


アスラ ストーリーライン[]

チャール ストーリーライン[]

ヒューマン ストーリーライン[]

Logan Thackerayヒューマン男性生存1Defending Shaemoor28The Queen's Justice / The Trap / Kellach's Attack
Sam Beirneヒューマン男性死亡1Defending Shaemoor1Defending Shaemoor
Caudecus Beetlestoneヒューマン男性生存
Julius Zamonヒューマン男性死亡3Welcome Home10The Trial of Julius Zamon
Mehidヒューマン男性生存11Voices From the Past19Ashes of the Past
Saliaヒューマン女性生存11Voices From the Past19Ashes of the Past
Uzolanヒューマン男性死亡16The Artist's Workshop16The Artist's Workshop
Kellachヒューマン男性死亡28The Queen's Justice / The Trap / Kellach's Attack28The Queen's Justice / The Trap / Kellach's Attack

ノルン ストーリーライン[]

Eir Stegalkinノルン女性生存1The Great Hunt28Silent Warfare / Sever the Head / Assault the Hill
Hunter Haukノルン男性生存1The Great Hunt
Ido the Tannerノルン男性生存1The Great Hunt
Knut Whitebearノルン男性生存1The Great Hunt11A New Challenger
Thora Griffonbaneノルン女性生存1The Great Hunt
Mikkel Toivossonノルン男性生存1The Great Hunt19The Championship Fight
Sigfastノルン男性生存1The Great Hunt
Skartiノルン男性生存1The Great Hunt21Dredge Technology
Vargノルン男性生存1The Great Hunt16Darkness at Drakentelt
Beigarth the Smithノルン男性生存3A Weapon of Legend8Out of the Skies
Herjarrノルン男性4Disciples of the Dragon
Koragヨツン男性死亡6Echoes of Ages Past10The Last of the Giant-Kings
Elder Thrulnヨツン男性生存6Echoes of Ages Past6Echoes of Ages Past
Bergrisヨツン男性10The Last of the Giant-Kings10The Last of the Giant-Kings
Ferghen the Trackerノルン男性3Wild Spirits
Hafdan the Blackノルン男性死亡4Rage of the Minotaurs4Rage of the Minotaurs
Linneaノルン女性生存6A Trap Foiled6A Trap Foiled
Bjarniノルン男性生存6A Trap Foiled6A Trap Foiled
Jamgrimm6A Trap Foiled
Vidkunノルン男性死亡10Minotaur Rampant10Minotaur Rampant
Shaman Gamliノルン男性生存3A Pup's Illness3A Pup's Illness
Apprentice Valdaノルン女性生存3A Pup's Illness10The Wolf Havroun
Havroun Svenaノルン女性生存4Through the Veil8Into the Mists
Havroun Grechenノルン女性死亡6Blessed of Bear8Into the Mists
Havroun Weibeノルン男性生存6Raven's Revered8Into the Mists
Armund the White8Into the Mists8Into the Mists
Styrr Frostbladeノルン男性死亡8Into the Mists10The Wolf Havroun
Havroun Solviノルン男性死亡10The Wolf Havroun10The Wolf Havroun
Ballista Geargrindチャール女性生存11Unexpected Visitors19The Machine in Action
Mangonel Gearstripチャール男性生存11Unexpected Visitors19The Machine in Action
Centurion Gnaeus Quickfangチャール男性生存19The Machine in Action19The Machine in Action
Count Cargissヒューマン男性亡霊19The Machine in Action19The Machine in Action
Nollarrノルン男性14First Attack
Hekka Ravenswealthノルン女性生存14The Finishing Blow
Balteus Bloodletterチャール男性生存16The Semifinals19The Championship Fight
Gulthor Cruelhoofケンタウロス男性生存16The Semifinals19The Championship Fight
Caherisシルヴァリ女性生存16The Semifinals19The Championship Fight
Spatha Greatbladeチャール女性生存16The Semifinals19The Championship Fight
Byrnn Twobearノルン男性生存19The Championship Fight19The Championship Fight
Krennak the Shortノルン男性生存11Rumors of Trouble
Fastulf Jotharssonノルン男性生存11Rumors of Trouble
Followed by Nightコーダン女性生存14Among the Kodan19Preserving the Balance
Niilo Wolfskinnerノルン男性19Means to an End19Means to an End
Scholar Prottノルン男性生存21Dredge Technology30Silent Warfare
Crusader Thurkillノルン男性生存21Dredge Technology30Assault the Hill
Agent Ifwynノルン女性生存21Dredge Technology30Sever the Head
Vyacheslavドレッジ男性死亡22Underground Scholar30Silent Warfare / Sever the Head
Scholar Vivianノルン女性生存22Underground Scholar
Vladokドレッジ男性26Sabotage / Code Breaker
Liliana Blackヒューマン女性生存26Code Breaker26Code Breaker

