the Sword Stanceについては、Vengeful Revenant をご覧ください。Revenant。 蘇った者、呪われた者。エイドロンと戦士の本質を利用して 敵を神秘化し消滅させる
Once the warden of the plains, tasked with protecting the Unum's tower and striking down the ghostly Eidolon forms that rose from the depths every night. Night after night, he cut them down. Not allowing them to take form. Then one night, he disappeared, lost… forever.
Release Date: August 24th, 2018
センティエントエネルギーに荒らされ、エイドロンのエッセンスを纏い、その苦悩の中で敵を征服していく。彼の生け贄の軍団に呪われた夢を与え、目に見えないものを刈り取り、荒涼とした焦土にその生命の血を流す。Revenatは Update 23.5 (08-24-2018)で復活した。
製作 | |||||
25,000 | Helmet.png 1 | 1 | Systems.png 1 | 1 | 製作: 72 時間 |
即時: Platinum64.png 50 | |||||
マーケット 価格: 325 | 設計図 価格: N/A | ||||
ニューロティック | |||||
Credits64.png 15,000 | 3 | QuillsCommonPickup.png 15 | 6,000 | Rubedo64.png 2,200 | 製作: 12 時間 |
即時: 25 | |||||
シャーシ | |||||
Credits64.png 15,000 | 3 | QuillsCommonPickup.png 10 | 1,500 | Iradite64.png 50 | 製作: 12 時間 |
即時: 25 | |||||
システム | |||||
Credits64.png 15,000 | 3 | CetusWisp64.png 3 | 8,000 | PolymerBundle64.png 3,000 | 製作: 12 時間 |
即時: 25 |
Expected とは、プレイヤーが期待値に関連したドロップのうち少なくとも1つを受け取ることができる実行回数の総数のことである。
Nearly Guaranteed とは、プレイヤーが99%、99.9%、99.99%の確率で各ドロップのうち少なくとも1つを受け取るために必要な実行回数の総数を指す。
For more detailed definitions and information on how these number were obtained visit here.
Expected とは、プレイヤーが期待値に関連したドロップのうち少なくとも1つを受け取ることができる実行回数の総数のことである。
Nearly Guaranteed とは、プレイヤーが99%、99.9%、99.99%の確率で各ドロップのうち少なくとも1つを受け取るために必要な実行回数の総数を指す。
For more detailed definitions and information on how these number were obtained visit here.
Expected とは、プレイヤーが期待値に関連したドロップのうち少なくとも1つを受け取ることができる実行回数の総数のことである。
Nearly Guaranteed とは、プレイヤーが99%、99.9%、99.99%の確率で各ドロップのうち少なくとも1つを受け取るために必要な実行回数の総数を指す。
For more detailed definitions and information on how these number were obtained visit here.
ネタバレ警告! この記事には来たるエピソードについての物語の筋の詳細が含まれています。 |
Why do I remember this? The land here, killing hot, full of strangeness. This is where Gara vanquished the Sentient! Where its essence fell into the ground, trapped in some unworldly between. It wanted out. At moon rise its ghostly tendrils would emerge, seeking form, seeking... return... And this... this was the warden... a Warframe. I can see it, like a dream repeating... The tendril emerging night after night, and the warden, night after night, cutting it down... until the warden himself was lost. How?
Following Gara's sacrifice over the Eidolon, at the very site of her decisive battle which the Ostrons now call Gara Toht Lake, a Warframe known solely as the Warden would arrive to drive away the Sentient as it emerged night after night. This trial would continue until one fateful evening, where the Warden foolishly tried to make contact with the Sentient and was overwhelmed. Discovering that the Sentient was using him as a means to reform itself, the Warden cast himself into the lake to seal it. The time spent as an "anchor" to the Sentient would infuse the Warden with its eldritch energies, becoming "the Lost One".
In the present day, Nakak receives a strange mask, the Mask of the Lost One, from Onkko. She sells it to the Tenno, instructing them to wear it in the Plains of Eidolon at nighttime. There, they see a large spectral silhouette of an Eidolon; meanwhile, Nakak receives a vision from the Unum, explaining the story of the Warden. After completing the story, the Warden, now transformed into the Revenant that serves as a "mask" for the Eidolon, emerges but is driven back, leaving behind its own blueprint. Having rebuilt the Lost One, Nakak claims the Warframe that had been infused with the powers of the Eidolon will be needed to combat a new threat imposed by the Sentient.
Revenant/メディアシェアボタン: このページをSNSに投稿するのに便利です。
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