「observes」を含むwiki一覧 - 1ページ

scriptversion1_1 - Leon the professional

mblageLéon disassembled a big weapon in front of him. Mathilda observes, very concentrated. Léon reassembles it in record time

アメリカ合衆国 - Memory Alpha wiki

4 組織4.1 政治4.2 防衛と安全保障4.3 宇宙開発5 アメリカ人6 付録6.1 背景6.2 注釈6.3 外部リンク歴史[]Crew_observes_the_american_revolution.jpg永遠の管理者を通して見たアメリカ独立革命ファイル:Constitut

scriptversion1_2 - Leon the professional

pstairs, who identifies him and gets back down. Mathilda got out. She observes, from a corner, the movements in the street. Police cars and

永江衣玖 - 東方Project Wiki

of her time swimming through clouds. Doing nothing in particular, she observes the dragon god as she swims elegantly through clouds. Thus sh

シーン03 - Leon the professional

ンを思い出させる。草むらを駆ぬける虫のように。静かに。LEON: [notices sounds coming from outside; observes them through peep-hole]STANSFIELD:「Do you like Beethoven?」ベート

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