



Plains of Ashford[]

スカウト • エリアゴールハートの場所レベル
Fursta FarhunterVillage of Smokestead
(Black Citadel の外, Smokestead Waypoint の近く)
Rancher Tolona IronrustlerHelp Tolona Ironrustler with her farm.Gunbreach Hills,
Smokestread の近く
Crucibis ForgeweldHelp Crucibis Forgeweld run the armory.Gunbreach Hills, Greysteel Armory の近く2
Scar StripeclawHelp Scar Stripeclaw organize the wrecking yard.
The Wrecking Yard
Thegren TopjawRid the training area of pests.Tela Range3
Strum BassclashHelp Strum Bassclash secure Lake Feritas.Lake Feritas の南側4
Latera PainstormHelp Latera Painstorm fight the Flame Legion.Lake Feritas の東側5
Garak JawripperLake Feritas
(Lake Feritas の東側)
Bryllana DeepmindHelp Bryllana Deepmind thin out ghosts.Old Duke's Estate6
Kyra SharptrackerHelp Kyra Sharptracker thin out ghosts.Sharptail Encampment6
Frissa SplattershotCharr's Triumph
Temperus Point の西側の道
Blayd GutwrencherHelp the Blood Legion thin out nuisancesCharr's Triumph, Temperus Point の外7
Kessis IronboundDefend the Iron Legion fort from Flame LegionCharr's Triumph,
Exterminatus HQ の近く
Beata HeavyspearCharr's Triumph
(Victory Cenotaph の東側)
Paenula DrakecatcherHelp Paenula train troops.Charr's Triumph の東側9
Galea RelicchaserAshford Forum
( Ashford Forum の南東の角)
Gavros SpiritfoeHelp Gavros Spiritfoe and the charr patrols.
Spirit Hunter Camp
Alteria CogchaserDevast District
Sesto HeadsplitterAssist Sesto Headsplitter with his work. Irondock Shipyard11
Mei HawkslayerHelp Mei Hawkslayer disrupt separatist activity.Loreclaw Expanse12
Minita SkaleslayerAscalon Basin
Researcher IrkzHelp Researcher Irkz study skale poison.Ascalon Basin12
Orystea DeathstalkerCadem Forest
Duskrend Overlook の東側、4つの山の中央)
Androchus the HiddenHelp Androchus thin out ogres.Cadem Forest13
Tyranea the UnyieldingPhasmatis Corridor
(Phasmatis Waypoint)
Ghyrtratus FiendmaulerHelp Ghyrtratus Fiendmauler retake Ascalon City.Ascalon City Ruins14
Sagum RelicseekerHelp Sagum Relicseeker with his research.Agnos Gorge15

Diessa Plateau[]

スカウト • エリアゴールハートの場所レベル
Padar GrindaxeTown of Nolan
(町の中心、The Black Citadel に入る道沿い)
Tiga FiercebladeAssist the Blood Legion.Town of Nolan15
Zalvax BrokenclawAssist the Iron Legion fighting ghosts.Oldgate Clearing の西側16
Nobal BurybladeHalrunting Plains
Charrgate Haven, Wayfarer Foothills のエリアに入ってすぐ)
Gon RageshotAssist the Iron Legion.Burrows of Moledavia16
Lakor GrizzlemouthAssist Lakor Grizzlemouth in keeping Meatoberfest running smoothly.Halrunting Plains17
Wagh NearshotAssist the Quarry Workers.Bloodcliff Quarry17
Isha RageaxeWodron Glens
(Wodron Glens の南東の角、道の分岐点)
Veska BladesingerHelp Charradis Estate Ranchers attend to cattle. Charradis Estate17
Vasher ShadowsinnerHelp the Ash Legion take out Separatists.Oldgate Clearing17
Kastaz StrongpawHelp Kastaz Strongpaw maintain his garden.Noxin Dells18
Sarene SparvauntTown of Nageling
(Town of Nageling の北東の角の Cattlepult)
Fyra RedtailHelp the Blood Legion combat ghost siege weapons.The Blasted Moors19
Stout DarkmindAssist Stout Darkmind.
Ebonshore Plant
Rak DeathmaneHelp Rak Deathmane maintain Stonefall Estate.Stonefall Estate21
Tigris FuryclawThe Breached Wall
(Breached Wall の東側の道沿い)
Tamor WoodreaveProtect Redreave Mill from Separatists.
Redreave Mill
Kona TimberrendHelp Raintimber Mill.Raintimber Mill23
Skulh DoomprowlerBulliyak Arsenal
(Arsenal の正面の門)
Mara RipsawAssist Bloodsaw Mill workers.Sanctum Way の南側24
Remaris EarshotAssist the Ash Legion.Sanctum Way の北側25

