一般的に、殆どのセンチネルはマーケットで本体をPlatinum64.png75で独自のイベントリスロットつきで購入できる。Taxonは5,000 5,000であるが、設計図は100,000Credits64.png 100,000で購入することが出来る。
この法則には例外もある;Taxonの設計図は地球にある金星のジャンクションの成功報酬であり、Djinn と Helios の設計図はクラン Dojoのリサーチ、Prisma Shade は Baro Ki'Teer が 300,000 300,000 と 500Ducats64.png500 で販売している(この場合はイベントリスロットは付いてこない)。Wyrm Prime と Carrier Prime はVOIDレリックの報酬で, Prime Accessやトレードでも入手できる。
All Sentinel weapons can use normal weapon mods, provided the mod is compatible with the Sentinel weapon in question (i.e. the Diriga's Vulklok can use Sniper Mods along with Rifle Mods, but the Dethcube's Deth Machine Rifle can only use Rifle mods). Mods that affect Fire Rate, base damage, Multishot, Critical Hits, Elemental Damage, and Status Chance all work as normal, whereas mods that affect Reload Speed will only affect the cooldown between bursts from the Shade's Burst Laser or the Wyrm's Laser Rifle, and mods that affect magazine size have no noticeable effect on any Sentinel weapon.However, a weapon mod cannot be used in both a player's active weapon and their sentinel's active weapon (for example, the Sweeper cannot use the same copy of Point Blank equipped on a Hek). For this reason, mod duplicates may be needed if one wishes to use the same type of mod for their sentinel and their primary weapon. In the event that there is such a conflict when swapping out weapons in the Arsenal, the game will ask if it can swap out the shared mod with a different copy of equal power or effect.Sentinels can equip other sentinels' weapons (With the exception of Helios's Deconstructor, which can only be equipped on Helios, though Helios can freely use other weapons) provided additional weapons are available. However, the only way to get another sentinel's weapon is to craft that particular sentinel to retrieve their specific weapon. Players may also opt to unequip a Sentinel weapon altogether if attacking enemies will be detrimental to the given mission.Though Sentinel weapons can be sold independent of their parent Sentinel, you cannot sell it if it is the only Sentinel weapon in your inventory.
Aside from the pool of mods shared between all Sentinels, there are at least two exclusive Sentinel Mods for each Sentinel (including any available variants) that modifies its behavior during combat. Typically, these are obtained as soon as the player claims them from the Foundry, though some of them can drop from enemies, and others can be found from other sources.
The following comparison assumes that the player possesses all available mods for Sentinels, Kubrows and Kavats.
センチネル | ||
Carrier (Prime) • Dethcube • Diriga • Djinn • Helios (Prime) • Shade (Prisma) • Taxon • Wyrm (Prime) | ||
クブロウ | ||
Chesa クブロウ • Helminth チャージャー • Huras クブロウ • Raksa クブロウ • Sahasa クブロウ • Sunika クブロウ | ||
キャバット | ||
Adarza キャバット • Smeeta キャバット |
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