Pristine_Toxic_Spore_Sample - ギルドウォーズ2 非公式wiki
.Pristine_Toxic_Spore_Sample.pngPristine Toxic Spore Sampleタイプ戦利品分野 400Artificer_tango_icon_20px.png 400 400Huntsman_tango_icon_20px.png 400
.Pristine_Toxic_Spore_Sample.pngPristine Toxic Spore Sampleタイプ戦利品分野 400Artificer_tango_icon_20px.png 400 400Huntsman_tango_icon_20px.png 400
r_icon.pngDon't Starve Together この記事は書きかけです。是非とも、この記事に加筆してみてください。Blue Spore 青 赤
_Ectoplasm.png Glob of Ectoplasm40 Lump of Primordium50Pristine_Toxic_Spore_Sample.png Pristine Toxic Spore Sample Superior Rune of Antitoxi
ベーシック1 + 70 Karma.pngCheese Wedges in Bulk (2)Bベーシック1 Pristine_Toxic_Spore_Sample.png + 70 Yeast_in_Bulk.pngYeast in Bulk (2)Bベーシック1 + 70
Ectoplasm.png Glob of Ectoplasm60 Lump of Primordium100Pristine_Toxic_Spore_Sample.png Pristine Toxic Spore Sample Superior Sigil of Torment
s also included a regular warp drive for faster-than-light propulsion.Spore_Drive_Helm_Console.jpgSpore drive controlsUSS_Discovery_at_warp.
5 ナビゲーションショップ[]ショップ1件は「キノコ」の胞子を販売している:アイテムNPC洞天宝銭 費用在庫更新Item_Mushroom_Spore.png 「キノコ」の胞子マル55—合成[]1種類のアイテムは「キノコ」の胞子を使用して作成できる:アイテム合成の種類レシピIte
_Ectoplasm.png Glob of Ectoplasm40 Lump of Primordium50Pristine_Toxic_Spore_Sample.png Pristine Toxic Spore Sample Superior Rune of Antitoxi
htree_Webbed.pngBlue Mushtree (webbed)- "This one looks friendly!"Red Spore- "Our favorite color! Red!"Red_Spore.pngRed Spore (held)- "If we
.Giant_Mushroom_Spore.pngGiant Mushroom Sporeタイプ戦利品分野 75希少性Eレアゲームリンク[&AgFnFAEA]交易所…外部リンクGW2BLTCGW2SpidyGW2TPAPIAPI“デコレーションのクラフトで使用します。Sawgil
Ectoplasm40Lump_of_Primordium.png Lump of Primordium50 Pristine Toxic Spore SampleSuperior_Rune_of_Antitoxin.png Superior Rune of Antitoxin(
される前の古いバージョンのゲームからのものです。QueenBee女王蜂Subject ClassificationT-04-50-W特殊能力Spore胞子攻撃タイプRED (物理 / Physical)危険レベルWAW憑依される可能性があります。This Abnormality
(webbed)- "A web entrapped parasite. Truly a predatory ecosystem."Red_Spore.pngRed Spore- "A parasitic aerial assault. Absolutely fascinatin
)- "Mold and a lot of spiders. Reminds me of my Grandma's cellar."Red Spore- "At least they're glowing."Red_Spore.pngRed Spore (held)- "I be
ed.pngBlue Mushtree (webbed)- "This mushrööm needs tö be retired."Red Spore- "At peace, benevölent flame spirit."Green_Spore.pngGreen Spore-
7歩行速度0.6, 0.8, 1.2, 3.2特殊能力爆発するキノコを発生させるプレイキャラにくっつく胞子爆弾を使う照明兼エネルギー源となるSporecapsを発生させるドロップ×1、Meat.png×3.75、×1.66、Green_Cap.png×1.66、×1.66、Blu
.pngBlue Mushtree (webbed)- "I hope I don't run into any spiders."Red Spore- "Something that pretty must taste good, right?"Green_Spore.pngG
le x1Charged_Sliver.png Charged Sliver x1 Tiny Scale x1Pristine_Toxic_Spore_Sample.png Pristine Toxic Spore Sample x1 Small Scale x1Charged_
led_Essence.png Pile of Soiled Essence x1 Bone Shard x1Pristine_Toxic_Spore_Sample.png Pristine Toxic Spore Sample x1 Bone Shard x1Pile_of_S
all Fang x1Onyx_Sliver.png Onyx Sliver x1 Small Fang x1Pristine_Toxic_Spore_Sample.png Pristine Toxic Spore Sample x1 Tiny Fang x1Onyx_Slive
m x1Charged Sliver.png Charged Sliver x1 Small Totem x1Pristine_Toxic_Spore_Sample.png Pristine Toxic Spore Sample x1 Small Totem x1Charged_
awning."Blue Mushtree (webbed)- "Could it get any less appealing?"Red_Spore.pngRed Spore- "Magical red, and yet it holds no power of use to
l Totem x1Onyx_Sliver.png Onyx Sliver x1 Small Totem x1Pristine_Toxic_Spore_Sample.png Pristine Toxic Spore Sample x1 Small Totem x1Onyx_Sli
1Glacial_Sliver.png Glacial Sliver x1 Tiny Venom Sac x1Pristine_Toxic_Spore_Sample.png Pristine Toxic Spore Sample x1 Small Venom Sac x1Glac
