List_of_ranger_traits - ギルドウォーズ2 非公式wiki
これはレンジャーの特性のリストです。目次1 Marksmanship2 Skirmishing3 Wilderness Survival4 Nature Magic5 Beastmastery6 Druid7 SoulbeastMarksmanship.pngMarksmansh
これはレンジャーの特性のリストです。目次1 Marksmanship2 Skirmishing3 Wilderness Survival4 Nature Magic5 Beastmastery6 Druid7 SoulbeastMarksmanship.pngMarksmansh
rms are much more efficient for food production than Basic Farms with twice the production speed, and 1.5 times the number harvests before r
t burn!”–WillowWolfgang_Portrait.png“Ha! Wolfgang could lift boulders twice this size!”–Wolfgang“Oh. It's very heavy.”–WendyWX-78_Portrait.p
I can't be caught off-guard.”–Wilson“Weapons are only good if they're twice your size.”–WillowWolfgang_Portrait.png“Sword is for weak no-mus
t stacking in missions.Hotfix 19.3.2 (12-14-2016)Fixed Auras applying twice when using a Focus ability.Hotfix 15.16.2 (03-11-2015)AFK player
ーデックスWith a Heat Sword in each hand, enemies reach their fiery demise twice as fast. Can connect with multiple targets at once.The Dual Heat
mes per shot when in ragdoll.Fixed Embolist that played reload sounds twice.Update 10.1 (09-20-2013)Reduced Embolist crafting costs:Mutagen:
significantly amplified, as the Dera's effective cone of deviation is twice as large as any other weapon's.The Dera can be considered an Ass
(9 to 11).Update 10.3 (10-09-2013)Fixed Grakata playing reload sound twice.Hotfix 10.0.1 (09-14-2013)Grakata critical rate buff.Update 9.5
se with Akimbo model since projectile controls accuracy.Solo model is twice more accurate.Projectile speed 増加 from 40 to 65.Added force feed
05-24-2019)Fixed an issue that made Catchmoon projectiles deal damage twice on the hit when the projectile is destroyed. This was not a case
nly works when Glaive is in melee mode.Fixed reload animation playing twice when interrupting auto-reload with Glaive.Update 7.9 (04-26-2013
:Kunai2.pngKunai, the main difference being about half the damage for twice the fire rate. Regarding this, Hikou are slightly superior, deal
1.27 times its original reload duration, as most akimbo pistols have twice the reload time.Despite the accuracy mentioned in its statistics
ds not functioning.Hotfix 25.2.3 (06-25-2019)Fixed Aura Mods stacking twice while using Operator mode with Umbra.Update 24.8 (04-24-2019)Arb
ing an odd number of bullets could cause the reload animation to play twice.Update 11.3 (12-12-2013)Damage and range buff for Tigris – 35-45
for Wreckage were going a bit too slowly, so now you will earn it at twice the rate.Update 27.0 (12-13-2019)Introduced.素材 / 部品星系エンペリアンエイドロン
lso fixes the Pax Seeker's projectile taking Damage Mods into account twice.Update 24.0 (11-08-2018)Introduced.Last updated: Update 24.7 (04
id, Invalid, Invalid, Invalid, or Invalid), the bonus will be applied twice, for a total of 6.25 times damage with just one Mecha Empowered.
the high 切断ダメージを与える。This also makes it possible to hit a single enemy twice with one shot: shooting a charged round directly at an enemy in
r Clients where the charged shots of the Opticor would appear to fire twice.Update 19.6 (01-11-2017)Impair on hit status removed from Optico
Clients where the charged shots of the Angstrum would appear to fire twice.Update: The Silver Grove (08-19-2016)Angstrum damage and project
LotusWhite.png Tenno Weapons Aklatoファイル:Aklato.pngStatisticsMasterySigilClear.pngMR3装備セカンダリMiniMapMod.pngタイプDual PistolsトリガーセミオートUtilityノ
to have been altered by ambient lunar energies.”–Wickerbottom“Measure twice, chop once.”–WoodieWaxwell_Portrait.png“It's a moon tree.”–Maxwe
der Eggs- "This is probably a delicacy somewhere."Rabbit Hole- "Thump twice if you are fat and juicy."Walrus_Camp_Winter.pngWalrus Camp- "So
good as a 100% one, effectively letting the player use a spear almost twice as long.DSRoGSWHamDSTDon't Starve クラフトアイテム一覧閲覧ToolsAxe.pngPickax
its attack, attack it once, then dodge again. It's possible to attack twice and run out of its pecking range after it scratches the ground.
