「prefer」を含むwiki一覧 - 1ページ

Warbucks_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

Fragments- "Huzzah! These look quite intriguing!"Cave Lichen- "Rather prefer these cooked."Ornate_Chest.pngOrnate Chest- "A gilded chest. Ho

Wheeler_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

ths when they can be slow and painful?"Poison_Dart.pngPoison Dart- "I prefer to use my horn. On the other hand, who can say no to poison."Co

Warly_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

doubt."Piko_Dead.pngPiko (dead)- "An unfortunate end."Orange Piko- "I prefer English Breakfast."Thunderbird.pngThunderbird- "I don't want an

Wortox_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

rtles go!"Splumonkey Pod- "Home of the little sirs."Fern.pngFern- "It prefers the dark."Foliage- "Purpled leaves from down below."Cave_Banan

Maxwell_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

tem.pngSmall Grill (held)- "At least it's portable."Small Grill- "I'd prefer a larger grill."Large_Grill_Item.pngLarge Grill (held)- "No use

Wigfrid_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

gether again."Redbird.pngRedbird- "Red like blööd."Redbird (held)- "I prefer yöur black brethren."Snowbird.pngSnowbird- "This bird knöws abö

Woodlegs_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

ry nights sleep."Fur_Roll.pngFur Roll- "Sweet, hairy dreams."Tent- "I prefers a water bed."Trap.pngTrap- "I prefer to meet me foes head-on."

Chess_Pieces - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

onglass"“That was never really my thing.”–WilsonWillow_Portrait.png“I prefer smokey fires.”–Willow“Might be good for lifting!”–WolfgangWendy

Wagstaff_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

My City Hall Build.pngMy City Hall- "As lucrative as my new job is, I prefer to occupy my days as an inventor."ファイル:My City Hall Build.pngMy

Horde - World of Warcraft Wiki

zeroth around the Burning Steppes and the Blasted Lands. Many of them prefer to stay near the Dark Portal through which they first entered A

Winter's_Feast - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

ckerbottom_Portrait.png“Reminds me of a story I know.”–Wickerbottom“I prefer my houses made of wood.”–WoodieWaxwell_Portrait.png“Entirely to

紳士は金髪がお好き - 20世紀フォックス Wiki

紳士は金髪がお好きGentlemen Prefer Blondes監督ハワード・ホークス脚本チャールズ・レデラー製作ソル・C・シーゲル出演者マリリン・モンロー音楽ライオネル・ニューマン撮影ハリー・J・ワイルド編集ヒュー・S・ファウラー公開 1953年7月15日日本の旗 1953年

SCP-414 - アニヲタWiki(仮) 非公式避難所wiki

登録日: 2016/12/27 Tue 11:35:01 更新日:2024/02/01 Thu 13:55:39NEW!所要時間:約 8 分で読めます▽タグ一覧きっと貴方の師は誇りに思っているわ、それにほら、恩師の後を継ぐのは助手にとっての夢みたいなものでしょう?羊飼いに導かれ狼

Robert_House - Fallout Wiki

cart away Auto-Docs or armfuls of prosthetic organs. No, they greatly prefer the sort of technology that puts people in hospitals. Or graves

Shovel - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

hat some twigs and flint can build.”–WagstaffWigfrid_Portrait.png“I'd prefer a ship burial, but it might have use.I'd prefer a ship burial,

Trusty_Slingshot - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

now this could do some damage.”–WillowWolfgang_Portrait.png“Wolfgang prefer to fight with fists.”–Wolfgang“Abigail used to play with one of

scriptversion1_2 - Leon the professional

window silk. Léon wears his overcoat.MATHILDA(sulky)…I preferred the hotel.LÉONMathilda, hadn’t you told that bu

トゥヴォック - Memory Alpha wiki

Kal-toh. (VOY: The Omega Directive)Both Tuvok and Seven of Nine often preferred completing away missions in silence. After working together

Fancy_Helmet - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

our head.”–WebberWalani_Portrait.png“Keeps my noggin safe.”–Walani“I prefer a chef hat.”–WarlyWoodlegs_Portrait.png“I prefer my captain's h

Floral_Shirt - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

y“ROBOTS HAVE CASUAL DRESS EVERYDAY”–WX-78Wickerbottom_Portrait.png“I prefer tweed.”–Wickerbottom“I really prefer plaid.”–WoodieWaxwell_Port

Trail_Mix - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

trait.png“Protein!”–Walani“Energy food!”–WarlyWoodlegs_Portrait.png“I prefer sea snacks.”–Woodlegs“'TIS MIX OF FOODS”–WilbaWormwood_Portrait

Monkey_Hut - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

ait.png“Despite their affinity with the ocean, the apes still seem to prefer sleeping in trees.”–Wickerbottom“Huh. I wonder what it might be