シルヴァリ ストーリーライン[]

Caitheシルヴァリ女性生存1Fighting the Nightmare28Dead of Winter / A Tangle of Weeds / Flower of Death
Ventariケンタウロス男性死亡1Fighting the Nightmare1Fighting the Nightmare
Trahearneシルヴァリ男性生存11After the Storm / Wild Growth / Where Life Goes28Dead of Winter / A Tangle of Weeds / Flower of Death
Avatar of the Treeシルヴァリ女性生存

オーダー ストーリーライン[]

Forgal Kernssonノルン男性死亡31Vigil (order icon).pngA Fragile Peace50The Battle of Claw Island
Sieranシルヴァリ女性死亡31Dredging up the Past50The Battle of Claw Island
Tybalt Leftpawチャール男性死亡31Order of Whispers (order icon).pngStealing Secrets50The Battle of Claw Island
Ftokchakスクリット男性生存42Rat-Tastrophe47Set To Blow
Garaグラウル男性生存42Doubt47Attempted Deicide
Ikniuハイレック男性生存42Champion's Sacrifice47Unholy Grounds
Lagulaオーグ女性生存42Untamed Wilds47The Lost Chieftain's Return
Shashooクアガン女性生存42Bad Ice47Evacuation
Trahearneシルヴァリ男性死亡50The Battle of Claw Island59Retribution
Rezaヒューマン男性亡霊55A Light in the Darkness55A Light in the Darkness
Avatar of the Treeシルヴァリ女性生存55A Light in the Darkness55A Light in the Darkness
Galina Edgecrusherチャール女性生存53Defense Contract59Retribution
Snarl Backdraftチャール男性生存53Defense Contract59Retribution

パクト ストーリーライン[]

Trahearneシルヴァリ男性死亡62Forging the Pact80Victory or Death
Rezaヒューマン男性亡霊80The Source of Orr80The Source of Orr
Galina Edgecrusherチャール女性生存80The Source of Orr80Victory or Death
Snarl Backdraftチャール男性生存80The Source of Orr80Victory or Death
Sam Beirneヒューマン男性死亡78Marching Orders80The Steel Tide


Adelbernヒューマン男性亡霊30Ascalonian Catacombs (story)30Ascalonian Catacombs (story)
Eir Stegalkinノルン女性死亡30Ascalonian Catacombs (story)80The Ruined City of Arah (story)
Kasha Blackbloodヒューマン女性亡霊30Ascalonian Catacombs (story)30Ascalonian Catacombs (story)
Nenteヒューマン男性亡霊30Ascalonian Catacombs (story)30Ascalonian Catacombs (story)
Ralena Stormbringerヒューマン女性亡霊30Ascalonian Catacombs (story)30Ascalonian Catacombs (story)
Rytlock Brimstoneチャール男性生存30Ascalonian Catacombs (story)80The Ruined City of Arah (story)
Vassarヒューマン男性亡霊30Ascalonian Catacombs (story)30Ascalonian Catacombs (story)
Caudecus Beetlestoneヒューマン男性生存40Caudecus's Manor (story)40Caudecus's Manor (story)
Uzolanヒューマン男性死亡40Caudecus's Manor (story)40Caudecus's Manor (story)
Logan Thackerayヒューマン男性生存40Caudecus's Manor (story)80The Ruined City of Arah (story)
Zojjaアスラ女性生存40Caudecus's Manor (story)80The Ruined City of Arah (story)
Caitheシルヴァリ女性生存50Twilight Arbor (story)80The Ruined City of Arah (story)
Faolainシルヴァリ女性死亡50Twilight Arbor (story)50Twilight Arbor (story)
Kuduアスラ男性死亡60Sorrow's Embrace (story)78Crucible of Eternity (story)
Gaheron Baelfireチャール男性死亡70Citadel of Flame (story)75Citadel of Flame (explorable)
Zhaitanエルダードラゴン男性死亡80The Ruined City of Arah (story)80The Ruined City of Arah (story)
Farnaxライゼンヒューマン女性死亡80The Ruined City of Arah (explorable)80The Ruined City of Arah (explorable)
Ghasemライゼンヒューマン男性死亡80The Ruined City of Arah (explorable)80The Ruined City of Arah (explorable)
Kaisarライゼンヒューマン男性死亡80The Ruined City of Arah (explorable)80The Ruined City of Arah (explorable)
Siminライゼンヒューマン女性死亡80The Ruined City of Arah (explorable)80The Ruined City of Arah (explorable)
Vahidライゼンヒューマン男性死亡80The Ruined City of Arah (explorable)80The Ruined City of Arah (explorable)


