Pearl_Rod - ギルドウォーズ2 非公式wiki
.Pearl Rod.pngPearl RodタイプセプターセットPearl weaponsスキンPearl Rodスキンリンク[&CpsPAAA=]ギャラリークリックすると拡大しますPearl Rod は Artificer tango icon 20px.pngアーティフィサ
.Pearl Rod.pngPearl RodタイプセプターセットPearl weaponsスキンPearl Rodスキンリンク[&CpsPAAA=]ギャラリークリックすると拡大しますPearl Rod は Artificer tango icon 20px.pngアーティフィサ
.Spiritwood_Scepter_Rod.pngSpiritwood Scepter Rodタイプ製作材料材料の種類コンポーネント分野 500希少性Bベーシック価値8 Copper_coin.pngゲームリンク[&AgE+swAA]交易所…外部リンクGW2BLTCGW2Sp
er_tango_icon_20px.png5001 Spiritwood Scepter Core1Spiritwood_Scepter_Rod.png Spiritwood Scepter Rod1 Angchu Cavalier Inscription1Vision_Cry
iritwood_Scepter_Core.png Spiritwood Scepter Core1 Spiritwood Scepter Rod1Angchu_Cavalier_Inscription.png Angchu Cavalier Inscription1 Visio
る可能性のある14のバリアントがあります。標準の製作レシピは: Green Wood Scepter = 1 Green_Scepter_Rod.png Green Scepter Rod + 1 Green Scepter Core + 1 Green_Inscriptio
ld pass an afternoon catching butterflies."一日中ムシ取りすんのも、悪くないかも~Fishing_Rod.pngFishing Rod- "Have rod will travel."Straw Roll- "For nap time!"
easoned Wood Scepter = 1 Seasoned Scepter Core + 1 Seasoned_Scepter_Rod.png Seasoned Scepter Rod + 1 Seasoned Inscriptionすべての亜種に Upgrade_
ter.png Elder Wood Scepter = 1 Elder Scepter Core + 1 Elder_Scepter_Rod.png Elder Scepter Rod + 1 Elder Inscriptionすべての亜種に Upgrade_Slot.p
標準の製作レシピは:Soft_Wood_Scepter.png Soft Wood Scepter = 1 Soft Scepter Rod + 1 Soft_Scepter_Core.png Soft Scepter Core + 1 Soft Inscription標
Donkeyこの記事にはまだ未翻訳の箇所があります。この記事を編集して翻訳の手助けをお願いします。最終編集:AgodashiUdon(2018-09-01 06:01:36)この記事は情報不足です。 あなたが情報を加筆することでGraveyard Keeper Wikiを手助けす
アイテムクラフト分野レーティング材料Seasoned_Scepter_Rod.pngSeasoned Scepter Rod1503Seasoned_Wood_Plank.png Seasoned Wood PlankSeasoned Staff HeadArtificer_ta
SURDLY DISGUSTING"Maxwell_Head.pngAdventure Mode[]Base Game[]Divining Rod (in starting base)- "ROD IS FULLY OPERATIONAL."Divining_Rod.pngDiv
don't fly oot."Bug Net- "Keeps th' buggies outta me no teeth."Fishing_Rod.pngFishing Rod- "'Tis a useful tool."Straw Roll- "Don't look fit f
Net- "I'll teach those bugs to flaunt their flying around me."Fishing_Rod.pngFishing Rod- "Amazing what you can make with a stick and some s
Lightning Rod Lightning Rod"Protection from strikes."クラフト×4 Cut Stone.png×1×3 Cut_Stone.png×1 タブIcon_Science.pngフィルターStructures_Filter.png難
et- "Advantageous. But only if I don't want to hurt the bugs."Fishing_Rod.pngFishing Rod- "Ah fishing. The cornerstone to many societies."St
cepter.png Hard Wood Scepter = 1 Hard Scepter Core + 1 Hard_Scepter_Rod.png Hard Scepter Rod + 1 Hard Inscriptionすべての亜種に Upgrade_Slot.png
tificer_tango_icon_20px.png 4001 Ancient Scepter Core1Ancient_Scepter_Rod.png Ancient Scepter Rod20 Destroyer Lodestone1Apothecary%27s_Orich
e replacement for the insect collecting tools I left at home."Fishing Rod- "An elementary tool. Yet a very useful one."Straw_Roll.pngStraw R
登場作品:Don%27t_Starve_Together_icon.pngDon't Starve TogetherSea Fishing Rod"Fish like a pro."材料Boards.png×1 ×3 フィルターDon't Starve Together icon
