











melee (近接攻撃)


Ranged (遠隔攻撃) DEXベースの攻撃スキル。
Magic (魔法攻撃) MNTベースの攻撃スキル。敵がD-shieldの特技を持っている場合、命中率は下がる。
Guard (防御) (最大AP-現在AP)/2分、APを回復する。
Heal (回復) 使用すると2CPを獲得する。また、デバフの効果時間が減少する。



Physical (物理)

与えるダメージ=(スキルの威力+自分のSTR) - 相手のSTR

Poison (毒)

与えるダメージ=(スキルの威力+自分のRES) - 相手のRES


Air (風)

与えるダメージ=(スキルの威力+自分のMNT) - 相手のRES

Fire (炎) 与えるダメージ=(スキルの威力+自分のMNT) - 相手のRES
Ice (氷結) 与えるダメージ=(スキルの威力+自分のMNT) - 相手のRES
Shock (麻痺) 与えるダメージ=(スキルの威力+自分のMNT) - 相手のRES
Astral (アストラル)

与えるダメージ=(スキルの威力+自分のMNT) - 相手のRES


Terror (恐怖) Astral属性の魔法。ただし、VPではなくCPにダメージを与えます。
Disrupt (混乱) Astral属性の魔法。ただし、ダメージを与える代わりにDisrupted状態を与えます。成功率はMNTによって決まります。
Capture (捕獲)

Astral属性の魔法。ただし、他のスキルよりも高いAPを消費します。この呪文で自分のLV以下のキャラクターを倒せば、捕まえることができます。捕まえたモンスターは街に戻った後仲間にすることができます。(詳しくはホーム画面のmeet captured monsters)


Area of effect (広範囲) ダメージタイプ以外に「Wide」と書かれている場合があります。この属性のスキルは、ダメージが半減する代わりに敵の前線全員に攻撃できます。




Power スキルの基本ダメージ。最終的なダメージは、LVと属性によって変更されます。
Hit rate スキルの基本ヒット率。最終ヒット率はLVと属性によって変更され、次に対戦相手のAPによって差し引かれます。
Critical rate 基本のクリティカル率。最終的なクリティカル率はLVと属性によって変更され、次に対戦相手のAPによって差し引かれます。クリティカル率はあなたの命中率とは別で、相手を攻撃した後に計算されます。クリティカル攻撃に成功すると、150%のダメージを与え、相手はCPを1失います。








名前 タイプ 属性 対象 AP CP 威力 Hit クリ 説明
Guard guard none self 0 0 0 0 0 Recovers Action Point (AP)
Meditation heal none self -15 2 0 0 0 Cures statuses and gives concentration power (CP)


名前 タイプ 属性 対象 AP CP 威力 Hit クリ 説明
Single Slash melee physical one -15 0 12 120 30 A single slash, done with a sharp object
Impact melee physical one -15 0 12 120 30 An attack which uses something to bludgeon an opponent
Claw Slash  melee physical one -15 0 12 120 30 A series of scratches, made with claws
Triple Slashes melee physical one -25 0 19 110 30 A quick succession of blows made with a cutting weapon
Flurry of Blows melee physical one -25 0 19 110 30 A number of blunt attacks made in quick succession
Rapid Claws melee physical one -25 0 19 110 30 A rapid, animalistic attack done with sharpened claws
Dancing Blade melee physical one -35 0 24 100 30 A graceful, dance-like slash with a sharp weapon
Smashing Blow melee physical one -35 0 24 100 30 The user puts all of their strength into their fist, inflicting heavy damage
Biting Attack melee physical one -35 0 24 100 30 A nasty biting attack
Berserk melee physical one -40 0 26 90 30 The user lets go of all finesse and wildly attacks their target
Shot ranged physical one -15 0 12 120 30 An attack made with a long ranged weapon
Arrows ranged physical one -25 0 19 110 30 A simple attack made with a bow
Hurl Boulder ranged physical one -35 0 24 100 30 Through a great feat of strength, the user flings a large stone at their target


名前 タイプ 属性 対象 AP CP 威力 Hit クリ 説明
Venom Claws melee poison one -25 0 19 110 10 The user viciously attacks, their claws imbued with demon-like ferocity
Venom Shot ranged poison one -15 0 12 120 10 A bolt of venom is launched at the target, damaging and potentially poisoning them
Poison Breath ranged poison one -30 0 22 100 10 The user breaths out toxic fumes, damaging and poisoning enemies
Poison Dust magic poison one -15 0 12 120 10 The user spreads poisonous dust into the air, damaging a target
Poison Bolt magic poison one -25 0 19 110 10 The user launches a bolt of poison at a target, damaging them
Toxic Bomb magic poison wide -35 -1 24 100 10 This deadly attack causes an explosion of poisonous gas, damaging multiple targets


