このページは、NCsoft と ArenaNet による Guild Wars 2 に関する比較的新しい公式のニュースとブログ記事のリストです。古い記事は一番下にリンクしてあるアーカイブにあります。
All players who have pre-purchased Guild Wars 2 are invited to participate in our upcoming stress test. This four-hour test event will run on Wednesday, June 27 th , from 10 am to 2 pm PDT (GMT-7) 日本時間6月28日(木)午前2時~6時.全文を読む(英語)
To begin this blog post, let me pose a question: How do you measure the success of an MMO?続きを読む(英語)
Hello, everyone, I’m back with another blog post about world vs. world. We’ve been incredibly busy over the last couple weeks, incorporating your feedback from the recent Beta Weekend Event, and we already have some very cool updates to show for it. So, I just wanted to take a few minutes and give everyone a sneak preview of some improvements that you can look forward to when you hop into world vs. world during our next Beta Weekend Event.続きを読む(英語)
With the second Beta Weekend Event almost upon us (June 8-10), it’s time that you and your friends start planning on which world you want to play. I’m here to help!続きを読む(英語)
As you may have heard, our next massive Beta Weekend Event kicks off on June 8 at Noon (Pacific). In advance of the Beta, ArenaNet President Mike O'Brien himself is jumping on Reddit for an Ask Me Anything session, starting at Noon (Pacific) on June 6 on the /r/gaming subreddit for three hours. Mike will also be joined by other Guild Wars 2 team members to answer your questions. Got a Guild Wars 2 question for Mike and the rest of the ArenaNet Team? Don’t be shy–they don’t call it Ask Me Anything for nothing!
EDIT: the post is up and you can start asking questions now!
It’s almost here—the second Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend Event begins this Friday! For three days, players from all over the world will experience the wonders and dangers of Tyria—and a ton of cool new content! 続きを読む(英語)
Our hard-working IT team has spent the last couple of weeks getting our servers ready in Europe and North America. Our next Beta Weekend Event is this weekend (June 8-10), so we checked in with our IT Director Jared Chavez to see how things are going. As you can see, Jared is very confident we can handle the new players! 続きを読む(英語)
It’s no secret that those of us working at ArenaNet are some of Guild Wars 2’s biggest fans. Each of us is thrilled to be a part of this game, and just like so many of our community members, we find all sorts of ways to express it. Content programmer Eric Rane stepped up to do just that in a big way with an extra-large Guild Wars 2 dragon logo on his torso. 続きを読む(英語)
Hello, everyone, my name is Stéphane Lo Presti. As a community manager for ArenaNet, one of my roles is to act as a liaison between our studio and the wiki community. And today, I’d like to share some exciting news for French and German gamers: we’re launching official French and German Guild Wars 2 wikis! But before we get into details, I’d like to say a few words about wikis in general. 続きを読む(英語)
Heroes of Tyria!
My name is Chris Whiteside, and I’m the lead producer of Guild Wars 2. Normally, I’m head-down in the trenches, making sure we’re producing the best MMO possible, but I wanted to come up for air and share some exciting news with you:
Beta Weekend Event 2 will begin on Friday, June 8th, at noon PDT (GMT-7) and will run until Sunday, June 10th, at 11:59 p.m. PDT (GMT-7).
Salutations, readers! I’m Annie VanderMeer Mitsoda, a content designer here at ArenaNet, and I’d like to give you a little background on exactly what goes on in the process of naming things in Guild Wars 2. The world of Tyria has a vast amount of creatures, locations, and items, and though wrangling the names of so many different things over such a huge scale is a daunting task, ArenaNet has developed an excellent system to manage them. 続きを読む(英語)
Many of you have been asking about when we will have our second Beta Weekend Event. As we are approaching a long weekend in many parts of the world, we understand that some of you want to make plans for that. To help you with that we can confirm that we will NOT be running BWE2 this coming weekend.
