長所 - ロード・オブ・ザ・リングスオンライン wiki
緩和+34+64.8+97.2+129.6+162+194.4+226.8+259.2+291.6+324non-Combat Power Regen非戦闘時の気力回復+33.8+52.5+71.3+90+108.8+127.5+146.3+165+183.8+202.5Rank
緩和+34+64.8+97.2+129.6+162+194.4+226.8+259.2+291.6+324non-Combat Power Regen非戦闘時の気力回復+33.8+52.5+71.3+90+108.8+127.5+146.3+165+183.8+202.5Rank
Primed RegenUntransmutableStatisticsIntroducedUpdate 19.6 (01-11-2017)極性 PenjagaRarityLegendaryトレード税Credits64.png 1,000,000Source(s)Missions
表·話·編Fallout 76 overviewsAtomic ShopS.C.O.R.E.Nuclear WinterDaily OpsGameplay SPECIAL Derived stats MultiplayerPerks Legendary perksCombat D
nce +10300%10%0.515NoNoNo0004a151Honey.pngBlackberry honey crisp290AP Regen +5AP +300900%20%0.2523NoYesNo003d5f3eIcon_cut.png Black bloodlea
30 Radiance, +45 Will, +22 Fate, +22 Vitality, +90.6 in-Combat Morale Regen206 Armour, +30 Radiance, +45 Fate, +22 Will, +22 Vitality, +268
) x25+153 最大気力 (90 分) x25 195 Turbine Points最大気力を一時的に増加させる / +153 最大気力Regenaration / 再生Out-of-Combat_Regen_Tome_%2860_min%29-icon.pngOut-of-
adiance, +45 Agility, +22 Might, +22 Vitality, +90.6 in-Combat Morale Regen378 Armour, +30 Radiance, +45 Might, +22 Will, +22 Vitality, +22
+35 Agility, +26 Might, +17 Vitality, +9 Fate, +88.8 in-Combat Morale Regen259 Armour, +44 Vitality, +22 Agility, +8 Fate, +22 Morale, +792
で+2となります。長所の効果Compassion同情Physical Mitigation (物理緩和)、non-Combat Power Regen (非戦闘時の気力回復)Tactical Mitigation (戦術緩和)Charity Rank 1-icon1.pngCha
9 Armour, +44 Agility, +22 Vitality, +17 Will, +53.3 in-Combat Morale Regen, +396 Poison Resist Rating259 Armour, +35 Fate, +22 Agility, +22
+102 Morale, +4% Tactical Critical Multiplier, +44.4 in-Combat Morale Regen182 Armour, +35 Vitality, +22 Fate, +22 Will, +53 Tactical Critic
adiance, +45 Agility, +22 Might, +22 Vitality, +90.6 in-Combat Morale Regen378 Armour, +30 Radiance, +45 Might, +45 Fate, +22 Vitality, +22
+26 Agility, +17 Fate, +9 Vitality, +9 Might, +17.8 in-Combat Morale Regen, +317 Poison Resist Rating182 Armour, +35 Fate, +17 Will, +17 Vi
eChance to Damage Armour+42 Might, +42 Agility, +98.4 in-Combat Power Regen, +265 Melee Critical Rating70.3 dps, 132-220 Beleriand damageCha
peed+1% auto-attack Critical Chance+19 Agility, +96.6 in-Combat Power Regen, +169 Morale40.9 dps60-79 Beleriand damage1.7 Speed+1% auto-atta
egen decreases in different stages敵のマナを減らす。減少頻度はシャドウ値によって変わる1-80 Mana Regen:5/s 5秒に1回81-160 Mana Regen:3.33/s 3.33秒に1回161-200 Mana Regen:2.5
eldStatsLight Elven Soldiers497 Armour, +15 Will, +63 in-Combat Power Regen, +212 Block RatingStrong Light Elven Soldiers507 Armour, +15 Wil
30 Radiance, +45 Agility, +22 Might, +22 Fate, +90.6 in-Combat Morale Regen378 Armour, +30 Radiance, +45 Might, +22 Vitality, +22 Agility, +
/ 基本ステータス士気アイコン.png Morale (士気)[]-- 士気が高いほど、より多くの攻撃に耐えることができますMorale Regeneration (士気回復):-- in-Combat (戦闘中)、1分につき xx ポイントを回復する-- non-Combat
dChance to Damage Armour+34 Vitality, +34 Will, +91.2 in-Combat Power Regen, +106 Morale, +212 Melee Critical Rating31.3 dps82-112 Beleriand
.8 SpeedChance to Slow Attack Speed+17 Agility, +249 non-Combat Power Regen, +106 Morale27.6 dps40-60 Ancient Dwarf-make damage1.8 SpeedChan
.8 SpeedChance to Slow Attack Speed+17 Agility, +249 non-Combat Power Regen, +106 Morale27.6 dps40-60 Ancient Dwarf-make damage1.8 SpeedChan
dChance to Damage Armour+34 Vitality, +34 Will, +91.2 in-Combat Power Regen, +106 Morale, +212 Melee Critical Rating31.3 dps82-112 Beleriand
.8 SpeedChance to Slow Attack Speed+17 Agility, +249 non-Combat Power Regen, +106 Morale27.6 dps40-60 Ancient Dwarf-make damage1.8 SpeedChan
