





  • Ranger Danger
    • Aggressive or dangerous dinosaurs can try to attack ranger teams
    • Certain dinosaurs will react aggressively if a ranger vehicle is driven too quickly or noisily when near them
    • Ranger vehicles can take damage if attacked by a dinosaur - too much damage will result in the destruction of the vehicle
    • Tolerance to ranger teams is determined per species
    • Honking will now reduce the tolerance of any dinosaurs in range
    • Added a calamity warning when ranger teams are being attacked
    • Flares can be used to distract dinosaurs that would normally attack the ranger vehicles
      • Can be fired manually
      • Can be deployed as a task
    • Added a sandbox toggle
    • Added passenger reactions to collisions
  • Restroom Need
    • Guests now have a restroom need which is satisfied by placing Restrooms nearby in a similar fashion to the existing guest need buildings
    • Added toilet need management view
    • Added JW era restroom building
    • Added a warning for existing games that they'll need to add Restrooms to satisfy the new restroom need
  • Ranger Functions on ACU
    • Certain ranger team functions can be unlocked for use by the ACU
      • Fire healing/medication darts
      • Fire flares
      • Photo Mode
    • Ranger team functions on the ACU are unlocked for use via the JW campaign (3 stars on Isla Sorna)
  • The Ranger Team tranquilise dinosaurs ability is unlocked via the JW campaign (3 stars on Isla Sorna)
  • Added Legacy Night Vision view to Capture Mode
  • Added Redwood Tree scenery items
  • Buildings
    • Fixed Power Station tooltip and info panel showing incorrect output value during a power surge
    • Fixed ordering of Greenhouse upgrades in the UI
    • Changed 'Building - switch camera' buttons so they are bound to the same as 'Gyrosphere - switch vehicle' control
    • Show the overcrowding percentage on the tooltips for hotels
    • Removed the Advanced Storm Defence station from the building menu on Sanctuary as it can't be researched and isn't supposed to be available
  • Capture Mode
    • Fixed an issue where, while a transport team is lifting a dead dinosaur, looking away from it using the capture cam would cause it to disappear
  • Challenge Mode
    • For Challenge mode random dinosaur order, hybrid research is now unlocked at the same island rating at which both source genomes are unlocked
  • Dinosaurs
    • Dinosaurs will now wake up if honked at or within a ranger vehicle's tolerance zone
    • Added a habitat gene slot to Olorotitan
    • Fixed low-res and cut off Carcharodontosaurus damage
    • Fixed dinosaurs getting stuck in idle loops when they suddenly can't reach a point they were graze-walking towards
    • Fixed a tranquillised Olorotitan distorting during transport
    • Fixed incorrect positioning when eating from a carcass
    • Improved direction checking after a hunt
    • Improved transitions for dinosaur idles
    • Ragdoll tidy up pass for small dinosaurs
    • Various animation tweaks and fixes
  • Islands
    • Increased Light Rain intensity on campaign Sanctuary to make surfaces appear wetter
    • Fixed Claire Challenge/Sandbox island files having no entertainment guests saved
    • Fixed banding in atmospheric fog
  • Research
    • When active research fails to match its requirements, only cancel research if a centre was demolished. Otherwise, pause and allow cancellation
    • Fixed Improved Construction research display for reduced building costs
  • Sandbox
    • Fixed changing from dusk -> day/night cycle in sandbox / lighting settings
  • Stability
    • Fixed a crash when loading a save with an expedition in the pre-leaving state
    • Fixed a lock on exit after deleting save games and attempting to change islands
    • Fixed a crash when a dying dinosaur tries to fight
  • Terrain
    • Fixed some graphical issues when attempting to paint then remove Crag and Vibrant shrubbery from Sand and Dirt
    • Fixed forest and remove nature selection not correctly remembering when menu was re-opened
    • Better prevention of camera clipping on terrain skirt
  • UI
    • Added Gyrospheres and Jurassic Tour rides to the map
    • Fixed the Palaeofeeder setup being blocked if player has insufficient funds while using a gamepad
    • Fixed GUI issues when switching to gamepad while navigating through the "Management View" list on info panels in guest buildings
    • Various text and localisation fixes
  • Vehicles
    • Added first person mode to Ranger Team vehicles when driving
    • Added unable-to-add-task reason for no health
    • Disabled kicking out player control if Ranger Team is upside down
      • If player is in photo/gunner mode and ranger is upside down, it will go back to driving mode
      • If ranger is upside down, you can't go into photo/gunner mode
    • Vehicle skins are now automatically unlocked in Sandbox mode (assuming you have the correct dlc/platform for it)
    • Insufficient power/incomplete tracks will now cause all tour vehicles to stop until this is rectified. This is on all tours (Jurassic Park, Jurassic Tour, Gyrosphere)
    • "Switch vehicles" added to tours. Use Q/E on keyboard, up/down d-pad on controller
    • Stopped ranger from teleporting at park boundary if it is under player control (drive, photo, gunner mode)


  • フロンティア公式


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概要[]魚 スコミムスの口に入っているのがそれ 身体的特徴体高0.62m体重不明全長1.25m魚(Fish)は、ジュラシックワールド・エボリューションに登場する魚類、餌である。種類については明かされて...




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目次1 概要 2 攻略の手順3 攻略のコツ 4 攻略用の動画 5 関連項目 概要 []遺伝子操作と論理の一線とは、イスラ・タカニョ島で解禁されるセキュリティー部門のミッションである  攻略の手順[]ま...


目次1 概要 2 攻略の手順3 攻略のコツ 4 攻略用の動画 5 関連項目 概要 []適者生存とは、イスラ・ムエルタ島で解禁されるセキュリティー部門のミッションである。攻略の手順[]まずはディロフォサ...


概要[]このゲームではパークを経営していくために多額の資金が必要となる。 特に序盤においてはこのページではジュラシックワールド・エボリューションでパークの運用に必要となる資金の稼ぎ方の情報をまとめてい...


調査センターがあれば、新しい恐竜の化石を探すための発掘チームを世界中に派遣することができます。 化石からDNAを抽出し、それを科学者たちが生きている恐竜に変えます。 そしてそれが我々の活力源となるので...




概要[]観察ギャラリー概要パークゲストが過去から蘇った恐竜を観察しやすくする窓。囲いフェンスに直接取り付けることが可能です。分類飼育エリアパラメーター消費電力⚡️ 3建設コスト💰 150,000観察ギ...






概要[]苗床とは温室に備え付けるアップグレードの一種である。 全部で3種類用意されているが、その性能は微妙に違う。性能[]これを1つつけることにより、温室内で育てられる植物を増やすことができる。 ただ...

