares at her. He tries to ascertain truth in Mathilda’s eyes. A

Scenario I Curtain Call - arkham horror lcg

ht tothe police station in Easttown. Bursting through the door, to thestares of onlookers and police officers alike, you demand to seeSherif

Glass_Sculptures - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

“Spike is glass now.”–WolfgangWendy_Portrait.png“My warped reflection stares back at me with malice.”–Wendy“GLASS IS WEAK”–WX-78Wickerbottom

Houndius_Shootius - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

w fascinating!”–WagstaffWigfrid_Portrait.png“The eye öf the laser göd stares intö my söul.”–Wigfrid“Stop looking at me!”–WebberWalani_Portra

Punishing_Bird_(Legacy) - Lobotomy Corporation Wiki

大+最終観測 / Final Observation[]::Dialogue::鳥があなたを見つめる。この鳥の名前は何ですか?A bird stares at you.What is the name of this bird?A little bird(小鳥)Punishing

Hot_Spring - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

gang, examining a hot spring.“When I gaze upon my reflection, a ghost stares back at me.”–Wendy, examining a hot spring.WX-78_Portrait.png“I

Saddle - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

ieWaxwell_Portrait.png“But is it fast enough to escape the judgmental stares?”–Maxwell“Öh tö fly ön the wings öf Valkyrie!”–WigfridWebber_Po

イザベラ・ガルシア・シャピロ(異次元) - フィニアスとファーブ Wiki

この記事は 異次元のイザベラです。 あなたが探しているのは 元の次元の彼女ではありませんか.イザベラ・ガルシア・シャピロ(異次元)Resistance Isabella Stares.jpg性別女性年齢15未満国籍アメリカン出身地ダンヴィル(異次元)敵ハインツ・ドゥーフェンシュマ

凶暴なマンモス - ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki

is a gargantuan size it can be hit easily.like a rock elemental, just stares at a target which is out of reach,収集可能なアイテム[]資源効率Raw Meat?スポットラ

Tallbird - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

one of its idle animations, the Smallish Tallbird bend its knees and stares ahead.TeenBird DeadA dead Smallish Tallbird.Smallbird attacking

Mek - ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki

n the luxuries of self-crippling. When in battle, it just lifelessly stares at creatures in front of it with a focused visor.外観[]The Mek ap

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