
Back in My Day.png

Back in My Day

ジョブ 共通アクティビティBelcher's Bluffゲームリンク[&B6RNAAA=]


— ゲーム内の説明


  • アクティブにするとキャラクターは種族や性別に応じて次のいずれかの行を叫びます
Asura tango icon 20px.pngアスラAre you a parabola? Because I like your curves.
You're positively exothermic, but I bet you get that reaction constantly.
You could be the element that balances my equation.
Did you precipitate directly from luminous ether?
I feel we may be on the same wavelength.
You are the very quintessence of pulchritude.
Hey baby, you can't spell momentum without you and me.
My signal to noise ratio you're exhibiting has risen.
In love's eternal struggle, you and I make the perfect Eternal Alchemy.
We're all elements, sweetie. So how about you and me make a compound?
Nice signal to noise ratio you're exhibiting.
Honey, I am the prime variable in the equation of time.
チャールYou. Me. Moonlight. Dining on raw steak.
Love conquers all, sweetheart.
All's fair in love and war.
Mmm... You rub my fur the right way.
Mmm, mmm, mmm... You smell like battle.
I know you like what you see.
Who wouldn't be jealous of me? Who wouldn't feel threatened by me?
Is that your tail twitching, or are you just happy to see me?
Nice teeth.
Only thing better than me.. is me and you.
Human_tango_icon_20px.pngヒューマンAre you real? Or did Lyssa send me a beautiful illusion?
Are you a thief? Because you just stole my heart.
Care to dance?
New cologne, check it out!
You and me baby, don't fight it; it's destiny.
Do you have a map? Because I keep getting lost in your eyes...
I guarantee I'm as good as I look.
You can steal my heart any time.
Give me some sugar.
ノルンYou'll like me in spirit form! You know you will. I'm awesome and you deserve me!
You're prettier than the moot in the summertime.
Wanna see my weapon collection?
I'm always hunting for love. What about you?
I'm everything you need. Leave your lover for me.
(giggle) Whoa... you make me feel like I'm at an alemoot!
Oooh! Those are some fine fighting muscles you have.
How about we go somewhere quiet and change forms.
What's your totem, sweetie?
If you dance like you fight, you can dance with me any time.
Sylvari_tango_icon_20px.pngシルヴァリMind if I try on your armor? You can stay in it.
Come closer, and let's see what sprouts.
The very sight of you makes my leaves tremble.
I know a meadow where we can get lost within the wildflowers.
I may be flora, but you and I can have some fauna.
You and I could have our own Wyld Hunt.
Knock knock. Who's there? Warden. Warden who? Warden you like a kiss?
When I'm near you, I feel like blooming!
Hello, cutie. I was made to climb your wall.
You walked straight out of my Dream.

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