League droid

ページ名:League droid

 For the time being, "Free Knight-Alpha Lv.3" will be summoned every day.
 [Reason for summoning every day]
 ・ To get daily rewards.
 ・ If you have made a donation even once, even if you are not qualified to participate
 Donation rewards and defeat rewards will be obtained.
 [Summon time]
 ・ If you defeat it once, a cool time of 12 hours will occur,
 Donation will start when the cool time is over.
 ・ When the donation is over, it will be ready to be summoned.
      Summon at the same time as the latest world BOSS.
 [Damage reward]
 ・ Damage rewards can only be obtained by the attacking person.
 [Damage ranking]
 ・ Even after defeating the robot (failure state)
      While the robot is on the map or has an attack button
      It will be reflected in the damage rank.
 ・ You can also earn damage rewards.











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