K-7ステーションは2256年までには運用されていた。(DIS: 我に苦痛を与えよ)
2257年、連邦・クリンゴン戦争時にはステーションはクリンゴンに占領された。(DIS: 外なる戦い、内なる戦い)
2268年、恒星間トレーダーのシラノ・ジョーンズはK-7でトリブルを売りつけ、トリブルはすぐにステーション中で繁殖を始めた。(TOS: 新種クアドトリティケール)
トリブルの繁殖は連邦のコロニー開拓監督を務める次官のナイルズ・バリスがK-7に到着した頃から始まった。彼はシャーマン惑星を耕作するためにクアドロトリティケールを大量にK-7に運び込んでいた。しかし、クリンゴンのスパイであったアーン・ダーヴィンは、K-7に到着したクリンゴン艦IKSグロスのクルーらと共謀して、密かにクアドロトリティケールに毒を仕込み、連邦によるシャーマン惑星開拓を妨害しようと画策していた。そのような陰謀が渦巻く中、ステーションのクルー、及びちょうどこの時K-7に寄港していたUSSエンタープライズのクルーたちは爆発的に増殖するトリブルへの対処に苦慮していた。ところが、このトリブルたちは思わぬ形でダーヴィンらの陰謀を暴くきっかけを連邦のクルーたちに与えた。トリブルたちは、毒が入ったクアドロトリティケールを食べたために大量死したのである。これによりクリンゴンの企みが露呈した上、トリブルのダーヴィンに対する反応から、ダーヴィンがクリンゴンだと判明し、未然に妨害は防がれた。(TOS: 新種クアドトリティケール、TAS: 謎の新兵器パラライズ光線)
2373年、過去のK-7へタイムトラベルしたアーン・ダーヴィンは宇宙艦隊のジェイムズ・T・カークを殺害し、自身の不名誉を帳消しにする歴史に改竄するため、密かにトリブルの中にトリコバルト爆弾を仕掛けた。しかし、ダーヴィンを追ってきたベンジャミン・シスコ大佐らがダーヴィンを捕らえることに成功し24世紀まで連れ戻した。歴史はほぼ元通りに修復されたが、それでもシスコらの介入により本来の歴史から僅かな変更が起こった。エンタープライズのクルーに変装して潜入したマイルズ・オブライエンとジュリアン・ベシアはバーでのクリンゴンとの喧嘩に巻き込まれ、その後、カークによって事情聴取を受けることとなった。本来の歴史ならばフリーマンがカークに尋問されていたが、オブライエンが代わりに尋問を受けた。(DS9: 伝説の時空へ)
2268年には、クラスF・シャトルクラフトのNCC-K7とスペースマティック(シラノ・ジョーンズの船)が第2ドッキング・ベイに格納されていた。(DS9: 伝説の時空へ)
ディープ・スペース・ステーション | |
ディープ・スペース・ステーションK-7 | |
ディープ・スペース・3 • ディープ・スペース・4 • ディープ・スペース・5 • ディープ・スペース・7 • ディープ・スペース・9 • ディープ・スペース・12 |
There was no official class or type name for this type of station. The line from DS9: Trials and Tribble-ations "She was orbiting one of the old deep space stations..." could be interpreted that the station was of a Deep Space-type or -class.
The registry of the NCC-K7 shuttlecraft assigned to the station suggests the possibility NCC-K7 was the full registry number assigned to the station. Star Trek Star Fleet Technical Manual also depicts a shuttle assigned to Starbase 1 with a NCC-registry, NCC-6038⁄5. The shuttles not assigned to starships that appeared later on in the remastered episodes of Star Trek, such as the Picasso, were registered differently as "SB11-1201⁄1". It should be noted though that Starbase 11 the Picasso was assigned to was not a space station.
This space station design was the only one ever used in original version of The Original Series. The K-7 space station was later seen in the original version of The Ultimate Computer as reused footage to represent another space station. In the 2008年 remastering of that episode, that station was retconned with an entirely new design and labeled as Starbase 6. It was therefore impossible to determine if the K-7 type of stations was also used in the mid-23rd century as the more general starbases referred to in the dialogue of several episodes.
The exact dimensions of the station were not established, but it appeared to be roughly the same size as, or slightly bigger than, a Constitution級 starship.
スタジオ・モデル[]The K-7 was based on a model for a real-life space station/moon base proposed by Douglas Aircraft as early as 1960. Intended to be housed in the top stage of the Saturn 1B or Saturn V rocket, it was designed to deploy like an inflatable balloon and can be seen here and here.
