

Answer riddles posed by Raven's statues

場所Snowlord's Gate
(Wayfarer Foothills)タイプダイナミックイベントレベル2ハートHonor the Spirit of Raven

Answer riddles posed by Raven's statues は Snowlord's Gate で発生するレベル2のイベントです



  • Raven's Riddles Solved (解決したカラスのなぞなぞ)





Using me, battles are never fought alone. With me, bonds are never broken. Reveal my identity.

0 You are a fine mug of ale.1Tick_green.png You are Loyalty.0 You are an army.

Consume me and you will choke, but within me is the key to life and growth. What am I?

1Tick_green.png You are earth.0 You are a slain animal.0Cross_red.png You are money.

I can be found on a mountain, yet you can hold me in your hand or walk over me. I will outlive you. Name me.

0 You are air.0Cross_red.png You are a song.1 You are a rock.

I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor. What is my name?

0Cross_red.png You are a legend.1 You are death.0Cross_red.png You are the future.

I erode rock, break bodies, and consume cities. Yet, I am necessary for survival. What am I?

0 You are a conquering army.0Cross_red.png You are an earthquake.1 You are water.

I feast on air, but drink no water. I have no eyes of my own, but without me, you are blind. What am I?

0Cross_red.png You are a tree.0 You are a bird.1Tick_green.png You are fire.

I move without legs. I push without arms. I speak without words. I howl without a mouth. What am I?

1 You are wind.0Cross_red.png You are a war cry.0 You are music.

You can burn me, build a home from me, and carve me. There are countless ways to use me. Tell me my name.

0Cross_red.png You are fabric.1 You are wood.0Cross_red.png You are bone.

From pain and a scream, I bring newness into the world. From me, all legends begin. Reveal my name.

0 You are the sunrise.0Cross_red.png You are a dream.1 You are birth.

Your hand cannot contain me. Your eye cannot see me. I am fleeting when held, but you can catch me if you stand still. What am I?

0Cross_red.png Time.1 Breath.0Cross_red.png Hope.

I am beautiful in the winter sun, but brutal to the touch. I am a danger overhead and underfoot. What is my name?

1 You are ice.0Cross_red.png You are steel.0 You are the teeth of my foe.

I will devour you from the inside out. I must be conquered every day, or I will take your life. Only in death can you stop me. Who am I?

0Cross_red.png You are the wind.1 You are hunger.0Cross_red.png You are my enemy.

I blind hunters, frighten children, and no door can keep me out, yet each night I return. What am I?

0 You are a leopard.0Cross_red.png You are sleep.1 You are darkness.

Cultivate me and I will grow. If you are worthy, I will become something that will last forever. Speak my name.

1Tick_green.png You are a legend.0 You are a statue.0Cross_red.png You are laughter.

A Mere Breath can kill me, yet a spark can bring me to life. My form has the power to dispel darkness. Reveal my Identity.

0 You are strength.1Tick_green.png You are a candle's flame.0 You are hope.

With me, you will never know reason. I will blind you to everything else and drive you to kill your enemy. What am I?

0Cross_red.png You are fire.1 You are rage0Cross_red.png You are darkness.

I was alive when I fell, but among thousands of others, I died from being alone. Under your foot, my thin skin crumbles into dust. What am I?

0 You are the past.0Cross_red.png You are a battlefield.1 You are dead leaves.

I roar. I can kill quickly. I swallow whole. Yet, I do not have teeth or a tongue. What am I?

0Cross_red.png You are hunger.1 You are an avalanche.0Cross_red.png You are an old bear.

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