lity, +15 Will446 Armour, +30 Might, +90 Morale, +60 in-Combat Morale Regen267 Armour, +90 Morale, +30 Vitality, +15 Might743 Armour, +30 Wi
mage2.1 SpeedChance to lower Evade+18 Vitality, +94.2 in-Combat Power Regen, +128 Power34.5 dps53-84 Westernesse damage2.0 SpeedChance to lo
: 物理防護Chem.armor: 科学防護Rad.armor: 放射性防護Psi.armor: 精神防護Roentgen: 放射線被ばく量Regen: 自然回復量Weight: 重量 詳細 説明 Broodworm M
to-attack Critical Chance+15 Agility, +15 Fate, +91.2 in-Combat Power Regen29.2 dps43-56 Light damage1.7 Speed+1% auto-attack Critical Chanc
uto-attack Critical Chance+15 Agility, +45 Power, +90 in-Combat Power Regen26.1 dps39-50 common damage1.7 Speed+1% auto-attack Critical Chan
mage2.1 SpeedChance to lower Evade+18 Vitality, +94.2 in-Combat Power Regen, +128 Power34.5 dps53-84 Westernesse damage2.0 SpeedChance to lo
ge2.3 SpeedChance to Stun+17 Vitality, +17 Might, +93 in-Combat Power Regen, +110 Parry Rating31.9 dps59-88 Beleriand damage2.3 SpeedChance
, +18 Might, +64 Power372 Armour, +18 Agility, +72.6 in-Combat Morale Regen, +141 Morale223 Armour, +18 Vitality, +18 Might, +18 Agility, +1
lity, +7 Will, +39 Power281 Armour, +13 Might, +15.5 in-Combat Morale Regen, +39 Morale169 Armour, +13 Vitality, +150 non-Combat Morale Rege
ance to Damage Armour+35 Vitality, +35 Agility, +285 non-Combat Power Regen, +116 Power, +127 Morale36.2 dps95-129 Ancient Dwarf-make damage
r, +90 Morale, +4% Tactical Critical Multiplier, +30 in-Combat Morale Regen146 Armour, +90 Morale, +30 Will, +15 Vitality405 Armour, +30 Wil
peed+1% auto-attack Critical Chance+13 Might, +112.5 non-Combat Power Regen22.6 dps31-41 Westernesse damage1.6 Speed+1% auto-attack Critical
ォーリーダースキル)Advanced Passive Skills / 上級パッシブスキルモンスター 耐久力回復速度-iconHealth Regeneration耐久力回復non-Combat Morale Regen (非戦闘中の耐久力回復) が増加しますin-Combat
ance to Damage Armour+35 Vitality, +35 Agility, +285 non-Combat Power Regen, +116 Power, +127 Morale36.2 dps95-129 Ancient Dwarf-make damage
r340 Armour, +17 Might, +17 Agility, +17 Will, +31.8 in-Combat Morale Regen, +53 Morale204 Armour, +17 Vitality, +17 Might, +17 Agility, +10
itical Defence Ratings, +21 Vitality, +21 Fate, +49.2 in-Combat Power Regen, +170 PowerWarden's Shield of the Golden Host926 Armour, +1024 A
nger - 120 Thirst - 120 Max.weight (20KΓ) Stealth (20%) Regen (+2) points lvl. (+7) アーティファクト装備数 4 Vitality 6 Agili
+140 Power500 Armour, +19 Might, +38 Agility, +38.4 in-Combat Morale Regen, +155 Morale299 Armour, +19 Vitality, +19 Might, +19 Fate, +19 A
ling SporesMod_TT_20px.png Revealing Spores • Venom Dose Venom Dose • Regenerative MoltMod_TT_20px.png Regenerative Molt • Contagion Cloud C
Out-of-Combat Regen Tome (45 min)-icon Out-of-Combat Regen Tome (45 min)アカウントにバインドPerks (宿命点特典)使用すると消費する使用:+1580 非戦闘時の気力回復+1326 非戦闘時の士気回復持続時
at Morale regen127 Armour, +46 Morale352 Armour, +42 in-Combat Morale Regen, +8 Might127 Armour, +8 Fate, +23 PowerSteel Armour Material Req
, +49 Power440 Armour, +34 Might, +17 Agility, +31.8 in-Combat Morale Regen, +53 Morale264 Armour, +34 Vitality, +17 Might, +17 Agility, +53
Class Legacy-con Major Class Legacy: 'Tactics: Focus' in-Combat Power Regen Buffアカウントにバインド使用すると消費する『どんな Major Legacy (上位伝来) でも Tier 2 'Tacti
Out-of-Combat Regen Tome (60 min)-icon Out-of-Combat Regen Tome (60 min)アカウントにバインドPerks (宿命点特典)使用すると消費する使用:+1580 非戦闘時の気力回復+1326 非戦闘時の士気回復持続時
Armour, +19 Might, +19 Agility, +19 Vitality, +40.2 in-Combat Morale Regen, +169 Morale310 Armour, +39 Vitality, +19 Might, +19 Agility, +8
Out-of-Combat Regen Tome (90 min)-icon Out-of-Combat Regen Tome (90 min)アカウントにバインドPerks (宿命点特典)使用すると消費する使用:+1580 非戦闘時の気力回復+1326 非戦闘時の士気回復持続時