'd rather not get my hands dirty."Adventure Mode[]Base Game[]Divining_Rod.pngDivining Rod (in starting base)- "The portals lead to the next
登場作品:Don%27t_Starve_icon.pngDon't StarveDivining Rod"There must be some way out of here..."材料Twigs.png×1 ×4 Gears.png×1タブ難度
◎発掘品の出土記録いつも最後まで出なかった~ どこなら出るんだろう。と、悩まされる発掘品宝箱から出ないものは歩いて探すしかありません。せめて「どこから出た事がある」という記録があれば少しは参考になるかなと。自分のためにも、どなたかのためにも記録を残す事にしました。出土するたび更新
t Wand = Elder_Scepter_Core.png Elder Scepter Core + Elder Scepter Rod + Elder_Inscription.png Mithril Imbued Inscriptionすべての亜種に 未使用のアッ
in for your weapon.Babylon_skin_weaponskin_10mm_hotrodshark_l.webpHot Rod SharkGive your 10mm some teeth with this Hot Rod Shark Paint.FO76N
Seasoned_Scepter_Core.png Seasoned Scepter Core + Seasoned Scepter Rod + Seasoned_Inscription.png Steel Imbued Inscriptionすべての亜種に 未使用のア
登録日:2015/08/17 (月) 23:19:49更新日:2024/01/16 Tue 11:11:24NEW!所要時間:約 ? 分で読めます▽タグ一覧V-RODとはバイクの王者、ハーレー・ダビッドソンが販売していたドラッガースタイルのバイク。現在では絶版になっているものの、
ners plaza and will appear in the inventory of traders such as Arturo Rodriguez.400Bethesda_Game_Studios_logo.pngSolar CannonIt's win, lose
re done playing with Mr. Eyeball."Adventure Mode[]Base Game[]Divining_Rod.pngDivining Rod (in starting base)- "Radical rod!"Divining Rod- "L
t seems nobody here likes pranks."Adventure Mode[]Base Game[]Divining_Rod.pngDivining Rod (in starting base)- "And now begins a thrilling ga
Fishing Rod"Go fishing. For fish."材料×2 Silk.png×2 タブフィルターDon%27t_Starve_Together_icon.pngFishing_Filter.png難度ダメージ4.25 (3.1875 Wendy_Portrait
a bit better now."Maxwell_Head.pngAdventure Mode[]Base Game[]Divining Rod (in starting base)- "That looks important."Divining_Rod.pngDivinin
Scepter Rod は Artificer tango icon 20px.pngArtificer (アーティフィサー) がセプターを作るときに必要な2つのコンポーネントのうちの1つですレシピ[]Scepter Rod を作るための標準的なレシピは次のとおりです:1 Sc
atonArtificer_tango_icon_20px.png 1251 Soft Scepter Core1Soft_Scepter_Rod.png Soft Scepter Rod1 Hearty Iron Imbued Inscription35強さ:336 – 378
.The Art of Woodworking- Scepter Rod Edition.pngThe Art of Woodworking: Scepter Rod Editionタイプ戦利品コレクションMeteorlogicus II: The Perfected Scept
Truncheon = Hard_Scepter_Core.png Hard Scepter Core + Hard Scepter Rod + Hard_Inscription.png Darksteel Imbued Inscriptionすべての亜種に 未使用のア
this realm again!"Maxwell_Head.pngAdventure Mode[]Base Game[]Divining Rod (in starting base)- "This mysteriöus swörd feels impörtant."Divini
nt_Scepter_Core.png Oiled Ancient Scepter Core1 Oiled Ancient Scepter Rod1Apothecary%27s_Orichalcum_Imbued_Inscription.png Apothecary's Oric
35#.pngWere you looking for the closely related shoulder-mounted Fuel Rod Gun or for the Hunter's variant?Fuel Rod CannonProduction informat
。また、日替わりで全体の商品が入れ替わります:アイテム名前Miner_Hat.pngMiner Hat20Bug Net20Fishing_Rod.pngFishing Rod10Umbrella10Axe.pngAxe5Pickaxe5Shovel.pngShovel5Mach
• Take a Break • This Way to Joy! • Trapped! • Wreck the Halls!Hotter Rod BundleWhat's hotter than a hot rod? This Hotter Rod bundle include
燃料を落とさなくなりました。(開発者曰く、バグの原因になるとのこと) 使用方法[]Twigs.png×4Gears.pngDivining_Rod.png×