翻訳中途 | この項目「小野塚小町」は途中まで翻訳されたものです。(原文:[1]) 翻訳作業に協力して下さる方を求めています。詳細はこの項目のノートや履歴、翻訳のガイドラインなどを参照してください。翻訳情報の要約欄への記入をお忘れなく。 このタグは2010年8月に貼付されました。 |
名前: | 小野塚 小町(おのづか こまち) (♫) Komachi Onozuka | |
Alternate spellings: | Komachi Onoduka | |
種族: | ||
能力: | 距離を操る程度の能力 | |
年齢: | Unknown (Possibly Immortal) | |
職業: | Carrier of dead spirits | |
住んでいるところ: | 三途の川, Buddhist river analogous to the River Styx | |
人相: |
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人物関係: |
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出演作品: |
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テーマ曲: | {{{テーマ曲}}} |
Komachi is widely known in Gensokyo as being a slacker shinigami. Her pace of working is slow and when the "flower incident" hit (every 60 years, a great many spirits are 'produced' in the outer world that migrate here), she didn't feel any urgency and kept going at her own pace or outright ran away from work at times. This huge quantity of spirits that hadn't yet been brought to the Yama for judging led to all the flowers of all seasons blooming as they got possessed. Maybe she spends too much time around the dead, as she sure does talk about death and suicide every other sentence when not complaining about her workload. Still, she's a rather carefree individual.
In Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, Komachi is on her "free time" as she wonders about the sudden changes in weather until Youmu informs her that someone is killing ghosts in order to manipulate the temperaments. She begins her "work" at the bamboo forest before she goes to investigate the Hakurei Shrine's condition, where Tenshi appears to keep her promise to Reimu of rebuilding the Shrine. She calls out Tenshi's immortality as a sham and states her lifespan is already over before challenging her to a battle. Although Tenshi was defeated in the battle, Komachi is unable to send her to the Netherworld as she is simply a ferryman shinigami rather than a reaper.
Komachi Onozuka | ○三途の水先案内人 小野塚小町(おのづかこまち) Onozuka Komachi
している。彼女の気分次第で、河幅や深さが変わる。余りにも生前悪 いことをし過ぎていたら、河を渡ることが出来ない事もある。
お金と言っても、故人の財産ではなく、故人の事を心から慕っていた 人の財産の合計である。ちなみに罪の量で裁くことは、彼女の仕事で はなく河を渡った後の話である。
金ではなく、身の回りの人間の財産の合計に見合ったお金になってい る事に驚かされる。
途中で落とされるだろう。河幅は果てしなく広くなり、泳ぎ疲れたと ころを、河に棲む絶滅した大型魚や水竜に喰われてしまう。 今回、幻想郷が花で埋め尽くされてしまったのは、彼女の仕事が許 容量をオーバーしてしまったからである。余りにも死者の魂が多すぎ て、冥界に渡れない魂が幻想郷に取り残され、途方に暮れた霊魂達が 身近な花に身を寄せたのだ。
彼女のボスに当たる四季映姫の目にとまり、怒られてしまうのだった。 |
Guide of the Sanzu no Kawa Komachi Onozuka Species: Shinigami Ability: Manipulation of distance A youkai that provides passage for the river between Gensokyo and the other side. She has the ability to manipulate distance. When a person dies, their spirit must cross the river to the Netherworld. It is Komachi's duty to ferry the dead across the river. The width and depth of the river changes depending on her mood. Also, if someone has done too much evil during their lifetime, they may even not be able to cross the river. A shinigami judges one to be good or bad not by the amount of crimes, but by money. That is to say, not the money that the deceased may have had while they were alive, but rather the total amount of those who yearned and missed that person from the bottom of their hearts. By the way, judging the amount of crimes of the dead is not Komachi's job and would be handled after crossing the river, but that's a story for another time. After death, when she requests a passage fee from them, people tend to be surprised since the money they have on hand doesn't correspond to their own assets, but on the assets of his or her surrounding friends. Very rich people tend to be despised during their life, and are astonished to see how little they have after death. Komachi always demands those she guides to pay all the money they have, and anyone who hesitates to pay the full sum is dropped into the river midway through the journey. The river is made infinitely wide, and the unfortunate spirit is soon consumed by huge fishes and sea dinosaurs which were extinct in world of the living. The reason Gensokyo got buried under a sea of flowers this time was because her workload went way beyond what she could handle. There were so many dead spirits that some of them were not handled in time and were left in Gensokyo, and in this puzzled state these dead spirits possessed nearby flowers. Komachi thought that it was just a temporary issue, and worked at her own pace without the slightest bit of worry. However, it soon caught the eye of her boss, Shikieiki, and she got a good scolding because of that. |
○三途の水先案内人 種族:死神 特に道の長さが変わる。 追っても近づかず、逃げても離れずで人間に恐怖心を与える。 性格:気前がよいが、調子がよい。 明るく、江戸っ子っぽい気前の良さがある。 相手をおだてたり、小咄をしてみたりと一緒にいると楽しい。 これは、死神全般の性格ではなく、彼女の性格。 | |
The Sanzu Ferryman Race: shinigami Especially the ability to change the length of a path. Her ability to make it seem as if you never get closer or can never get away Personality: good-natured, but laid back. She clearly has a very "Edoite"-like good nature about her. Enjoys riling up her opponents and telling anecdotes. Not all shinigami are like this; this is her own personality. |
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