Our BWE1 was super successful, we exceeded our expectations. As some of you might have experienced... 続きを読む(英語)
Ever since we announced the Guild Wars 2 Pre-Purchase program and Headstart Access, we’ve had a lot of questions about how name reservation will work for existing Guild Wars players. Here’s how it will work: 続きを読む(英語)
Meet Ameranth, a sylvari who shares the same sense of wonder and curiosity about her world as her kin—and yet who stands out because of how she has chosen to act upon it. You see, she decided to satisfy her curiosity by seeing Tyria firsthand, walking from one end of the land to the other. 続きを読む(英語)
The other week we hosted our first Beta Weekend Event, when hundreds of thousands of players who pre-purchased Guild Wars 2 got their first chance to play the game. This was a huge milestone for ArenaNet; with no NDAs and no press...続きを読む(英語)
Last week we held our first-ever Beta Weekend Event, a humble in-game get together attended by hundreds of thousands of our closest friends. This was an old-school beta; a lot of the lessons learned and data collected from the event are being applied toward improving the game as I write this. We want to extend a huge thanks to everyone who played. Your feedback, bugs, and participation are absolutely crucial to our goal of making Guild Wars 2 the best game possible at launch. 続きを読む(英語)
For our first Beta Weekend Event (April 27-29), home-world selection and world transfers will work just as they will when Guild Wars 2 launches. 続きを読む(英語)
We’re days away from the first Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend Event, and it’s no exaggeration to say that we’re as eager as all of you for the event to begin. While the developers are busy preparing the game, we here on the community team are keeping busy by keeping all of you, our Guild Wars family, informed, with help from a few popular social media outlets. 続きを読む(英語)
We’re counting the days until the first public Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend Event, which begins on Friday, April 27, at noon PDT (GMT-8) and ends on Sunday, April 29, at 11:59 p.m. PDT (GMT-8). Hundreds of thousands of players from around the world will get their first taste of Guild Wars 2—and rest assured, we’ll be playing alongside them! 続きを読む(英語)
Today we’re going to take a look at another key component of the Collector’s Edition – the 112- page Making of Guild Wars 2 book. This deluxe hardback book goes behind the scenes during the five year production of Guild Wars 2. 続きを読む(英語)
As you’ve undoubtedly heard by now, Guild Wars 2 Pre-Purchase has begun! Thousands of players from all over the world have begun pre-purchasing their copies of the Digital Edition, the Digital Deluxe Edition, and the limited Collector’s Edition. Everyone who pre-purchases the game receives the very handy Hero’s Band in-game item, three day Headstart Access before launch, and access to Beta Weekend Events (like the one coming up soon!). This week we’re going to take a look at the cool stuff you’ll discover when you first open the custom-made box. 続きを読む(英語)
The countdown has begun! We’re less than a day away from Pre-Purchase, and since we’re as excited as you all are, we’ve decided to post a video to help us all pass the time and stoke our enthusiasm. 続きを読む(英語)
Hi, everyone. I’m Jordan Massey, a gameplay programmer on the WvW strike team. My job for the last few months has been to implement our WvW designers’ ideas. Today, I’d like to tell you a bit about the squad system. By its nature, it’s something that we’ve had to sneak in since we can only evaluate it in a live game environment, but the time has come to get the word out! 続きを読む(英語)
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[]画像をアップロードしてくださいギルマスワールド活動範囲活動時間IRCVCサイト“— ギルド紹介文目次1 構成メンバー2 ギルドの活動2.1 ワールド2.2 活動範囲2.3 活動時間2.4 コミュニ...
確実に怪しいアカウントのみリストに入れてください。(荒らしを確認したもの等)ブロックは慎重に行ってください。ブロックしたらwikia全体でのブロック対象となりますブロックリスト利用者:Yancn (ブ...
非公式 ファイル:Main page GW2.png Wikiへようこそ。 公式のGuild Wars 2 Wikiはプレイヤーが編集、維持してます同様にこのWikiも有志により編集、維持されています...
このウィキを利用するのに便利なツールなどです。特に記載のない限り、コミュニティのコンテンツはCC BY-SAライセンスの下で利用可能です。...
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ゲームガイド > ゲームを始めるまで目次1 スペックを確認2 ゲームを購入2.1 公式サイトからの購入とアカウントの登録方法3 ゲームクライアントをダウンロードスペックを確認[]自分のパソコンでGui...
ゲームガイド > ゲームを始めたら目次1 ワールドを決める2 キャラクターを作成3 チュートリアル4 sPvPに参加する5 WvWに参加する5.1 WvW (ワールド戦) への参戦方法は3つ6 ゲーム...
ゲームガイド > ゲームの概要Guild Wars 2 がどんなゲームでどんなことが出来るのかを箇条書きにしています。Wiki内に項目がある用語にはリンクが貼ってありますので、用語の詳細はそちらを読ん...
ゲームに関してのよくある質問です。目次1 ゲーム全般1.1 PvEとPvPとWvWってどうちがうの?2 アカウント保管庫2.1 Bankはどこにありますか?2.2 収集品がインベントリを圧迫して困るん...
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非公式の Guild Wars 2 ウィキへようこそ。ウィキは、プレイヤーによって作成され、管理されている包括的なリファレンスです。現在のリリース:全か、無かリビングワールドシーズン4の第5話が始まり...
ギルドウォーズ2ジャンルMMORPG(オンラインゲーム)対応機種Windows, Mac (Beta版)開発元Arena.net販売元NC Soft人数多人数プレイメディアダウンロードデータ(約15G...
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