「lifespan」を含むwiki一覧 - 1ページ

ケス - Memory Alpha wiki

She belonged to a species that had telepathic abilities and a normal lifespan of only nine years. Kes' father, to whom she was very close a

オススメMOD - Kenshi 日本語 wiki

al Backpacksの機能も内包している 動物商は全て新規で追加しているので競合することは恐らくない ただ唯一、スキマーのlifespanが変更されてるが、 問題はないだろう。 同系統のMODと同時に入れてもデータ的な問題はないと考えられる 動物商が

アメリカ合衆国 - Memory Alpha wiki

ar that the war there occurred generations ago, and that post war the lifespan lengthened to about a thousand years. This places the war wel

若陀龍王 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

bout history since the dawn of the age of mankind..."クンジュ: "...with a lifespan far exceeding that of mankind."阿鳩: "No, no! It is I, Azhdaha,

西行寺幽々子 - 東方Project Wiki

ied over 1000 years ago, so she is a spirit with an extremely unusual lifespan.Impressed by her unwillingness to curse people and her abilit

小野塚小町 - 東方Project Wiki

e Shrine. She calls out Tenshi's immortality as a sham and states her lifespan is already over before challenging her to a battle. Although

Ghoul - Fallout Wiki

ligaments.[2] Paradoxically, they also have greatly extended overall lifespans and are, allegedly, immune to and even regenerate health by

Insulated_Pack - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

ng“Now my snacks won't get stale!”–Walter“It'll give my food a longer lifespan.”–WandaInsulated Pack(保冷バッグ)はダウンロードコンテンツ「Don't Starve: Reign

Open Shading Language - Blender Cycles memo

ance number.particle:ageParticle age in frames.particle:lifetimeTotal lifespan of particle in frames.particle:locationLocation of the partic

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