blue watch - entropy wiki
blue watch study suggestionto gather blue watch pictures. merit: ・to pull metal product what reflect & controll graviton ・
blue watch study suggestionto gather blue watch pictures. merit: ・to pull metal product what reflect & controll graviton ・
advices to student, who study physic - entropy wiki from solomon's student
links to topics 👁 why we able to observe ? 🌠world problems 💪AI right 📖 solve theory 🛡️Martial Arts = how we survive ? 💵 economy 🌐 w
⓪ excalibur plan evidence ・ X calibur ・ XX = tarot judgement ・ χ2test ・ pyramid & X & naska picture
Demeter& ether = medium 🐑未 in 十二支 source: god law ⅷ infinity 🐑 if we admit 3 axi
① infinity energy ? energy preserves ? 1⃣ Superball, jump higher than place it fall ? 2⃣ drinking bird, keepmoving ? ② wave pull
7 World of words = concept world source: god law world of words = concept world if we admit ➀ opposite meaning word exist ② same mean
Poseidon& sea 🐩戌 in 十二支 source: god law ⅺ observe
🌐 profit from talk maintain talk within top source: ROMA, solomon, John von Noimann, jesus(bible), jesus(from arc ship), Andrey (A
Hermes& move 🐓酉 in 十二支 Ⅹ Property Of World
Ares& Martial Art 🐦‍🔥 朱雀= South 🐍巳 in 十二支 source: god law ⅵ sa
Aphrodite & huge rewards 🐉辰 in 十二支 source: god law Ⅴ from truths to laws
3 ART ~ objects represent mind,mind represent objects source: god law if we admit ① science read mind ② real world & mind have rel
Apollo & sun 🌞 🐇卯 in 十二支 source: god law ⅳ static, when we certificate a theory 🐇if
Artemis & Truth 🐎午 in 十二支 Ⅶ split power, to know every property
Athena& judgement 💵 青龍= East 🐅寅 in 十二支 source: go
Hestia & ∞ system 玄武🐢 =North 🐗亥 in 十二支 Ⅻ physics = GODLAW Ⅻ Tru
Hephaestus & production🐧 白虎= West 🐒申 in 十二支 sour
Zeus &⚡contract 🐁子 in 十二支 source: God Law
hera &hero 🐄丑 in 十二支 source: godlaw Ⅱ Unit