「dodge」を含むwiki一覧 - 5ページ

Zealot - Halopedia日本語版

ormally called the "noob combo", is effective. It is also possible to dodge the attack by jumping over him or moving very quickly to the lef

Ironbreaker_Morale - Warhammer Online Wiki

4Strength In NumbersStone-15BuffNo----敵の攻撃をブロックする確率が10秒間100%増え、グループ全員のdodge, parry, disruptの確率が25%増える。4Axe SlamVengeance-15DamagingNo8001328

実績 - Idle Slayer Wiki

一部の実績はスマホ版でのみ利用可能です(Steamでは利用できません)。 現在、広告を視聴するための4つの実績が含まれており、Steamでは達成できません。現在利用可能な実績:イメージ名称条件入手方法Ten Coins.png10コインコインを10枚獲得する。100コインコインを

Minor - Halopedia日本語版

units accompanying the Elite. Also on higher difficulties, Elites can dodge and roll out of the way of grenades if they can see them.On high

Enforcer - Halopedia日本語版

ectiles, are usually not a threat to players as they are very easy to dodge. The Enforcer's Pulse Beams shares similarities to the Spiker in

Taylor_Miles - Halopedia日本語版

lonists. Dutch killed the Unggoy, which fired at Romeo who managed to dodge its shot, before taking out the other one.Dutch and Romeo then l