アル - 100%おれんじじゅ~すっ Wiki
ring the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.Purple colorPurchase for 20000Stars_Icon.png in the Shop after
ring the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.Purple colorPurchase for 20000Stars_Icon.png in the Shop after
ring the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.Purple colorPurchase for 20000Stars_Icon.png in the Shop after
ring the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.Purple_Icon.pngPurple colorPurchase for 20000 in the Shop after
ring the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.Purple colorPurchase for 20000Stars_Icon.png in the Shop after
ring the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.Purple colorPurchase for 20000Stars_Icon.png in the Shop after
ring the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.Purple_Icon.pngPurple colorPurchase for 20000 in the Shop after
ring the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.Purple colorPurchase for 20000Stars_Icon.png in the Shop after
ring the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.Purple colorPurchase for 20000Stars_Icon.png in the Shop after
ring the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.Purple colorPurchase for 20000Stars_Icon.png in the Shop after
ring the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.Purple_Icon.pngPurple colorPurchase for 20000 in the Shop after
ring the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.Purple colorPurchase for 20000Stars_Icon.png in the Shop after
ring the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.Purple_Icon.pngPurple colorPurchase for 20000 in the Shop after
ring the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.Purple colorPurchase for 20000Stars_Icon.png in the Shop after
へん…Losing a battle 4Link▶️⏏️How frustrating!!くーやーしー!!Bonus PanelBonus panels 1Link▶️⏏️Ka-ching, ka-ching.がっぽがっぽBonus panels 2Link▶️⏏️The sta
ong.強いね…Losing a battle 4Link▶️⏏️You're amazing.すごいね…Bonus PanelBonus panels 1Link▶️⏏️They're shining.キラキラだねBonus panels 2Link▶️⏏️I'm glad.嬉
le 3Link▶️⏏️Uuu...うーLosing a battle 4Link▶️⏏️Aaa...あーBonus PanelBonus panels 1Link▶️⏏️Stars...星…Bonus panels 2Link▶️⏏️More stars...スターですBonu
assiveCan only choose Stars norma. Gain X additional stars from bonus panels, where X is the number of different Event cards you played. In
よくもやったわねLosing a battle 4Link▶️⏏️Ha... hahahaha.ふ…ふふふBonus PanelBonus panels 1Link▶️⏏️I'll take these.もらっておくわBonus panels 2Link▶️⏏️Well, not
...やられましたー…Losing a battle 4Link▶️⏏️Too strong...強いー…Bonus PanelBonus panels 1Link▶️⏏️It's a bonus!ボーナスです!Bonus panels 2Link▶️⏏️I'll help my
…Losing a battle 4Link▶️⏏️I got... defeated...俺が…負けた…Bonus PanelBonus panels 1Link▶️⏏️So far so good.順調だなBonus panels 2Link▶️⏏️I got a bonus
his..この恨みは…忘れない…Losing a battle 4Link▶️⏏️Nyaah...にゃー…Bonus PanelBonus panels 1Link▶️⏏️Stars!星だー!Bonus panels 2Link▶️⏏️Gimme more of 'em!もっとよ
a battle 4Link▶️⏏️Time for a bit of a break...ちょっと休憩…Bonus PanelBonus panels 1Link▶️⏏️Oh, so shiny.あら、キラキラねBonus panels 2Link▶️⏏️Lovely.綺麗だわ
んてこった…Losing a battle 4Link▶️⏏️I lost? No way!負けた…だと…Bonus PanelBonus panels 1Link▶️⏏️Yeah! I got a bonus!よっしゃあ、ボーナスゲット!Bonus panels 2Link▶️
▶️⏏️*Sob*...ぐす…Losing a battle 4Link▶️⏏️Nuguah...ぬぐぁ…Bonus PanelBonus panels 1Link▶️⏏️I got them ♥いただき♡Bonus panels 2Link▶️⏏️Sweet!やったーんBonu
ぇえ…Losing a battle 4Link▶️⏏️You're terrible...ひどい…です…Bonus PanelBonus panels 1Link▶️⏏️I'm taking them all!いただきまーす!Bonus panels 2Link▶️⏏️Jing
aamo...ぽぎゃーも…Losing a battle 4Link▶️⏏️Pokyupo...ぽきゅぽ…Bonus PanelBonus panels 1Link▶️⏏️Poppo!ぽっぽ!Bonus panels 2Link▶️⏏️Poppooh!ぽっぽーぅ!Bonus pa
ng a battle 4Link▶️⏏️Can't believe I lost...負けちゃうなんて…Bonus PanelBonus panels 1Link▶️⏏️Stars!スターだ!Bonus panels 2Link▶️⏏️The stars are shining
PackThemeLink▶️パッシブ概要サマリーBlazing!Inflicts Blazing! on units within 2 panels. Effect Duration: 3 Chapters. ATK +1, DEF -1. Effect expires on
tsmasherTrue_White_Christsmasher.pngDeal 4 damage to players within 2 panels of you.For each player KO'd, gain 2 wins and KO'd Player's Lvl
eted by Boost cards by other players.Do not trigger Encounter or Boss panels.Effect expires on entering battle.Gain +2 ATK when entering bat
t. Apply Binding Smoke to enemies within 1 panel radius. If no marked panels exist, this card becomes "Leap through Space (Marking)."Hyper I
d.pngPlushie MasterSet "Dance, Long-Eared Beasts!" trap on 3-5 random panels.Hyper InfoEffect TypeEventLevel2Cost10 ★SymbolFile:|30px|link=I
ring the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.Purple_Icon.pngPurple colorPurchase for 20000 in the Shop after
サマリーHyperhead.pngStar Blasting FuseSet "Invisible Bomb" on 3-5 random panels.Hyper InfoEffect TypeEventLevel3Cost30 ★SymbolFile:|30px|link=I
Sky?Do_Pirates_Fly_in_the_Sky%3F.pngSet "Flying Pirate" on 2-3 random panels.Hyper InfoEffect TypeEventLevel3Cost20 ★SymbolFile:|30px|link=I
ring the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.Purple_Icon.pngPurple colorPurchase for 20000 in the Shop after
dDraw a trap card from the deck. Set all trap cards in hand on random panels. If not holding any trap cards, draw 3 from the deck and set a
StatsHP7ATK±0DEF-1EVD-1REC6PassiveGain X additional stars from Bonus panels and Shops, where X is the number of Shops in play, up to curren
ring the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.Purple_Icon.pngPurple colorPurchase for 20000 in the Shop after
ring the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.Purple colorPurchase for 20000Stars_Icon.png in the Shop after
ring the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.Purple colorPurchase for 20000Stars_Icon.png in the Shop after
ring the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.Purple colorPurchase for 20000Stars_Icon.png in the Shop after
ring the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.Purple colorPurchase for 20000Stars_Icon.png in the Shop after
ring the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.Purple_Icon.pngPurple colorPurchase for 20000 in the Shop after
ring the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.Purple colorPurchase for 20000Stars_Icon.png in the Shop after
ring the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.Purple colorPurchase for 20000Stars_Icon.png in the Shop after
ring the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.Purple_Icon.pngPurple colorPurchase for 20000 in the Shop after
ring the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.Purple colorPurchase for 20000Stars_Icon.png in the Shop after
ring the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.Purple colorPurchase for 20000Stars_Icon.png in the Shop after
ring the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.Purple colorPurchase for 20000Stars_Icon.png in the Shop after