law x1Crystal_Sliver.png Crystal Sliver x1 Tiny Claw x1Pristine_Toxic_Spore_Sample.png Pristine Toxic Spore Sample x1 Tiny Claw x1Crystal_Sl
0 Copper_coin.pngRecipe: Superior Sigil of Torment250 Pristine_Toxic_Spore_Sample.png + 1 0 Silver_coin.png 0 Recipe_sheet_superior_rune.p
登場作品:Don't Starve Together icon.pngDon't Starve TogetherLunar Spore効果爆発し、周囲に10ダメージを与えるデバッグ用コード"spore_moon"Wilson Portrait.png“I'll keep as m
Dendro DMG on hit. This attack can be chained up to 3 times.Volatile Spore CloudMedia:Jadeplume Terrorshroom Spore Bomb.ogvJadeplume_Terror
Spore Lizard 画像 ステータス レーダーサイズ:小 敵HP(シャベル基準):無効 攻撃力:5回 生物学的特性Colloquially named puffers or spore lizards, Lac
shing Kit1Evergreen_Lodestone.png Evergreen Lodestone1 Giant Mushroom Spore1Mushroom_%28decoration%29.png Mushroom (decoration) Crooked Thor
Ectoplasm.png Glob of Ectoplasm60 Lump of Primordium100Pristine_Toxic_Spore_Sample.png Pristine Toxic Spore Sample Superior Sigil of Torment
ng!"Blue Mushtree (webbed)- "She's shy so she's wearing her veil."Red_Spore.pngBlue_Spore.pngSpore- "Dazzling!"Green_Spore.pngSpore (held)-
_Ectoplasm.png Glob of Ectoplasm40 Lump of Primordium50Pristine_Toxic_Spore_Sample.png Pristine Toxic Spore Sample Superior Rune of Antitoxi
_Ectoplasm.png Glob of Ectoplasm40 Lump of Primordium50Pristine_Toxic_Spore_Sample.png Pristine Toxic Spore Sample Superior Rune of Antitoxi
oxic Seedling.jpgタイプリソースノード必要Copper Harvesting Sickle提供Pristine Toxic Spore SampleMushed Spore Sample対話可能はい破壊可能いいえToxic Seedling は Tower of
_Ectoplasm.png Glob of Ectoplasm40 Lump of Primordium50Pristine_Toxic_Spore_Sample.png Pristine Toxic Spore Sample Superior Rune of Antitoxi
g Pile of Crystalline Dust100 Pile of Bloodstone Dust10Pristine_Toxic_Spore_Sample.png Pristine Toxic Spore Sample Spiritwood Staff HeadArti
radscorpion, Giant radscorpion, Radscorpion queen) · Raven · Slags · Spore carrier (Spore carrier savage, Spore carrier brute, Spore carrie
urfaceBatcave.pngBat Caveコウモリの洞窟Webbed Blue Mushtreeクモの巣だらけの青キノコの木Red_Spore.pngRed Spore赤い胞子Green Spore緑の胞子Blue_Spore.pngBlue Spore青い胞子Withe
_Ectoplasm.png Glob of Ectoplasm40 Lump of Primordium50Pristine_Toxic_Spore_Sample.png Pristine Toxic Spore SampleSuperior Rune of Antitoxin
Disambig icon.png この記事はワードローブのロックを解除するスキンについてです。消耗品については Toxic Spore Skin を参照してください。 .Toxic SporeスキンタイプバックアイテムレアリティBベーシックゲームリンク[&CgAAAAA=]外部
radscorpion, Giant radscorpion, Radscorpion queen) · Raven · Slags · Spore carrier (Spore carrier savage, Spore carrier brute, Spore carrie
radscorpion, Giant radscorpion, Radscorpion queen) · Raven · Slags · Spore carrier (Spore carrier savage, Spore carrier brute, Spore carrie
radscorpion, Giant radscorpion, Radscorpion queen) · Raven · Slags · Spore carrier (Spore carrier savage, Spore carrier brute, Spore carrie
ctoplasm60Lump_of_Primordium.png Lump of Primordium100 Pristine Toxic Spore SampleSuperior_Sigil_of_Torment.png Superior Sigil of Torment(次か
radscorpion, Giant radscorpion, Radscorpion queen) · Raven · Slags · Spore carrier (Spore carrier savage, Spore carrier brute, Spore carrie
radscorpion, Giant radscorpion, Radscorpion queen) · Raven · Slags · Spore carrier (Spore carrier savage, Spore carrier brute, Spore carrie
VenomModU15.jpegENERGY25KEY1Spores腐食の胞子を対象にかける。胞子を破壊するか宿主を倒すこ事で胞子が付近の的に拡散する。長時間Sporeが持続しているとダメージも増加していく。再発動エネルギー割引: 50%威力:6 / 8 / 8 / 10 (初期
radscorpion, Giant radscorpion, Radscorpion queen) · Raven · Slags · Spore carrier (Spore carrier savage, Spore carrier brute, Spore carrie