Use_shovels_to_bury_the_fallen_Awakened_as_the_royals_pay_their_respects - ギルドウォーズ2 非公式wiki
Use shovels to bury the fallen Awakened as the royals pay their respects場所Vehjin Palace(Domain of Vabbi)Vehjin Mines(Domain of Vabbi)タイプEven
Use shovels to bury the fallen Awakened as the royals pay their respects場所Vehjin Palace(Domain of Vabbi)Vehjin Mines(Domain of Vabbi)タイプEven
Donkey.pngこの記事にはまだ未翻訳の箇所があります。この記事を編集して翻訳の手助けをお願いします。最終編集:AgodashiUdon(2018-08-30 15:40:52)The achievements and the tasks required to comple
アンナ・ヘレン・パキン(Anna Helene Paquin, 1982年7月24日 - )は、カナダ生まれのニュージーランドの女優。「アナ・パキン」とも表記される。目次1 来歴2 出演作品2.1 映画2.2 テレビシリーズ2.3 舞台3 受賞4 脚注5 外部リンク来歴マニトバ州
Use collected eggs to sabotage the hostile Zintl camp場所Wyvern Cliffs(Verdant Brink)タイプEvent shield (tango icon).pngダイナミックイベント部分Outpost: Jaka
the mill skull.”–WalaniWarly_Portrait.png“Stop staring at me or I'll bury you!”–Warly“Whut sorta neck did this sit atop?”–WoodlegsWilba_Por
Shovel- "Ima' gold digger!"Regal_Shovel.pngRegal Shovel- "Perfect for buryin' me treasures."Pickaxe- "Let's get them treasures!"Opulent_Pick
I to be reduced to a common farmhand?”–MaxwellWigfrid_Portrait.png“Tö bury thöse useless seeds deep in the gröund.”–Wigfrid“We need that to
登録日:2009/06/18(木) 12:06:09更新日:2023/10/13 Fri 13:22:36NEW!所要時間:約 5 分で読めます▽タグ一覧Destroy all creatures.They can't be regenerated.マジックにおいて最も基本的で素
e ground.“Think we should get ahold of those coppers outta Aylesbury?”“Why, so they can laugh at us again?” Curtis s
Shovel Thwack.pngBury Egg40.5½ ジョブAny tango icon 20px.png 共通ゲームリンク[&BxJ5AAA=]“...— ゲーム内の説明特に記載のない限り、コミュニティのコンテンツはCC BY-SAライセンスの下で利用可能です。
mpleted the puzzle)Even the most violent snowstorms cannot completely bury the marks left by time. You uncovered an ancient secret: the prie
nspector arrives (80)Event_shield_%28tango_icon%29.png Use shovels to bury the fallen Awakened as the royals pay their respects (80)ペット[]Juv
闇夜の英雄の危機任務の種類伝説任務の章夜梟の章・第一幕【闇夜の英雄のアリバイ】開始の場所モンド、モンド城前の任務次の任務闇夜の英雄の伝説闇夜の英雄のアリバイ秘境暗号を解読する 報酬 キャラクター 冒険経験 300 冒険経験It
iki/File:Vo_eqxs105_4_albedo_07.ogg Albedo: Well, one way would be to bury your fruit on Dragonspine, where the snow never melts all year ro
nd atinques before the Awakened inspector arrives (80) Use shovels to bury the fallen Awakened as the royals pay their respects (80)Event_co
ck on their feet (80)Event_shield_%28tango_icon%29.png Use shovels to bury the fallen Awakened as the royals pay their respects (80) [Group
Walani“A good food wrap.”–WarlyWoodlegs_Portrait.png“Ol' Woodlegs can bury 'is tre'sure in't.”–Woodlegs“'TIS FOR THE WRAPPING O' WILBA STUFF
。上記の投げ合いの末に先住民が呼んでいた名に倣った「トマホーク」に名前が定着したのである。英語で和平を結ぶ・矛を収めるという意味の言い回し「bury the hatchet(斧を埋める)」も、元々は先住民の文化からきた言葉。これは部族間の闘争が終わり和平が結ばれた時、族長が武器を
rom Heaven like lightning! (Daisy Pusher, 2nd part)[Squigly]: Time to bury you, six feet over! (Daisy Pusher)[Leviathan]: And now... [Squigl
. Bayek decided to hand the Piece of Eden to Sutekh and tasked him to bury it so no one would find it.Personality and characteristics[]Befor
alities correlating to appearance.Gameplay attributes[]Mirelurks will bury themselves in dirt or mud, with the only visual indication that t
lmost real, eh?”–WoodieWaxwell_Portrait.png“Is there a sinkhole I can bury this in?”–Maxwell“The artist hath captured her nöble mane perfect
登場作品:Reign of Giants icon.pngReign of Giants・Don't Starve TogetherHarp Statue.pngこの記事は未完成のため加筆依頼が出されています。(理由:情報不足)編集による加筆、訂正またはコメントによる意見をお願い
ous ingredient!”–Warly, when examining a Swordfish.“Arrr ye'd like ta bury thet nose in ol'Woodlegs eh?”–Woodlegs, when examining a Swordfis
ly Tails Mud Spa (burning)- "Swell. I hope they have insurance."Swinesbury Fine Grocer's- "Food!"Swinesbury_Fine_Grocer%27s_Build.pngSwinesb
ormal and held)- "Dö battle with me, armöred öne!"Shifting Sands- "Un-bury thyself, cöward!"Dogfish.pngDogfish- "Has the sea begun my feast?