Salt_Formation - Don't Starve攻略Wiki
登場作品:Don%27t_Starve_Together_icon.pngDon't Starve TogetherSalt Formation123 2必要な道具Pickaxe.pngPickSlashAxe.png資源×3-4 Rocks.png×3再生可能?はい主
登場作品:Don%27t_Starve_Together_icon.pngDon't Starve TogetherSalt Formation123 2必要な道具Pickaxe.pngPickSlashAxe.png資源×3-4 Rocks.png×3再生可能?はい主
登場作品:Don%27t_Starve_Together_icon.pngDon't Starve TogetherSalt CrystalsHP回復10Sanity_Meter.png0腐らない入手Salt_Formation_1.png× 3-4スタック数40デバッグ用コード
.Pile_of_Salt_and_Pepper.pngPile of Salt and Pepperタイプ製作材料材料の種類調味料資材庫食材分野 0希少性Bベーシックゲームリンク[&AgGSLwAA]交易所…外部リンクGW2BLTCGW2SpidyGW2TPAPIAPI“原料—
登場作品:Don%27t_Starve_Together_icon.pngDon't Starve TogetherSalt Rack効果Salt_Pond.pngに設置する入手からOld_Coin.png×8で購入(であればOld_Coin.png×7で買える)スタック数スタッ
その他の言語4 変更履歴5 ナビゲーション入手方法[]ショップ[]ショップ4件は塩を販売している:アイテムNPCモラ 費用在庫更新Item_Salt.png 塩葵60(50)100毎日Item_Salt.png 塩東昇60(50)100毎日Item_Salt.png 塩ハマウィー
l of Spiced Mashed Yams1751Head_of_Garlic.png Head of Garlic1 Pile of Salt and Pepper1Bowl_of_Mashed_Yams.png Bowl of Mashed Yams1 Ginger Ro
Salt Lick Salt Lick"Keep your livestock content."クラフト×2 Nitre.png×4 タブフィルターDon%27t_Starve_Together_icon.pngBeefalo_Riding_Filter.png難度耐久値24
r Sauce1 Slab of Red MeatGrilled_Poultry.png Grilled Poultry01Pile_of_Salt_and_Pepper.png Pile of Salt and Pepper1 Slab of Poultry MeatGrill
te(次から学びます:Recipe: Eggs Beetletun)02Egg.png Egg1 Cheese Wedge1Pile_of_Salt_and_Pepper.png Pile of Salt and Pepper1 Parsley LeafBlueberry_Coo
g Cinnamon Apple1 Nutmeg SeedGrilled_Steak.png Grilled Steak01Pile_of_Salt_and_Pepper.png Pile of Salt and Pepper1 Slab of Red MeatRoasted_M
Food +14 Dex +15% 2 Eel x2 Cabbage x2 Salt x2 Marheim Vertruse Province 6-3 Mutton Stew
Gem 宝石 Diamond,Emerald,20x20pxGarnet,Opal,Ruby,Sunstone Salt 塩 Flake Salt,Iodide,Kala Namak,Pink Salt,Rock Salt,Sea Salt
have today."Pipton_Cart.pngPipton's Cart- "Well what do we have here?"Salt Pond- "Brackish."Stone_Pillar.pngStone Pillar- "It's a monument t
.Packet_of_Salt.pngPacket of Saltタイプ製作材料材料の種類原料分野 0Huntsman_tango_icon_20px.png 400希少性Bベーシック価値1 ゲームリンク[&AgF5LwAA]交易所…外部リンクGW2BLTCGW2SpidyGW2
inside?"Pipton_Cart.pngPipton's Cart- "Mind if I take a little peek?"Salt Pond- "It's very salty water."Stone_Pillar.pngStone Pillar- "Noth
_Seed.png Nutmeg Seed Grilled SteakChef_tango_icon_20px.png01 Pile of Salt and Pepper1Slab_of_Red_Meat.png Slab of Red Meat Roasted Meaty Sa
ocked.pngLocked Safe- "Sammy's Wagon- "Pipton_Cart.pngPipton's Cart- "Salt Pond- "Stone_Pillar.pngStone Pillar- "Streetlight- "The_Gorge_Sma
gether_icon.pngDon't Starve Together この記事は書きかけです。是非とも、この記事に加筆してみてください。Salt Pond Salt Pond必要な道具Salt Rack.png資源 (Fishing_Rod.png) (Salt_Rack.
