テンプレ - グリムノーツ 過去スレッド・過去ログまとめwiki
Music and Dance (音楽and踊り)すべてのスキルを完全にアンロックするためのポイント:55Captineering (カリスマ)またはPiracy (海賊)により開放 スキル 効果 Items Unlocked Cost Precond
Piracy (海賊)すべてのスキルを完全にアンロックするためのポイント:83Seamanship (船乗り)により開放 スキル 効果 解除される アイテム Cost 前提条件 Basics of Piracy い
Endo2.jpgA moderately fueled Endothermic Fire Pit.Endothermic_Firepit_ingame.pngWillow and some friendly Pigs standing next to a fully fuele
to the player while they are on a Boat.Blueprint.png ギャラリー[]Jellyfish_ingame.png海に浮かぶJellyfish達Frozen_Jelly.png凍ったJellyfishJellyshocks.pngJe
orale[]ActionsTacticsMoraleCareer MasteryRunepriest concept art.Early ingame render of a female Runepriest.Concept art showing a Dwarven run
stes, as the current one was created only two years ago, according to ingame lore). Maybe one of the "Green Havens" replanted by druids to b
0.6x0.0x特徴死亡時に爆発しますドロップ90 Gold_nugget.png250 (金庫室) The Laser Tank (ingame name Laser-Tankki) is a robotic enemy. 行動と戦闘[]The Laser Tank fi
TopWeapon.png Weapons Corpus StrophaStropha.pngStatisticsMR10TopWeapon.png装備MeleeタイプGunbladeUtility攻撃速度0範囲2 mコンボ時間5 sブロック角度45°フォロースルー50.0
ddress or any other information it already has. This will not happen ingame, nor in e-mail. If you are asked for this info, you are very l
stand-alone primed scythe.Nekros is shown wielding the weapon in his ingame icon.Bugs[]Equipping this with Valkyr's Bonds will cause the ri
Steam.svgPS.svgThis article is about content exclusively available in the version on Steam, Xbox, PlayStation, Epic Games.チビアフリカマイマイChibi-Ac
le the grin right off of him, hyuyu!"Mobs - Other[]Base Game[]Maxwell_ingame.pngMaxwell- "You have no power over me, heehee!"Pig King- "I do
ngWurt's Map icon.Wurt_Skull.pngWurt's skull from the game files.Wurt_ingame.pngWurt in-game.Wurt_lightning_strike.jpgWurt struck by Lightni
er version of this monster as well, the Adult Poptop.There is also an ingame plush toy object based on a Poptop.Sources[]↑http://community.p
Disambig.png この記事はTEKサドル(ティラノサウルス)に関するものであり、Rex Saddle, Rex_Bionic_Costume.pngRex Bionic Costume, or Tek Rexと混同しないでください。Steam.svgPS.svgEpic_
Steam.svgPS.svgThis article is about content exclusively available in the version on Steam, Xbox, PlayStation, Epic Games.チビトビウサギChibi-Jerbu
Iron- "'as th'look 'o treasure to't."Mobs - Other[]Base Game[]Maxwell_ingame.pngMaxwell- "I'd like ta throw 'em overboard."Pig King- "'E's r
traded with; also, he is one of the few characters to propose a trade ingame, saying to the Arbiter, "Take my blade, I doubt the cable can w
ファイル:Ingame Controls.jpgAstroneerのキーボード操作操作[]Keyboard ControlsボタンアクションW,A,S,Dプレイヤー移動左マウスボタンクリック動く/つかむ/離す右マウスボタンドラッグ視点移動ShiftダッシュSpaceジャンプTab
Gatherer50Increase the amount of Souls received for slaying an enemy ingame by 125%.Ancient SlayerEvery Day Counts50You gain 1% bonus CpS f
s quote, it has a 36-inch ground clearance, however if you look at it ingame, it appears to be only about a foot tall. However, it could mea
as are derived. Applied to the Fallout series, the term refers to raw ingame material or design documents which provide information on the F
oからの保証ドロップ、またはARK: ARKaeologyイベント中にCooking Potで作成できます。Rex_Bone_Helmet_ingame.jpgゲーム内の外観v · d · eスキン 衣類変形ヘルメット • ARKテストプレイヤーの帽子 • 誕生日記念 (