オリジナルのスタジオ・モデル[] Deep_Space_Station_K-7%2C_TOS.jpgOriginal K-7, from 1967年
In 1967 Gene Roddenberry acquired the Douglas Aircraft model. The Howard Anderson Company called Richard C. Datin, Jr. in to do modifications on the model for it to become K-7. As Datin recalls:"(...)I don't believe the revisions were based on any drawings, just following instructions given to me, I think by Jefferies. In other words, I had a more or less free hand in revising the model as long as it would stand up to the rigors of filming, be credible, and make any last alterations/additions to suit their needs. I haven't the remotest idea that any drawings existed...possibly a couple of hand-drawn sketches furnished by Matt may have been it."
On constructing the model:"I vaguely recall it was either an off-white, dull of course, or very similar to the light gray/green Enterprise color. The model was composed of a material very unfamiliar to me. In perspective, more distinct than other substances from those days, it was a strange material. It was soft, yet resilient, but a rubbery substance, more foam-like but dense enough to hold its shape an be worked satisfactorily by machines. Each of the components, or satellite sections, were cast in this material and the alterations consisted of replacing the existing rods that held them together with Plexiglas tubing to allow electrical wiring to pass through to each other. Looking at the parts purchased for the alteration job, it looks as though I added some dome-like Plexiglas pieces to the satellites-most likely to alter their appearance sufficiently from the original Douglas design." (Star Trek: Communicator, No.133, 2001, pp.49-50).On operating the model (when mounted on a pipe from the bottom, serving as a center support and hiding the electrical wiring) on 1 and 5 september 1967:"(...)At Howard Anderson's, during filming, I sat under it and rotated it and turned lights on and off. Then I was matted out of the shot(...)"(Cinefantastique, Vol.27, No.11/12, p.68) The markings on the model read "United Federation of Planets" on the main section, "K-A","K-B" and "K-C" on the cones of the three circular pods and "K-7" on the central cone.
Datin modified the model from 19 to 29 August 1967 at a total cost of $688 (including fee for operating the model); this was his last involvement with Star Trek. The studio model built for The Original Series has been missing for decades, either lost or destroyed.
『伝説の時空へ』のモデル[] Deep_Space_Station_K-7%2C_DS9.jpgRevised K-7, from 1996年
Deep_Space_Station_K-7_shuttlebay.jpgThe shuttlebay of K-7.
In 1996年, a new model was built by Greg Jein for use in DS9's tribute episode, "Trials and Tribble-ations". Built not from original blueprints, but from detail gleaned from watching the original show and by studying the few existing production photos and blow-ups from stills from the original episode, Jein recreated the station down to details that were never visible in that episode, like a cone-shaped structure on the back, a strobe light on the bottom, rotating pods and the block letters that read K-7. Jein recalled:
"Fortunately, the clarity of detail revealed by the newly transferred original footage of "The Trouble with Tribbles" proved useful. The art department sent over a drawing that they'd made of the station, Then we made some modifications based on color prints made from the original negative, which we felt were faithful to the original design. And we sort of winged it from there.[rem:after lathe turned wood for the towers and purchasing "standard architectural material" for the tubes] Then we made molds and cast them, cut the windows out, and put neon inside."(The Magic of Tribbles: The Making of Trials and Tribble-ations, p.42)
As effects supervisor Gary Hutzel recalls:"The model came over and it had these big block letters K-7 on top. It looked so goofy. It didn't look anything like the original. We powered it up, turned on the lights, and it looked exactly like the original. The big K-7 went away, because the windows hid it" (Cinefantastique, Vol.29, No.6/7, p.70). The model featured new elements, including the spacecraft in a detailed shuttlebay [1]. That item came from one of Jein's co-workers, Jason Kaufmann, who expressed a desire to "mess around". What he came up with was a detailed miniature shuttle-bay outfitted with a NCC-K7 shuttlecraft and the Cyrano Jones' Spacematic, completely built from scratch, essentially from bits and pieces lying around.(The Magic of Tribbles: The Making of Trials and Tribble-ations, p.43)
Unaware of Datin's stint at Howard Anderson Company back in 1967, Doug Drexler discovered the rotating motion and had Larry DeUnger of Boss Films repeat the action.(The Magic of Tribbles: The Making of Trials and Tribble-ations, pp.44-45}
CGIモデル[] Deep_Space_Station_K-7%2C_TOS_remastered.jpgCGI K-7, from 2006年 remastered.
Yet another version of K-7, this time rendered digitally, was created for the 2006年 "remastered" version of TOS: The Trouble with Tribbles at CBS Digital, supervised by Dave Rossi and Niel Wray.
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