Fields of Ruin[]

スカウト • エリア
Vanguard MoellerStronghold of Ebonhawke
(Hawkgates Waypoint の西側)
Fallen Angel MakaylaHelp the people of Ebonhawke.Stronghold of Ebonhawke の中央30
Commander VaralynHelp Commander Varalyn and the Ebon Vanguard.Stronghold of Ebonhawke の南西31
Foreman BosloHelp Foreman Boslo care for Blackwing Excavation.Stronghold of Ebonhawke の南東31
Vanguard Lieutenant BrigginsBlackwing Excavation
(Blackwing Excavation の東側の道沿い)
Vanguard Scout HoltHelp the Vanguard stall the ogre advance.Hautclaire Vale32
Vanguard Scout PickinsHarass the ogres of Foulbear Kraal.Hunter's Gorge33
Watchman BrikkenThe Siege Plains
(The Hawkgates の外)
Lieutenant MarrelHold back the insurrectionists.The Siege Plains33
Lieutenant TylerHelp pacify Tyler's Bivouac for settlers.Bento Canyon34
Vanguard Scout MeleniVulture's Sweep
(Vulture's Waypoint の北)
Vanguard Lieutenant VilesSupport the human delegation.Warrior's Crown の南側35
Legionnaire CrunchboneAssist the charr delegation.Warrior's Crown の北東36
Strategist KeeneyeWarrior's Crown
(Summit Peak)
Rancher JennethHelp Rosko's ranchers protect the village.Halkor Meadows37
Iron Legion Scout SteeltoothHelp the Iron Legion disrupt Renegade operations.Thunderbreak Hills38
Sentinel FrazarThunderbreak Hills
Sentinel GristletoothContain the growth of the Dragonbrand.Tenaebron Lake39
Krange LodefinderAid the researchers in their study of the Brand.Varim's Run40

Blazeridge Steppes[]

スカウト • エリア
Specialist MorganTwin Sisters Crossing
(Fields of Ruin の東のポータル)
Kai ClashscornAid Legion and Ebon Vanguard soldiers against ogres.Twin Sisters Crossing40
Deno ScratchbackAid Ferrusatos Village's fishing operation and help them hunt down Separatists.Splinter Hills41
Torruh SweptweaveHelp Torruh Sweptweave disrupt Separatist activities.Tumok's Last Stand42
Sentinel Chagrin DoomchaserBlightwater Basin
(Fields of Ruin の西のポータル)
Sentinel Erria RiptongueHelp Sentinels instigate fights between ghosts and the Branded.Blightwater Basin42
Skarrah SteelhunterTumok's Last Stand
(Tumok's Waypoint)
Engineer Burlage FirestokerHelp the Iron Legion protect Steeleye Span from Branded creatures.Steeleye Span43
Sera SingeaxeSteeleye Span


Avarr SneakpawHelp the Ash Legion take out ogres.Behem Gauntlet43
Explorer RowenaPockmark Roughs
(Behem Gauntlet の南側を通り過ぎる道の西
Scholar OlennHelp Scholar Olenn trick the grawl around the Tail of the Star God.Pockmark Roughs44
Historian JinellAid Historian Jinell's research at the Wreckage of Serenity.Deserter Flats45
Sentinel Jaede FaithstrikerDeserter Flats
(Wreckage of Serenity の北)
Sentinel FaithspotterHelp Sentinel Faithspotter deal with skritt.Ratcatcher Knoll45
Gylarr HatebellyRatcatcher Knoll
(Tongue Rock の外の崖)
Sentinel Scout LiharnHelp Sentinel Liharn disrupt the Inquest.Relliatus Canyon46
Scholar MarulaRelliatus Canyon
ShelpHelp the peaceful ogres of Degun Shun.Unbroken Expanse46
Crusader WulaUnbroken Expanse
WodeHelp Wode with harpy research.Terra Combusta47
Hazuul FastbladeTerra Combusta
Fina DuskmakerJoin the Ash Legion of Tawny Ridge in stealth operations.Terra Carorunda の南側48
Jahr DuskrendHelp Jahr Duskrend disrupt Separatist activities.Terra Carorunda の北側49
Alarice the HarvesterTerra Carorunda
(Terra Carorunda Waypoint)
Fahrtak ShatterfiendAssist Sentinel forces against dragonspawn.Terra Combusta50