Oswald Thornヒューマン男性亡霊2012-10-22Shadow of the Mad King2012-10-22Shadow of the Mad King
Tassiアスラ女性生存2012-10-22Shadow of the Mad King2012-10-22Shadow of the Mad King
Canachシルヴァリ男性生存2012-11-16The Lost Shores2013-05-28Last Stand at Southsun
Ellen Kielヒューマン女性生存2012-11-16The Lost Shores2013-07-23Cutthroat Politics
Lynsシルヴァリ女性生存2012-11-16The Lost Shores2012-11-16The Lost Shores
Theo Ashfordヒューマン男性死亡2012-11-16The Lost Shores2013-06-11Dragon Bash
Flessアスラ男性生存2012-12-14Wintersday: The Wondrous Workshop of Toymaker Tixx2012-12-14Wintersday: The Wondrous Workshop of Toymaker Tixx
Gruppアスラ男性生存2012-12-14Wintersday: The Wondrous Workshop of Toymaker Tixx2012-12-14Wintersday: The Wondrous Workshop of Toymaker Tixx
Kazziアスラ女性生存2012-12-14Wintersday: The Wondrous Workshop of Toymaker Tixx2012-12-14Wintersday: The Wondrous Workshop of Toymaker Tixx
Tixxアスラ男性生存2012-12-14Wintersday: The Wondrous Workshop of Toymaker Tixx2012-12-14Wintersday: The Wondrous Workshop of Toymaker Tixx
Toxxゴーレム女性生存2012-12-14Wintersday: The Wondrous Workshop of Toymaker Tixx2012-12-14Wintersday: The Wondrous Workshop of Toymaker Tixx
Ullaアスラ女性生存2012-12-14Wintersday: The Wondrous Workshop of Toymaker Tixx2012-12-14Wintersday: The Wondrous Workshop of Toymaker Tixx
Yemmアスラ男性生存2012-12-14Wintersday: The Wondrous Workshop of Toymaker Tixx2012-12-14Wintersday: The Wondrous Workshop of Toymaker Tixx
Brahamノルン男性生存2013-03-26Flame and Frost: The Razing2013-08-20Clockwork Chaos
Eir Stegalkinノルン女性死亡2013-03-26Flame and Frost: The Razing2013-04-30Flame and Frost: Retribution
Frostbiteディバウラー男性生存2013-03-26Flame and Frost: The Razing2013-04-30Flame and Frost: Retribution
Roxチャール女性生存2013-03-26Flame and Frost: The Razing2013-08-20Clockwork Chaos
Rytlock Brimstoneチャール男性生存2013-03-26Flame and Frost: The Razing2013-04-30Flame and Frost: Retribution
Motoアスラ男性生存2013-04-01Super Adventure Box2013-04-01Super Adventure Box
Farenヒューマン男性生存2013-05-28The Secret of Southsun2013-08-20Clockwork Chaos
Hobo-Tronゴーレム男性生存2013-05-28The Secret of Southsun2013-08-20Clockwork Chaos
Kasmeer Meadeヒューマン女性生存2013-05-28The Secret of Southsun2013-05-25Sky Pirates of Tyria
Logan Thackerayヒューマン男性生存2013-06-11Dragon Bash2013-08-20Clockwork Chaos
Mai Trinヒューマン女性生存2013-06-11Dragon Bash2013-06-09Bazaar of the Four Winds
Marjory Delaquaヒューマン女性生存2013-06-11Dragon Bash2013-06-11Dragon Bash
Frizzアスラ男性死亡2013-05-25Sky Pirates of Tyria2013-05-25Sky Pirates of Tyria
Horrikノルン男性死亡2013-05-25Sky Pirates of Tyria2013-05-25Sky Pirates of Tyria
Evon Gnashbladeチャール男性生存2013-06-09Bazaar of the Four Winds2013-07-23Cutthroat Politics
Marcello DiGiacomoヒューマン男性生存2013-08-06Queen's Jubilee2013-08-20Clockwork Chaos
Scarlet Briarシルヴァリ女性死亡2013-08-06Queen's Jubilee2014-04-03Battle for Lion's Arch


Phluntアスラ男性生存2012-07-29The Dragon's Reach: Part 12012-07-29The Dragon's Reach: Part 1
Rytlock Brimstoneチャール男性生存2012-07-29The Dragon's Reach: Part 12012-07-29The Dragon's Reach: Part 1
Smodur the Unflinchingチャール男性生存2012-07-29The Dragon's Reach: Part 12012-07-29The Dragon's Reach: Part 1

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