「fact」を含むwiki一覧 - 3ページ

離心 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

surprise, he finds that the carefully hidden-away Exuvia does not, in fact, contain Morax's Gnosis. Presuming that you beat him to the Gnosi

フリーダム級(24世紀) - Memory Alpha wiki

フリーダム級所属:惑星連邦宇宙艦隊状態:現役 (24世紀) フリーダム級(Freedom class)は惑星連邦宇宙艦隊が24世紀に運用している宇宙艦である。 艦型は基本的なコンポーネントの構成はヘルメス級と似ており、円盤部にドーサルネックで一基のエンジン・ナセルが直結している。

ケンタウロス型 - Memory Alpha wiki


カリー型 - Memory Alpha wiki

ay be another of that variant, but with subtle differences due to manufacturing of the vessel - that is, slightly different parts used. It i

USSジェノーラン - Memory Alpha wiki

USSジェノーランクラス:シドニー級艦種:輸送艦登録番号:NCC-2010所属:惑星連邦宇宙艦隊状態:破壊 (2369年) USSジェノーラン(USS Jenolan NCC-2010)は、23世紀後期に惑星連邦宇宙艦隊が所有していたシドニー級の輸送艦 である。 2294年 、ジ

USSスペクター - Memory Alpha wiki

USSスペクタークラス:アキラ級艦種:重巡洋艦登録番号:NCC-65549所属:惑星連邦宇宙艦隊状態:現役 (2374年) USSスペクター(USS Spector NCC-65549)は24世紀後半に運用されていたアキラ級連邦宇宙艦である。(Star Trek Fact Fil

イェーガー型 - Memory Alpha wiki

ded to be seen. Otherwise it wouldn't be worth the effort. I love the fact that the DS9 VFX folks put in the extra effort to hint that there

Wortox - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

Klei as "a fun, mischievous fellow with a big, kind heart… minus the fact that he eats souls for sustenance."Unlike the other survivors, Wo

Habitica新サイトFAQ - Habitica 日本語wiki

目次1 各タスク列の上で素早くタスクを追加できる機能がなくなって寂しいです。復活の予定はあるのですか?2 クラスはどうやって変更すればいいのですか?3 サイトがスクロールできません!4 ボスに与えるダメージ合計はどこで見られますか?5 同期ボタンはどこに行ったのですか?/どうすれ

Wigfrid_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

one Thing- "I vöw tö cömplete it!"Lever_Thing.pngLever Thing- "An artifact öf a quest."Rock Thing- "I will quest tö find its place in this w

Woby - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

ができるデバッグ用コード"wobysmall""wobybig"Wilson_Portrait.png“It's a scientific fact that petting a good dog will improve your day.”–Wilson, 通常時“She's

Weather_Pain - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

es it to be aggressive towards the player for a short time.Due to the fact that the Moose/Goose only drops up to 5 down feathers, it's impos

Chairs - Starbound 非公式日本語Wiki

Bench_Icon.png Prison BenchCommonHuman475A simple bench, save for the fact that the legs are nailed to the floor. Protectorate BenchCommonN/

Nettle - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

will need to amass 29 of them to sustain each Lush Season. In actual fact this number is slightly lower due to the slight delay of Hay Feve

Shark_Fin_Soup - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

ed.pngCrock_Pot.png1/2の確率でCalifornia RollになるPlaceholder.png トリビア[]The fact that Shark Fin Soup increases Naughtiness may be a nod towards Sh

Slot_Machine - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

有効です。また、Wilburでプレイしている場合ならアイテムを盗まれることはありません。Placeholder.png トリビア[]The fact that the Slot Machine drains the player's sanity, and the insanit

Characters - Among Us攻略Wiki

into a ghost.Ghosts look the same as a live character, except for the fact they have a ghost tail in place of legs and are translucent. If t

Floran - Starbound 非公式日本語Wiki

ip chair, the player notes that it "Sssmells of Apex butt." Given the fact that the ship itself looks like an Apex Ship overgrown by plant l

Mandrake - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

o hear the scream of a mandrake die, which itself is based around the fact that the real plant can cause unconsciousness when eaten in suffi

Boltace - Warframe日本語 Wiki

s, sharing the same aesthetic style as the ファイル:Boltor.png Boltor.Manufacturing Requirements20,000ファイル:Boltor.png1ファイル:TennoTonfa.png1Galliu

Braton - Warframe日本語 Wiki

its MK1 Variant, was assumed to be a Corpus weapon due to Corpus manufacturing symbols printed on the weapon. Update 19.10 (02-09-2017) gav

Blade_Storm - Warframe日本語 Wiki

state. Ash cannot be revived as he isn't considered down despite the fact that he has 0 health. The only way to fix this bug is to wait for

Boar - Warframe日本語 Wiki

rger magazine capacity.次の値段で売却できる7,500Credits64.png‍ 7,500​​​​​​​.Manufacturing Requirements15,000Morphics64.png6900Salvage64.png750900Time:

Midnight - Starbound 非公式日本語Wiki

dden in the unremitting night.Scans show that the surface is dark. In fact|scans show little else on account of all the darkness. However|I

Novakid - Starbound 非公式日本語Wiki

to many believing them to forget what they're doing moments after the fact, Bietol has stated the following:"I see this notion here and ther

Ash - Warframe日本語 Wiki

state. Ash cannot be revived as he isn't considered down despite the fact that he has 0 health. The only way to fix this bug is to wait for

Midsummer_Cawnival - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

ival_Sapling.pngデバッグ用コード"carnival_plaza"“It's a scientifically proven fact that birds love trees.”–Wilson, when examining a Cawnival Sapling

Jellyfish - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

f_Thought.png Trivia[]The bodily appearance of the Jellyfish, and the fact they can be eaten, suggests that they are modeled after Rhizostom

Deadeye's_Mark - ギルドウォーズ2 非公式wiki

再作成されたときに、すべての悪意を失います。悪意はスキルの使用ごとに1回しか得られません。  最大悪意:5 Malice_%28skill_fact_icon%29.png ヒット時に得る悪意:1  クリティカルヒット時に得る悪意:1 Duration.png 持続時間:30秒