「seated」を含むwiki一覧 - 1ページ

第一ティアラ - Dosuko Wiki

iara, smiled as she talked with Dutch Foreign Minister Bert Koenders, seated next to her, over French food at the banquet, part of which was

101.4 - CR_examplesのうぃき

ices required, then the next player in turn order (usually the player seated to the active player's left) makes any choices required, fo

死ぬのを待っている - Dosuko Wiki

questions had been submitted and vetted days in advance; the Prince, seated behind a bouquet of seasonal flowers, read his answers from a s

設定画面の説明 - VTOL VR JP

ートが自動的に開発者に送信される方式に参加しますPersistent Seat PositionAttempt to recall the seated position when starting the game.シートポジションの記憶ゲームスタート時に前回のシート位置を呼び

Charred_Wolf_Meat - World of Warcraft Wiki

chants into:テンプレート:DEUse: Restores 61 health over 18 sec. Must remain seated while eating.Sell 5Charred Wolf Meat is a good source of protei

Kul_Tiras - World of Warcraft Wiki

nce and friends of Ironforge.The citizens of Kul Tiras possess a deep-seated anxiety. Their eyes dart about. Often looking to the west, wher

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