ght with a circle shape as well, but the circle shape doesn't show up ingame.A version of the extra flame jets mod for the Shishkebab that o
and.[9]Blueprint.png ギャラリーWortox_Portrait.pngWortox's Portrait.Wortox_ingame.pngWortox in-game.Wortox_Map_Icon.pngWortox's icon in the Map.W
he "evil contraption" the player must assemble to escape.Wooden_Thing_ingame.pngWoodie with the Wooden Platform Thing in Shipwrecked.Woodent
ntine Storm EaterThis sea monster has an appetite for electricity.See ingame トリビア[]船の避雷針はReturn of Themの「Troubled Waters」アップデートにて追加されました。Blu
より:Adventure Modeにほとんどの日本語訳があるため、日本語訳はそちらを参照してください。 Nightmare_Throne_ingame.pngMaxwell sitting on the Nightmare Throne"Is this what you wer
antomimed OarConvey an incredibly convincing impression of an oar.See ingameDriftwood Oar[]Driftwood Oar"Oarn't you glad I didn't say banana
ラリー[]Maxwell%27s_Tooth_Trap_Biome_in_World_5.pngMaxwell's Tooth Traps ingame with WX-78 for scale, and on the Map.特に記載のない限り、コミュニティのコンテンツはCC
I'd run out of people to disappoint."Mobs - Other[]Base Game[]Maxwell_ingame.pngMaxwell- "Looking good!"Pig King- "That's a man with his pri
Togetherにおける「"A New Reign"」のプロモーションビデオにも出ています。 ギャラリー[]Maxwell's Light ingameMaxwell's Light in the game before "The End of the Beginning"Wor
nd the more insane the character gets. ギャラリー[]SlotMachineSlot Machine ingame.Slot machine 3 goldThe player getting 3 Gold Nuggets and receiv
st lunar grottoThe Lunar grotto as seen from the map.Dst lunar grotto ingameThe Lunar Grotto as seen in-game.Dst lunar grotto ingame expandT
発を誘発させた後、すぐに距離をとればダメージを受けずに胞子を処理できます。Blueprint.png ギャラリー[]Lunar_spore_ingame.PNGA Lunar Spore produced by chopping a Lunar Mushtree.自然に発生するオ
登場作品:Shipwrecked_icon.pngShipwrecked この記事は書きかけです。是非とも、この記事に加筆してみてください。Screw Thingスタック数スタック不可デバッグ用コード"teleportato_sw_box"“It looks like a par
登場作品:Shipwrecked_icon.pngShipwreckedVolcanoデバッグ用コード"volcano"Wilson_Portrait.png“My scientific know-how tells me that's a perfectly safe moun
されています。Blueprint.png ギャラリーWinona_Portrait.pngWinona's Portrait.Winona_ingame.pngWinona in-game.Winona_Map_Icon.pngWinona's icon in the Map.W
n- "Was it glowing like that before?"Mobs - Other[]Base Game[]Maxwell_ingame.pngMaxwell- "Don't take this the wrong way, but you're evil."Pi
s with a Werepig with twice the normal running speed. ギャラリー[]Wildbore ingameゲーム中のWildboreWildbore Posingポーズを付けるWildboreWildbore Eating食事をするW
Wickerbottom says we shouldn't bite."Mobs - Other[]Base Game[]Maxwell_ingame.pngMaxwell- "That jerk tricked us."Pig King- "King of the bulli
PortraitWheeler's portrait.Wheeler silhoWheeler's Silhouette.Wheeler ingameWheeler in-game.Wheeler Map IconWheeler's icon on the Map.Wheele
eems I have another mouth to feed..."Mobs - Other[]Base Game[]Maxwell_ingame.pngMaxwell- "You! You...villain!"Pig King- "Well, you've got th
gWagstaff's portrait.Wagstaff_silho.pngWagstaff's Silhouette.Wagstaff_ingame.jpgWagstaff in-game.Wagstaff_Map_Icon.pngWagstaff's icon on the
t be needing these."死んじゃったら、もう必要ないよね?Mobs - Other[]Base Game[]Maxwell_ingame.pngMaxwell- "He seems like kind of a jerk."あいつ、なんか気に食わないな~Pig K
ttack.Stone_Wall_tiers.pngThe 5 tiers of a Stone Wall.Thulecite_Walls_ingame.jpgVarious states of repair of the Thulecite Wall.Limestone_Wal
Construction & Mercantilism(建設&通商)すべてのスキルを完全にアンロックするためのポイント: 76Survivalism(生存主義)により開放 スキル 効果 解除されるアイテム コスト 前提条件