登場作品:Don%27t_Starve_Together_icon.pngDon't Starve TogetherMonkeytails必要な道具Shovel.png資源Cut Reeds.png再生可能?Yes主なバイオームMoon Quayデバッグ用コード"monkeyta
ark Tooth Crown- "The gold tooth is a nice touch."Dumbrella- "I'll be twice as sure to forget it at home now."Hamlet[]Gas_Mask.pngGas Mask-
ss Bath Bomb into Hot Spring (already bath bombed)- "No need to do it twice."Unable to toss Bath Bomb into Hot Spring (glassed over)- "I can
op_station"Wilson_Portrait.png“Physics don't always work the same way twice.”–Wilson, when playing a Birdhouse Ball Drop“Bounce that way! No
n feathers, it's impossible to craft this without fighting the former twice or fighting Moslings.However, using a Construction Amulet will m
コード"minifan"Wilson_Portrait.png“Somehow the breeze comes out the back twice as fast.”–Wilson“No fun, making me exercise to stay cool!”–Willo
LotusWhite.png Tenno Weapons Afurisファイル:Afuris.pngStatisticsMasterySigilClear.pngMR4装備セカンダリMiniMapMod.pngタイプDual PistolsトリガーオートUtilityノイズ
moons and have about a 5% chance to spawn in any system|and are about twice as likely to spawn in the outermost orbital ring. Players landin
beast introduced!18/3/2014 ☀Pet quests now drop 3 eggs and completing twice unlocks eggs for purchase in the market!Unconventional Armor Acc
t background". Clicking on any non-equipped but purchased background twice will have the same effect.Buying backgrounds: Clicking once on a
ow, examining a Kitcoon FigureWolfgang_Portrait.png“Wolfgang can lift twice as many!”–Wolfgang, examining a Kitcoon Figure“Hubris, undoubted
登場作品:Hamlet icon.pngHamletこの記事は未完成のため加筆依頼が出されています。(理由:情報不足)編集による加筆、訂正またはコメントによる意見をお願いします。"WILBA MOST EXCELLENT FANCY"“WILBA DOST NAUGHT WANT
moon while performing its charging attack results with a Werepig with twice the normal running speed. ギャラリー[]Wildbore ingameゲーム中のWildboreWil
his role in the valley, it has been difficult having his heart broken twice. If he ever loves again though, it would likely be for someone w
anger into the hearts of your enemies by bashing your swords together twice! 剣を二度打ち合わせして、敵の心に怒りをぶつけろ! PassiveAbility occurs passivly dur
e both valid sources of Fuel (with Incendium fuel tanks lasting about twice as long).The Flamer deliver a notable amount ofBurn damage(and a
Sunday, warSunday wars are the easiest day to get points.I'm showing you in the article below how the hardest working people...Just hidi
Tony smiles.TONYHave you ever been in Messina, son?RINALDIYes…twice.TONYDid you fish in Messina? The “pesce spada”?RINAL
■ Capital battle rules[Stage 1] From start to 1 hourIt ends when the capital is occupied for 30 minutes in a row[Stage 2] From 1 hour after
The beginning is identical to the movie, so we considered useless reporting it here.It’s from Mathilda’s first rifle training sc
このページでは白咲べるちゃんの所有しているゲームや使用機材などの配信環境をまとめています。ゲーム配信時にフレンド申請できれば白咲べるちゃんと一緒にゲームができるかも…!!? 所有ゲーム(ハード・ソフト) ※リンクのあるものはべるちゃんのプレイ動画へ移動しま
グ第50話『ありふれた日常』(GM:優水)セッションログ第51話『He's making a list, He's checking it twice』(GM:ハーゴンニンジャ)セッションログ雑談ログ第52話『マスター・エロス討伐戦~英雄大戦《ユニバース・フェスティバル》~』(G