

Location: Infinite Lagrange Wiki -> How-to

Fighters and corvettes are the two classes of ships that are labelled aircraft and cannot travel independently. Despite the fact that they have cruise and warp speed values listed, these values don’t appear to affect anything. In order for ships in these classes to participate in any operation (other than defending the base) they must be loaded onto an appropriate carrier vehicle.


Corvette Transport[]

The following ships or super capital ship Modules are capable of transporting corvettes:

  • Indefatigable - Missile Battlecruiser, Module B1, Corvette Dock: 2 corvettes
  • Spear of Uranus - Heavy Battlecruiser, Module B2, Corvette Dock: 3 corvettes
  • CV3000, Module M1 (default), Integrated Aircraft Hangar/Corvette Dock: 3 corvettes
  • CV3000, Module B2, Corvette Loading System: 3 corvettes
  • Marshal Crux - Carrier, Module A2, Corvette Dock: 6 corvettes
  • Solar Whale - Armed Tactical Carrier, Module M1 (default), Corvette Dock: 6 corvettes
  • Solar Whale - Armed Tactical Carrier, Module B2, Corvette Loading Platform: 3 corvettes
  • CAS066 - Aircraft Cruiser, Corvette Dock: 2 corvettes
  • Jaeger - Heavy Aircraft Cruiser, Corvette-Mounting Dock: 4 corvettes
  • XT-20 - Escort Cruiser, Corvette-Mounting Dock: 4 corvettes
  • AC721 - Heavy Dual-Purpose Assault Ship, Corvette-Mounting Dock: 2 corvettes
  • Guardian - Dual-Purpose Assault Ship, Corvette-Mounting Dock: 2 corvettes

Fighter Transport[]

Unlike corvettes, transporting fighters is slightly more complicated because they come in different sizes and the ship hangar must be large enough to accommodate the specific model of fighter the player wants to use.

The following ships and super capital ship Modules are capable of transporting fighters:

  • Constantine the Great - Multi-Role Battlecruiser Module C2, Aircraft Module, Medium Hangar: 2 small or medium fighters
  • ST59 - Defensive Battlecruiser Module B2, Aircraft System, Medium Hangar: 2 small or medium fighters
  • CV3000 - High-Speed Carrier Module M1 (default), Integrated Aircraft Hangar/Large Aircraft Hangar: 5 fighters, any size
  • CV3000 - High-Speed Carrier Module M2, Integrated Aircraft System/Large Aircraft Hangar: 5 fighters, any size
  • CV3000 - High-Speed Carrier Module M3, Large Aircraft System
    • Large Aircraft Hangar: 5 fighters, any size
    • Aircraft Hangar: 3 fighters, any size
  • Marshal Crux - Carrier Module A1, Integrated Aircraft Hangar: 6 fighters, any size
  • Marshal Crux - Carrier Module B1, Additional Aircraft System: 4 small or medium fighters
  • Solar Whale - Armed Tactical Carrier Module M2, Large Aircraft System: 8 fighters, any size
  • Solar Whale - Armed Tactical Carrier Module C1, Large Aircraft System: 5 fighters, any size
  • Crasher - Aircraft Transport Medium Hangar: 3 small or medium fighters
  • Predator - Aircraft Cruiser Medium Hangar: 4 small or medium fighters
  • Predator - Anti-Aircraft Cruiser Medium Hangar: 4 small or medium fighters
  • Predator - Tactical Aircraft Cruiser Medium Hangar: 4 small or medium fighters
  • Argus - Tactical Destroyer Medium Hangar: 1 small or medium fighter
  • Ceres - Aircraft Destroyer Medium Hangar: 2 small or medium fighters
  • Tundra - Aircraft Destroyer Medium Hangar: 2 small or medium fighters

Loading Aircraft[]

There are two methods of loading aircraft onto a transport. One is automated, and the choice of which aircraft to load on which ship is made by the computer. One is manual and loading choices are completely at the discretion of the player.

Aircraft loading may only be performed at the player's base. Note that the system will enforce hangar size restrictions and so, for example, if the player has only Bullfrogs, and goes to load a Predator, they will find no available aircraft.

Automatic Loading[]


Fleet view when fleet has carrier ships

When the player goes into the fleet view of a fleet that has carrier ships, there will be an Aircraft Distribution button.

If all of the carrier spots have aircraft already loaded, then pressing the Aircraft Distribution button will give an error "No idle hangars."


Auto Load Screen

If the fleet has any open hangars, then pressing the button will bring up the Auto Load screen. Any slots that are already loaded will be shown with those aircraft greyed out. Unfilled slots will show graphics for a proposed loading. The player has the option of accepting the proposed loading by pressing the CONFIRM button or cancelling by pressing the X button in the upper right corner.

Auto loading will attempt to fill every open spot on every carrier ship in the entire fleet.

Manual Loading[]


Select a carrier ship from Ship List and click Aircraft

Manual loading is done on a ship by ship basis and can either be done from the Fleet view by manually clicking on a ship, from the Fleet view by selecting the ship in the Ship List, or from the Ship Management screen by manually clicking on the ship (if you can find it) or by selecting the ship from the ship list. Once a ship has been selected, press the AIRCRAFT button to access the Aircraft Loading screen.


Loading a corvette

In the aircraft loading screen, the player can drag the aircraft they want to load into available slots on the ship. The application will enforce the loading rules - note that corvettes cannot be loaded into a fighter hangar.

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