

 『私は医者だ。~じゃない。』(I'm a doctor, not a...)というフレーズはスタートレックの有名なキャッチフレーズであり、決まり文句の一種である。この決まり文句を最初に使ったのは『宇宙大作戦』のドクター・レナード・マッコイである。この決まり文句は後のシリーズでも様々な形で引き継がれ、特に『スタートレック:ディープ・スペース・ナイン』のドクター・ジュリアン・ベシアはこの決まり文句を多用した。




カークはそれに対して『君は医師でここに患者がいる。これは命令だ。』と返した。...to which Montgomery Scott immediately replied, "Now, you're an engineer."During one episode of Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In, DeForest Kelley spoke the line "I'm not a doctor, I'm a convicted murderer."




...interrupted by Torres: "...not an engineer. Right, but..." (VOY: ユニット3947)...to which Henry Starling responds: "I'd say you're a little bit of both." (VOY: 29世紀からの警告・後編)





宇宙大作戦[]カール・イエーガー"I'm a scientist, not a military man." (TOS: ゴトス星の怪人)ジェイムズ・T・カーク"I'm a soldier, not a diplomat." (TOS: クリンゴン帝国の侵略)"You keep saying that. Are you a doctor, or aren't you?" (TOS: バルカン星人の秘密)"These are people, not robots." (TOS: 死のパラダイス)新スタートレック[]ヴィサル"I'm just a barber, not a miracle worker!" (TNG: ヒューマン・アンドロイド・データ)クヴァダ"This is a military vessel, not a pleasure craft." (regarding his Bird of Prey in TNG: 潜入!ロミュラン帝国・前編~ミスター・スポックの失踪~)ディープ・スペース・ナイン[]オドー『(ミラドーン襲撃機に追われる中、クローデンに対して、)私は保安チーフだ、戦闘員じゃない!』(DS9: エイリアン殺人事件
"I'm a changeling, not a solid." (DS9: 敗れざる者・前編)
『(ランナバウトに収容したウェイユン6に対して、)私は神ではなく、一人の保安部員で、君は一人の捕虜に過ぎんのだ』 (DS9: 予期せぬ亡命者)ギロラ・レジャール"We're scientists, not diplomats." (DS9: 三匹の毒蛇)ウォーフ『(USSディファイアントの武器を勝手に操作しようとしたガラックに対して、)私は戦士だ、殺人者じゃない』(DS9: 可変種の脅威 第二幕・前編)クワーク『(ドミニオンの機雷原爆破を阻止しようと画策するキラ・ネリスに対して、)俺に聞かれても。テロリストは少佐の方なんだから』(DS9: ディープ・スペース9奪還作戦・前編)カーデシア人士官『(ハスペラート・スフレを持ってきたクワークに対して、)ここは留置場で、ホテルじゃないんだ。ほかの収監者と同じ物を食べさせる』(DS9: ディープ・スペース9奪還作戦・後編)ゲイラ『(レックに対して、)おい、俺は武器商人で兵士じゃないんだぞ』(DS9: 闘う交渉人フェレンギ)デュカット"That's justice, not malevolence." (DS9: 不滅の悪意)ダグラス・パブスト『(ベニー・ラッセルに対して、)いいか、ベニー。私は雑誌の編集長で、救世軍じゃない』(DS9: 夢、遥かなる地にて)ジュリアス・イートン『(暴れそうになったハーバート・ロソフに対して、)暴力沙汰はやめたまえ。僕らは作家で、バイキングじゃない』 (DS9: 夢、遥かなる地にて)マートク『(ジャッジア・ダックスをスト・ヴォ・コーへ送る儀式に乗り込んできたクワークに対して、)なぜだ? お前はバーテンダーで、戦士じゃない』(DS9: 預言者の呪縛)ケリン『(亜空間地雷の撤去を命令したベンジャミン・シスコに対して)すみません、大佐。私はエンジニアであって、マジシャンじゃない』(DS9: 戦争の影-AR558攻防戦-)マイルズ・オブライエン"I'm an engineer, not a philosopher." (DS9: ペーパームーンに抱れて-戦争の影パートII)[2]ベンジャミン・シスコ『(オブライエンが無断でニュー・シドニーに行ったことをベシアより告げられて、)彼は探偵じゃない、機関部員だ。私の機関部チーフだ。それが行方不明だと?』(DS9: 崩れゆく家族の肖像)ヴォイジャー[]ドクター"This is a sickbay, not a conference room." (VOY: 遥かなる地球へ)"They're Klingons, not kittens." (VOY: 史上最大の殺戮ゲーム・後編)"This is sickbay, not an arsenal." (VOY: 夢を食う謎のワームホール)"She's a counselor, lieutenant, not an engineer." referring to Deanna Troi (VOY: ジマーマン博士の屈辱)"This is a sickbay, not a dormitory." (VOY: 人を呼ぶ流動生命体)"This is a Federation starship, not the Barge of the Dead!" (VOY: 宿命の殺人星人)"It's not justice, it's revenge." (VOY: 宿命の殺人星人)Diagnostic Hologram"I'm a diagnostic tool, not an engineer." (VOY: ドクターのオーバーロード)(said of The Doctor): "It wasn't programmed to be a tenor, it was programmed to be a physician." (VOY: ドクターのオーバーロード)Tom Paris"I'm a pilot, Harry, not a doctor!" (VOY: プロメテウスの灯を求めて)B'Elanna Torres"I'm an engineer, not a costume designer." (VOY: 心に響く歌)Harry Kim"They're scientists, not soldiers." (VOY: 偽りのナイチンゲール)Neelix(Quoting Captain Janeway, refering to her as "the warden") "This is punishment, not shoreleave." (VOY: 水の惑星に消えた夢)Chellick"We're healers, not killers." (VOY: 正義のドクター・スピリット)Kathryn Janeway"This is a starship, not a nature preserve." (VOY: 誰かが君に恋してる)Nechani Magistrate"I'm an official of the government, not a spiritual leader." (VOY: 聖霊の怒り)