名前 タイプ 属性 対象 AP CP 威力 Hit クリ 説明
Tornado Slashes melee air one -25 0 19 120 20 The user imbues their weapon with elemental air before delivering a devastating slash
Dust Blast ranged air one -15 0 12 130 20 Summons a powerful gale that kicks up dust at a target
Air Cutter ranged air one -30 0 22 110 20 With the use of vacuums, the user cuts their opponent with the very air
Gust magic air one -15 0 12 130 20 A powerful gust of wind is summoned, striking a target
Whirlwind magic air one -25 0 19 120 20 A swirling wind is summoned, striking a target
Tornado magic air wide -35 -1 24 110 20 A powerful, magical storm is summoned, striking multiple targets for wind damage


名前 タイプ 属性 対象 AP CP 威力 Hit クリ 説明
Fire Slash melee fire one -30 0 24 100 20 The user imbues their weapons with elemental fire before delivering a devastating slash
Fire Breath ranged fire one -35 0 26 100 20 The user breathes fire, damaging a single target
Missile Launcher magic fire wide -50 0 28 90 20 A high explosive ordnance is launched from the demolitionist's cannon, dealing devastating fire damage to multiple targets
Fire Twist magic fire one -20 0 18 110 20 Twisting flames wrap around the target, damaging them
Combust magic fire one -30 0 24 100 20 The target suffers from spontaneous combustion, damaging them
Rings of Flames magic fire wide -40 -1 28 90 20 A whirlwind of fire is conjured, damaging multiple targets


名前 タイプ 属性 対象 AP CP 威力 Hit クリ 説明
Ice Hammer melee ice one -30 0 26 90 20 The user imbues their weapon with elemental ice, before delivering a devastating blow
Ice Cutter ranged ice one -35 0 28 90 20 Frozen, sharpened rings are hurled at the target
Ice Flash magic ice one -20 0 20 110 20 The user flashfreezes their target, damaging them
Crystal Spike magic ice one -30 0 26 90 20 A frozen, crystalline spike is launched at a single target
Avalanche magic ice wide -40 -1 30 80 20 A devastating wave of ice and snow rains down on multiple targets


名前 タイプ 属性 対象 AP CP 威力 Hit クリ 説明
Lightning Slices melee shock one -35 0 28 80 30 The user imbues their weapon with elemental lightning before delivering devastating slashes
Ball Lightning ranged shock one -40 0 30 70 30 An orb of lightning is hurled at the target
Thunder magic shock one -25 0 23 90 30 Lightning is summoned to strike a single target
Thunder Chain magic shock one -35 0 28 80 30 A chaining bolt of lightning strikes the target
Thunder Storm magic shock wide -50 -1 32 70 30 The user summons a terrible, black storm, striking multiple targets


名前 タイプ 属性 対象 AP CP 威力 Hit クリ 説明
Holy Slash melee astral one -40 -1 30 80 30 The user imbues their attack with divine energy, ignoring all resistances
Holy Arrows ranged astral one -50 -1 32 80 30 The user launches arrows forged from light, ignoring all resistances
Supernova ranged astral wide -60 -2 34 80 30 The user invokes incredible cosmic power, striking multiple targets for astral damage
Holy Bolt magic astral one -40 -1 30 80 30 The user throws a bolt of divine energy, ignoring all resistances
Ether Burst magic astral wide -60 -2 34 80 30 This causes a powerful explosion infused with divine energy
Spell Disruption magic astral wide -35 -1 0 100 30 Prevents the target from using magic
Terrorize magic astral wide -35 -1 0 100 30 Terrorizes the target, causing them to lose a large amount of AP
Capture magic astral one -35 -1 12 90 30 If a monster is defeated with this skill, it will be transported to your prison
Astral Blade melee astral one -50 -10 60 80 30 A skill which can only be used in the Flow state, it delivers a series of blows infused with divine energy
Astral Flare magic astral wide -60 -10 60 80 30 The single most potent holy magic spell in existence, this can only be used in the Flow State


名前 タイプ 属性 対象 AP CP 威力 Hit クリ 説明
Parry melee solid one -20 0 9 100 30  
Dispel Shield magic ether one -10 0 0 0 0  
Spell Chanting magic ether one -10 0 0 0 0  
whirlpool ranged solid one -15 0 7 100 30  

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2021-02-26 22:16:45
