「decent」を含むwiki一覧 - 2ページ

Laser_pistol - Fallout Wiki

tight shot grouping at range, resilience to extended use, and fairly decent damage output, it is a very good choice for a sidearm and is us

Vault_87 - Fallout Wiki

e for earning experience. It also contains several first aid boxes, a decent amount of ammunition, and a Nuka-Cola Quantum.Traveling through

メル&ジョー_好きなのはあなたでしょ? - ツィンマーマンズ Wiki

メル&ジョー好きなのはあなたでしょ?Melissa & Joeyジャンル:シットコム放送国:テンプレート:Country alias USAの旗 アメリカ合衆国制作局ABCファミリープロデューサーデヴィッド・ケンドール ボブ・ヤングメリッサ・ジョーン・ハートジョーイ・ローレンス

Charisma - Fallout Wiki

ter and Speech skills. Characters who use Speech will want at least a decent Charisma, but adding points to the skill is almost always bette

ピート - 100%おれんじじゅ~すっ Wiki

のようだな!Vs. Cast Off KyousukeSpecial Line 15Link▶️⏏️I'll fix you into a decent human!性根(しょうね)を叩き直してやるVs. Kae/Aru (Scramble)/Mio (defending)Spe

LostMemorise(Initiates) - ASSASSIN'S CREED wiki

ntof the United States has been taken from us by an act which outages decent man evetyhere.まともな第35代アメリカ大統領は卑劣な行為で私達から奪われた。1963年11月22日テキサス州ダラ

アフメト皇子 - ASSASSIN'S CREED wiki

you speak of fraternity in the company of infidels. You would make a decent philosopher, Ahmet, but you will be a poor Sultan."―Tarik, givi

Killian_Darkwater - Fallout Wiki

, who would like to see Killian eliminated. He is tough and strong, a decent man who hates bullies. Though not a violent man, he will fight

人間 - ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki

s like jungles, mountains, and even swamps by themselves if they have decent armor, food, medicine, and most important of all: weapons. Rang

Burston_Prime - Warframe日本語 Wiki

gory:Weapon Guides.ヒント[]The Burston Prime has a fast burst, making it decent in long-range combat.The Burston has arguably better ammo effic

Strun - Warframe日本語 Wiki

the ファイル:Strun.pngMK1-Strun. The Strun bears good damage per shot and decent status potential, capable of killing most light enemies in a si

Ripkas - Warframe日本語 Wiki

d overgrown wildlife, but function well enough for close combat, with decent critical potential and a high ratio of 切断ダメージを与える。この武器は次の値段で売却可

Soma - Warframe日本語 Wiki

shooting the first shot of the magazine with high accuracy, allowing decent shots to weak-points from afar.The Soma is able to cut enemy co

Orthos_Prime - Warframe日本語 Wiki

ially with Primed ReachMod_TT_20px.png Primed Reach) on top of having decent attack speed allows it to build up combo counter exceedingly fa

Viper - Warframe日本語 Wiki

apping the trigger will expend 1-2 bullets at once, and you may get a decent critical or headshot rate by doing this.This may be done more c

Hind - Warframe日本語 Wiki

fast as players can with near maximum firerate mods on. Coupled with decent slash damage and a 10% status, these ランサーs are notorious for co

MK1-Strun - Warframe日本語 Wiki

hotgun for new テンノ recruits. Although its damage is quite low, it has decent status potential.This weapon can be bought from the マーケット for 1

Supra - Warframe日本語 Wiki

apons, you may wish to browse Category:Weapon Guides.ヒント[]Supra has a decent fire rate like the Gorgon, but it is less accurate at longer di

Vulkar - Warframe日本語 Wiki

ost effective physical mods to use, as they increase Vulkar's already decent Impact_b.svg 衝撃 damage further. In combination they will grant

ロックウェル - ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki

isk of less armor, but high quality ghillie might still help and have decent protection. But because of durability this is risky.おすすめのテイム生物[

Mek - ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki

not available or if you need more firepower at your disposal, this is decent alternative for moving stuff around Extinction. Their feet boo

Lost_Island - ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki

hrough higher tier armor and saddles and is fast(for a sauropod) plus decent swimming speedthe Dinopithecus can disable tek armor with it's

オメガ鋸刃を召喚する - Noita Wiki

ll still destroy all terrain around the spot it was cast, making it a decent digging tool.Beware when using path-forcing modifiers like grav

Awakened Rin - sevenknights【グローバル版】wiki

スキル仕様 パッシブ:Crimson Robe 味方に自身を含む魔法型が3体以上編成された時、『Crimson Robe』が適用される HP以上のダメージを受けた時、1度だけHP1で生存する 1ヒットあたり最大HPの20%

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