DeForest Kelley"I'm an actor, not a doctor."Quark"You're a doctor, not a gambler". (The Big Game)Kira"I thought you were a doctor, not a hacker." (Proud Helios 260)Miles O'Brien"Dr. Bashir, you're a doctor, not a first-contact specialist." (Valhalla 19)McCoy"You're a doctor, not a Horta." (The Return 268) talking to Bashir.EMH"I'm a doctor, not a computer." (Avenger 350)EMH as McCoy"I'm a doctor, not an interior designer." (Avenger 351)McCoy"I'm a doctor, not a sideshow." (Avenger 354)McCoy"I'm a doctor, not an engineer!" (Star Trek Online) Series 2 - Episode 4 : Everything Old Is New AgainEMH"I'm a doctor, not an archaeologist." (Wildfire 118)EMH"I'm a doctor, not a concierge." (A Time to Sow 135)EMH"I'm a doctor, NOT a Space Marine!" (Star Trek: Voyager: Elite Force)EMH"I am an Emergency Medical Hologram, not a miracle worker!" (Star Trek Online) During Khitomer Crisis Mission after character creationEMH Mark II"I'm a doctor, not a quantum mechanic!" (Spectre 212)Brex"Damn it Jim, I'm an engineer, not a conversationalist!" (Star Trek: Bridge Commander)Jean-Luc Picard"I'm an explorer, Donald, not a warrior." (The Buried Age 97)Q"Well, what did you expect? He's a doctor, not a security officer." (Star Trek: Borg) referring to Dr. Thaddeus Quint

Prior Art[]

While the character of Dr. McCoy inarguably made the phrase "I'm a doctor ..." part of the common lexicon, he was not the first fictional doctor, or even the first character on the big screen, to coin the phrase. In the 1933 American film The Kennel Murder Case, Dr. Doremus, the coroner at the scene of the titular crime, states "I'm a doctor, not a magician," and "I'm a doctor, not a detective," within five minutes of his first appearance. The latter line was also uttered by Dr. Fortescue, played by George Zucco, in the 1949 version of The Secret Garden. It is unclear whether these particular dialog artifacts were progenitors of McCoy's famous phrase.

"I'm a [whatever] not a [whatever]" is also a Yiddish idiom, most commonly "I'm a [whatever,] not a rabbi."



  1. According to the official Robert Picardo website
    , during Picardo's audition, the final scripted line for the reading was, "I believe someone has failed to terminate my program," and he finished his audition with the ad libbed "I'm a doctor, not a nightlight." However, when encountering the example in "Phage", Picardo was apparently unfamiliar with the tradition at first. He later recalled, "When I read that script I just thought it was a joke. Then I was told on the set this is a Bones line. I guess I remember him saying lines like that." (Cinefantastique, Vol. 27, No. 4/5, p. 40)|The example from "Parturition" was invented by Picardo himself. He remembered, "I suggested the 'I'm a doctor, not a voyeur' line, which also made it into [an] episode." (Cinefantastique, Vol. 28, No. 4/5, p. 97)|By the end of the second season of Voyager, Robert Picardo had become aware of the audience's appreciation for these lines and had invented a version that ultimately never made it into an episode. The actor commented, "The audience seems to get a kick out of whenever I invoke the spirit of Dr. McCoy." Laughing, Picardo added, "I hope someday to have a scene with Harry Kim, where I say, 'Damn it, Kim, I'm a doctor not a blank [whatever task the script demands.]' That would really be tweaking them one step further." (Cinefantastique, Vol. 28, No. 4/5, p. 97)
  2. 日本語では適切な訳出無し


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  • Star Trek parodies


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