5.1_The_Privileged_Present:_Defending_an_“A-theory”_of_Time_(Dean_Zimmerman) - Rindoku Wiki
目次1 1. Introduction - 3. Competing Versions of the A-Theory2 4. Yes, but Is It True?2.1 しかし、A論はそもそも正しいのか?この章の残りでは、A論に対する反論を検討する。3 5. An Obje
目次1 1. Introduction - 3. Competing Versions of the A-Theory2 4. Yes, but Is It True?2.1 しかし、A論はそもそも正しいのか?この章の残りでは、A論に対する反論を検討する。3 5. An Obje
i into English. Most translators have used “shame” but there are many objections to this: hiri as a2.3 conscience 87quality in the Suttas an
EV) research to the newly constructed Mariposa Military Base, despite objections by the research team.[39]January 10: Alaska is reclaimed, a
ace and truth vindicated or the way to heaven manifested wherein some objections th the hardest part of being an hr manager is being nice to
g for foolishness,ダインスレイヴ: And the god's wisdom[TN • 6] has raised no objections to this.ACT.IV / 枫丹罪人舞步旋ACT.IV / FontaineMasquerade of the
The origins of art; a psychological & sociological inquiry by Yrjö HirnCONTENTSCHAPTER IPAGEThe Problem stated 1CHAPTER IIThe Art-Impulse 18
nd Jadzia became a member of the House of Martok, despite the initial objections of Martok's wife, Sirella. (DS9: You Are Cordially Invited)
FEV research to the newly-constructed Mariposa Military Base, despite objections by the research team.2077January10Alaska is reclaimed, and
er, however, is loaded with lethal radiation. Kirk overrides Scotty's objections by knocking him out, then enters the warp core chamber. He