Ocean - Starbound 非公式日本語Wiki
in ocean biomes which require use of an environmental protection pack aside from deep oceans which can drown players not using a Breathing E
in ocean biomes which require use of an environmental protection pack aside from deep oceans which can drown players not using a Breathing E
is the most reliable as it grants the TP immediately without penalty aside from spending the specific character's turn.This is important to
The IslandアフリカマイマイNoteHelena.png“野生 主にジャングルや湿地で見られるアフリカマイマイの動きは非常に遅く、ほとんど危険のない陸生の軟体動物です。この島で最も安全に狩れますが、得られるものは少量の肉とキチンだけです。ですが、この島で簡単に食料が得
near as rare as Psycho. However, the overall usefulness of Mentats -- aside from being able to recruit an addition character -- is a bit dub
r characters already at ten Agility to gain more Action Points, perks aside) but has a hard-to-deal-with addiction and withdrawal penalty.Lo
Icon_disambig.svgan overview of super mutants in the Fallout series of games については、super mutant をご覧ください。Fallout 4 creatureInstitute super mu
Here_and_Now_head.png翻訳が必要このページは翻訳が必要な箇所があります。「編集」からFallout Wikiを手伝うことが出来ます。固有名詞の翻訳は固有名詞一覧を、見出しなどは用語一覧を参考にしてください。Fallout characterKillian Da
表·話·編Fallout 76 overviewsAtomic ShopS.C.O.R.E.Nuclear WinterDaily OpsGameplay SPECIAL Derived stats MultiplayerPerks Legendary perksCombat D
Here and Now head.png翻訳が必要このページは翻訳が必要な箇所があります。「編集」からFallout Wikiを手伝うことが出来ます。固有名詞の翻訳は固有名詞一覧を、見出しなどは用語一覧を参考にしてください。この記事は基礎的な情報とゲーム内での比較を含む概観記事
which served as the company's ticket to a life after the apocalypse, aside from many scientific projects that were to insure the company's
Resource HaulerArguably a weaker role for the Mek but one can not set aside the Mek's high weight capacity when you use a quality Mek obtain
ompanions modifiable at the robot workbench.She is the only companion aside from Dogmeat that doesn't care about the Sole Survivor's actions
Corruption and the Titans not a single Corrupted Human was ever shown aside from Rockwell.Rockwell is the largest being on Aberration.Rockwe
Here and Now head.png翻訳が必要このページは翻訳が必要な箇所があります。「編集」からFallout Wikiを手伝うことが出来ます。固有名詞の翻訳は固有名詞一覧を、見出しなどは用語一覧を参考にしてください。Fallout settlementAdytumIco
descendants of those military officers, soldiers, and scientists, but aside from some outsiders among their ranks, the Brotherhood is as clo