Iron Marches[]

スカウト • エリア
Nivira WarheartHellion Forest
(Hellion Waypoint, Blazeridge Steppes からエリアに入ってすぐ)
Scholar WorfmirFight life-stealing minions in Hellion Forest.Hellion Forest50
Legionnaire BladechipperJoin the Iron Legion in tearing down the Ascalonian wall.Bloodfin Lake51
Kennelmaster WarsnoutHelp Kennelmaster Warsnout track the Separatists.Sunken Halls of Clarent52
Feritax FatalshotIronhead Lake
Centurion TruthbringerAid Centurion Truthbringer in Echoslab Arches.Echoslab Arches53
Magister RazermaneAid Magister Razermane with the preservation of the Old Piken Ruins.Old Piken Ruins54
Elli ScalesnoutChampion's Shield
Old Piken Ruins の北東の崖)
Braxa ScalehunterHelp Braxa Scalehunter tend to the devourer nests.Champion's Shield の北東54
Warden ScourgejawHelp Warden Scourgejaw run the prison quarry.Scourgejaw's Vault55
Legionnaire SleekfurHelp the Sleekfur Warband defend the road at Soldier Mesa.Soldier Mesa56
Sentinel TremorfistSoldier Mesa
( Sleekfur Encampment の東の道の分岐点)
Sentinel StaggerfoeFight the Branded in Lake Desolann with the Sentinels.Lake Desolann57
Sentinel JaggedclawAssist the Sentinels patrolling Crystalwept Groves.Crystalwept Groves58
NaknarHelp the ogres remove the Branded from their land.Ebbing Heart Run59
Varrah MurkbiteViper's Run
(Viper's Run の北の Lake Desolann への道の崖)
Helo MurkhauntAid the Allied Legions as they march on the Flame Legion's territory.The Granite Front58
Ren ShadestalkerObsidian Run
RazorAid the Scorch Warband with their assault on the Flame Legion.Victium Moors60

Fireheart Rise[]

スカウト • エリア
Britna CouragemindSati Passage
(Sati Waypoint の南西)
Legionnaire Kress RustmawAssist with maintenance at Tuyere Command Post.Sati Passage60
Engineer VerutumAssist Engineer Verutum.Fuller Cistern61
Legionnaire NeverburnClean up the Flame Legion magic.Pig Iron Mine61
Holla CopperwieldPig Iron Mine
( Severed Breach の西の終わり)
Corva SharpclawStop the Flame Legion from summoning embers.Havoc Steppes62
Lightbringer MippaBuloh Crossing
Tarstar ChiefHelp the Tarstar tribe survive so close to Flame lands.Apostate Wastes の中央63
Wupwup ChiefHelp the Wupwup tribe survive so close to Flame lands.Apostate Wastes の南側63
Nrocroc ChiefHelp the Nrocroc tribe survive so close to Flame lands.Apostate Wastes の北側64
Bellator the QuietBurnt Hollow
(Burnt Hollow の洞窟の中)
Solita MiststalkerAssist the Ash Legion soldiers of Shadow Cleft.Switchback Canyons65
BassiHavoc Steppes
Heart Speaks Not の西の Rustbowl の入り口)
Enduring ProtectorAid kodan refugees fleeing toward Haymal Gore.Highland Thaw66
KarriHighland Thaw
(Haymal Gore)
Tactician LyanHelp Pact researchers with their experimental weapons.Icespear's Shelf67
Striga QuickstrikeIcespear's Shelf
Snow Ridge Camp)
Brencis QuickbloodHelp the Ash Legion disrupt the Flame Legion.Liberation Dell68
Sava QuicksnarlHelp the Ash Legion strike at the heart of the Flame Legion.Simurgh Timberland69

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