Iced_Tea - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

デバッグ用コード"icedtea"“I scream for iced tea.”–WilsonWillow_Portrait.png“I prefer hot things.”–Willow“Is cool. Like Wolfgang.”–WolfgangWendy_Port

Hallowed_Nights/Quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

-78Wickerbottom_Portrait.png“What an odd contraption.”–Wickerbottom“I prefer to let mine air dry.”–WoodieWaxwell_Portrait.png“Some harebrain

Dart - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

s“FULL O' EMPOISONINGS”–WilbaWormwood_Portrait.png“Patoo!”–Wormwood“I prefer to use my horn. On the other hand, who can say no to poison.”–W

Executive_Hammer - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

t.png“The tool of a destructive civil engineer.”–Wickerbottom“I still prefer you, Lucy.”–WoodieWaxwell_Portrait.png“Destructive. I like it.”

Eggplant - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

t”–Wormwood, when examining a Braised Eggplant.Wheeler_Portrait.png“I prefer my eggplants scrambled.”–Wheeler, when examining a Braised Eggp

Eyeshot - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

!”–Wendy“WEAPONIZED CARCASS REMAINS”–WX-78Wickerbottom_Portrait.png“I prefer the flup in this form.”–Wickerbottom“Eye'll get you!”–WoodieWax

Catcoon - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

Winona_Portrait.png“She'll keep the rats outta the factory.”–Winona“I prefer playing with smarter mortals.”–WortoxWurt_Portrait.png“You funn

Farm - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

small cultivated patch of ground.”–WickerbottomWoodie_Portrait.png“I prefer larger plants.”–Woodie“Do I look like a farmer?”–MaxwellWagstaf

Corn - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

ortrait.png“I talked its ear off. Ha!”–Winona, when examining Corn.“I prefer not to ingest food.”–Wortox, when examining Corn.Wurt_Portrait.

Bunnyman - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

die“It reminds me of my old act.”–MaxwellWagstaff_Portrait.png“I much prefer their darker form.”–Wagstaff“I will eat yöu.”–WigfridWebber_Por

Fishermerm's_Hut - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

MAX”–WX-78“An amphibious shack.”–WickerbottomWoodie_Portrait.png“I'd prefer a log cabin.”–Woodie“I suppose everyone needs to live somewhere

Banana_Pop - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

kerbottom_Portrait.png“Well, isn't that refreshing?”–Wickerbottom“I'd prefer maple taffy...”–WoodieWaxwell_Portrait.png“Hm... I don't know w

Asparagazpacho - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

o"Wilson_Portrait.png“How in science does it taste so good?”–Wilson“I prefer hot food.”–WillowWolfgang_Portrait.png“Is tasting very good!”–W

Battle_Spear - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

"spear_wathgrithr"“It feels very stabby.”–WilsonWillow_Portrait.png“I prefer a flame, but to each her own.”–Willow“Is a good weapon.”–Wolfga

Boomerang - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

WalaniWarly_Portrait.png“Oh good. I have separation anxiety.”–Warly“I prefer somethin' thet don't come back at me head.”–WoodlegsWilba_Portr

Birds - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

hat those eyes have seen.”–Wagstaff, when held.Wigfrid_Portrait.png“I prefer yöur black brethren.”–Wigfrid, when held.“Held snug in our pock

Fish_Morsel - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

t of fish.”–Wilson, when examining a Fish Morsel.“I like sushi, but I prefer it flame-broiled.”–Willow, when examining a Fish Morsel.Wolfgan

Fishing_Rod - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

–WebberWalani_Portrait.png“Have rod, will travel.”–Walani“I believe I prefer the fish market.”–WarlyWoodlegs_Portrait.png“'Tis a useful tool

Lotus_Flower - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

ortrait.png“That's a beaut.”–Woodie, when examining a Lotus Flower.“I prefer blooms of a darker shade.”–Maxwell, when examining a Lotus Flow

Life_Jacket - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

g_Portrait.png“Big seawater will not take Wolfgang now!”–Wolfgang“I'd prefer a dry grave, thank you.”–WendyWX-78_Portrait.png“ELIMINATES DEA

Magic_Flower - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

erbottom“Pretty little flower.”–WoodieWaxwell_Portrait.png“I do still prefer roses.”–Maxwell“Insurance in case a dangerous experiment goes a

Juicy_Berries - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

tness.”–Maxwell, when examining Juicy BerriesWigfrid_Portrait.png“I'd prefer a juicy steak.”–Wigfrid, when examining Juicy Berries“Yum! Let'

Marble_Statues - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

ckerbottom, when examining a Pawn Marble Statue.Woodie_Portrait.png“I prefer wood carvings.”–Woodie, when examining a Pawn Marble Statue.“Hm

Lawn_Decoration - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

SSENTIAL.”–WX-78Wickerbottom_Portrait.png“How lovely.”–Wickerbottom“I prefer wood sculpture.”–WoodieWaxwell_Portrait.png“Ah, a touch of civi