「chance」を含むwiki一覧 - 4ページ

Lex - Warframe日本語 Wiki

, compared to Lex Prime:Lower base damage (130 vs. 150)Lower critical chance (20% vs. 26%)Lower status chance (10% vs. 26%)Lower fire rate (

Torid - Warframe日本語 Wiki

certain FX.Hotfix 15.13.1 (02-05-2015)Restored Torids 20% base status chance.Update 15.13 (02-05-2015)Fixed the Torid not dealing DOT damage

MK1-Braton - Warframe日本語 Wiki

raton, compared to Braton:Lower base damage (18 vs. 24)Lower critical chance (8% vs. 12%)Lower critical multiplier (2x vs. 2x)Lower status c

Leatherworking - World of Warcraft Wiki

um BrotherhoodStormshroud Armor Set (Rogue、Feral Druid向け)2 pieces: 5% chance of dealing 15 to 25 Lightning damage on a successful melee atta

Glaive_Prime - Warframe日本語 Wiki

e, compared to Glaive:Higher base damage (164 vs. 105)Higher critical chance (22% vs. 12%)Higher status chance (30% vs. 12%)Higher attack sp

Nikana_Prime - Warframe日本語 Wiki

e, compared to Nikana:Higher base damage (198 vs. 142)Higher critical chance (28% vs. 16%)Higher critical multiplier (2.4x vs. 2x)Higher sta

Vasto - Warframe日本語 Wiki

, compared to Vasto Prime:Lower base damage (58 vs. 66)Lower critical chance (20% vs. 22%)Lower critical multiplier (2x vs. 2x)Lower status

Lato_Prime - Warframe日本語 Wiki

Prime, compared to Lato:Higher base damage (48 vs. 30)Higher critical chance (30% vs. 10%)Higher critical multiplier (2x vs. 2x)Higher statu

アポック - Warframe日本語 Wiki

Lotus_photo.png“It's taking longer than I calculated.”このページは現在作業中です。完全に正しいとは限りません。 このページを正確にするのを手伝ってください。Need parts for Zetki Mk I and II, M

仲裁 - Warframe日本語 Wiki

-endo reward drop rates are unchanged - you’ll just get twice as many chances!Arbiter Drones will now have a small chance to drop Vitus Esse

Snipetron_Vandal - Warframe日本語 Wiki

compared to Snipetron:Higher base damage (200 vs. 180)Lower critical chance (28% vs. 30%)Higher critical multiplier (2x vs. 2x)Higher statu

Ocean - Starbound 非公式日本語Wiki

ted crop watering.Crabcanos|Lilodons|Monopus|and Snagglers all have a chance to be found in ocean biomes. Hylotl structures Hylotl Underwate

Empowered_Blades - Warframe日本語 Wiki

武器のヘビー攻撃の状態異常確率と状態異常ダメージを増加させるかわりに、命中毎にシールドを消費する オーラmod。性能[]ランクStatus chance/Damage bonusShield Drain per hitコスト *0+10%15-21+20%30-32+30%45-

Zaw - Warframe日本語 Wiki

rgeet and Ruhang links, leading to an increase in damage and critical chance at the cost of attack speed and status chance.Numbers in the na

Desert - Starbound 非公式日本語Wiki

s.Batong|Bobot|Crustoise|Fennix|Ignome|Iguarmor|and Peblit all have a chance to be found in desert biomes.Deserts are one of the best places

箱の中身や敵ドロップを追加 - Zero Sievert 日本語WIKI

範囲で出現する。2、アイテムごとにレアリティを決める。それぞれのアイテムについて、レアリティを判定する。キャビネットで言えば、 chest_chance_uncommon[a] = 30 chest_chance_rare[a] = 15 chest_chance_epic[a]

Far_Harbor_(add-on) - Fallout Wiki

r the murder he committed.From here the player character will get the chance to decide the fate of Acadia. and subsequently the fate of the

MK1-Bo - Warframe日本語 Wiki

較:MK1-Bo, compared to Bo:Lower base damage (90 vs. 140)Lower critical chance (10% vs. 12%)Lower status chance (10% vs. 20%)Lower Mastery Ran

Latron - Warframe日本語 Wiki

compared to Latron Prime:Lower base damage (55 vs. 90)Lower critical chance (12% vs. 22%)Lower critical multiplier (2x vs. 2x)Lower status

Pangolin_Sword - Warframe日本語 Wiki

pared to Pangolin Prime:Lower base damage (150 vs. 248)Lower critical chance (8% vs. 26%)Lower critical multiplier (1.5x vs. 2.2x)Lower stat

Machete_Wraith - Warframe日本語 Wiki

, compared to Machete:Higher base damage (211 vs. 120)Higher critical chance (20% vs. 10%)Higher critical multiplier (2.1x vs. 1.5x)Higher s

Ironbreaker_Actions - Warhammer Online Wiki

Grudges: 対象のクリティカル発動率を5%下げる。At 50 Grudges: Also reduces the target's chance to critically hit by 10%. At 75 Grudges: Also reduces the targe

分裂 - Warframe日本語 Wiki

redit Cache rewards based on feedback:Rotation A is now solely a 100% chance for a 2x 10,000 Credits Cache.Rotation B is now solely a 100% c

Sweeper - Warframe日本語 Wiki

e damage (42 vs. 60)Lower critical multiplier (2x vs. 2x)Lower status chance (2% vs. 2%)Smaller magazine (10 rounds vs. 20 rounds)Slower rel

Prisma_Skana - Warframe日本語 Wiki

na, compared to Skana:Higher base damage (170 vs. 120)Higher critical chance (28% vs. 6%)Higher critical multiplier (2.2x vs. 1.5x)Higher at

ランダムボックス - Idle Slayer Wiki

s currently on cooldown.FuryGemstone Rush12%Add +5-25% gemstone spawn chance for 90 seconds.Add +10-50% gemstone spawn chance for 90 seconds

Second_Chance_Watch - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

登場作品:Don%27t_Starve_Together_icon.pngDon't Starve Together この記事は書きかけです。是非とも、この記事に加筆してみてください。Second Chance Watch"Undo a friend's untimely end

Silva_&_Aegis - Warframe日本語 Wiki

d to Silva & Aegis Prime:Lower base damage (98 vs. 318)Lower critical chance (6% vs. 26%)Lower critical multiplier (1.5x vs. 2x)Lower status

Attack_table - World of Warcraft Wiki

ral tab に載っている(被攻撃時の Dodge, Parry, Block)発動率は、百分率で絶対的な値が記される。もし、dodge chance 4.5% と書かれていれば、あなたに対する同 level mob からの全ての melee 攻撃のうち、平均して 4.5% が

Sicarus - Warframe日本語 Wiki

compared to Sicarus Prime:Lower base damage (30 vs. 50)Lower critical chance (16% vs. 26%)Lower status chance (6% vs. 20%)Lower fire rate (8

Marelok - Warframe日本語 Wiki

ageと精度, as well as reduced critical damage, magazine size, and status chance.Manufacturing Requirements30,000DetoniteInjector64.png25,000Sal

マニック - Warframe日本語 Wiki

nfested.After completing the A Man of Few Words quest there is a high chance of a Manic spawning when helping Clem on Uranus. However, this

True_Steel - Warframe日本語 Wiki

True SteelTransmutableStatisticsIntroducedVanilla (10-25-2012)極性Madurai Pol.svgRarityコモントレード税 2,000Source(s)Enemies:Bombard 0.7587%Cinderthr