


ジョブ 共通アクティビティBelcher's Bluffゲームリンク[&B6FNAAA=]

次の3つの Drink から失われた体力のパーセンテージを減少させます

— ゲーム内の説明


  • アクティブにするとキャラクターは種族や性別に応じて次のいずれかの行を叫びます
Asura tango icon 20px.pngアスラ- We can put people through a gate to the other side of Tyria, but we can't make them any smarter.
- If you believe that, I have some lightly scorched, underground real-estate to sell you.
- How many Gods does it take to inspire a human? Oh, too soon?
- If anyone has any golem questions, I have some golem answers.
- You know what they say: Curiosity pruned the sylvari.
- You're a living invalidation of the adage "live and learn."
- Math is hard? Hardly.
- I once wrote an equation thiiis big.
- Two ducks in a bar are discussing logic problems. Bartender says "I can't understand what you're saying" A duck replies, "Of course not. We're a pair of ducks." [giggle]
チャール-Ridiculous. Charr would never be silly!
-Friendly fire is never friendly.
-The only unfair fight is the one you lose.
-No plans ever survive contact with an asura.
-I said I'm an vegetarian, and the Sylvari fainted.
-Be professional, be polite, and have a plan to kill everyone you meet.
-Wala wala woo!
-I'm as Charr as Charr can be, but I just wanna be me.
-These are my claws. There are many like them, but these are mine. They are my warband, they are my life, and I must master them as I master my life.
-You think it takes you a long time to dry your hair?
Human_tango_icon_20px.pngヒューマン- Of course the Gods have a sense of humour, have you seen a Quaggan?
- I'm brilliant and attractive and everyone likes me.
- May Grenth lose the directions to your house.
- There's nothing like seething joviality!
- You hear about the drunk Tamini? He was off centaur.
- I cried because I had no shoes... Until I met a man who had no style.
- Problem solving is a lot like fighting, they both involve my fists.
- Wala wala woo!
ノルン- Dolyaks like food. I like food. Therefore, I am a dolyak.
- Raaaaaarrrr!
- I'm bigger, better, faster, stronger, meaner, leaner tougher and more than the rest!
- By the hair of my ancestors!
- Norn norn norn!
-I am mightier than the might of all might!
- Now that was legendary!
- Sometimes I just want to carve little wooden ducks!
Sylvari_tango_icon_20px.pngシルヴァリ- Asuras are fascinating, just ask them.- That courtier hit too many branches when he fell off the Pale Tree
- I'm a little turret short and stout. Here is my ammo, here is my snout.
- Figures, most important day of my life and I have a thorn in my nose.
- The most painful lesson I've ever learned, hm. Charr tails are not easily detachable.
- I can't wait till autumn, I always wanted to be a true redhead.

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