n- "Do they have any toys?"Pipton's Cart- "That's full of good stuff."Salt_Pond.pngSalt Pond- "It's all crusty around the edges."Stone Pilla
tal HatchetMetal PickNote.pngNotePhiomia SaddlePike.pngPikePreserving SaltScorched_Earth_Icon.pngRaw MeatRaw_Salt_%28Scorched_Earth%29.pngRa
"Sammy_Wagon.pngSammy's Wagon and Pipton's Cart- "'Tis full öf gööds."Salt_Pond.pngSalt Pond- "Be it a höt spring?"Stone Pillar- "'Tis a run
eam Soup BaseChef_tango_icon_20px.png1001 Glass of Buttermilk1Pile_of_Salt_and_Pepper.png Pile of Salt and Pepper1 Bowl of Poultry Stock1Bow
png Prickly Pear10 Ghost Pepper10Kidney_Bean.png Kidney Bean5 Pile of Salt and PepperCelebratory_Steak.png Celebratory Steak(次から学びます:Recipe:
AINER FOR GOODS"Pipton_Cart.pngPipton's Cart- "THERE ARE GOODS WITHIN"Salt Pond- "EVIL CORROSIVE WATER"Stone_Pillar.pngStone Pillar- "I ENJO
of Cauliflower Sautee2501Stick_of_Butter.png Stick of Butter1 Pile of Salt and Pepper1Head_of_Cauliflower.png Head of Cauliflower Bowl of Ch
×1Item_Fish.png 魚肉 ×1Item_Lavender_Melon.pngスミレウリ ×1Item_Dry-Braised_Salted_Fish.png干物の網焼き料理Item_Fish.png 魚肉 ×1Item_Salt.png塩 ×1Item_Fukuuc
ing251Jar_of_Vinegar.png Jar of Vinegar1 Jar of Vegetable Oil1Pile_of_Salt_and_Pepper.png Pile of Salt and Pepper Bowl of Eggplant SauteeChe
.png Slab of Red Meat Grilled SteakChef_tango_icon_20px.png01 Pile of Salt and Pepper1Slab_of_Red_Meat.png Slab of Red Meat Hamburger (x2)Ch
登場作品:Don%27t_Starve_Together_icon.pngDon't Starve TogetherSeasoning Salt"A salty addition for a hearty meal."材料Salt Crystals.png×3 生成量2タブ難度
e_Plus%29.png Feathers 7 × Leather_%28Primitive_Plus%29.pngLeather5 × Salt_%28Primitive_Plus%29.png Salt 1 × Crystal.pngCrystal3 × Hide3 × F
Crafting / 生産Profession (専門分野) • Vocations (職能) • Resources (資源) • Crafting Tool (生産道具) • Recipe (レシピ)Crafting Guild (生産組合) • Mastery Trophy
B8 Western Equatorial Normal Herminoque Archipelago, Iodine (Salt), Gum (Sap), Herkimer (Crystal), Jute (Fiber)
Hime_pictures illustrator 番號 公主名 繪師名 國家/地區 聯絡方式(pixiv) 聯絡方式(推特) 聯絡方式(個人) 1 愛姫 リィナ・プリンセラ SALT 韓國
to it, while Wanyan counters back by telling him to judge the God of Salt's fate if they find the truth even if it hurts Morax's image, whi
Salt Flats 4Point_of_interest.png 1 2Vista.pngSalt Flats の地図Salt_Flats_locator.svgDesert Highlands 内の場所レベル80タイプエリア範囲内Desert Highlands隣接地域Au
Rack_%28Primitive_Plus%29.pngTanning Rack 製作数15 個材料資源の内訳 [Expand]10 × Salt_%28Primitive_Plus%29.png Salt 1 × Crystal.pngCrystal5 × Hideベースとな
枚でLight Leatherに(Leatherworking)Light LeatherLV1〜27?Light HideLV10〜27?SaltでCured Light Hideに(Leatherworking)Medium LeatherLV15〜36?Medium Hid
ecipe: Celebratory Meat)251Head_of_Garlic.png Head of Garlic1 Pile of Salt and Pepper1Chili_Pepper.png Chili Pepper1 Slab of Red MeatGrilled
Earthでの腐敗時間Human.pngプレイヤーのインベントリ4分 40秒4分 12秒プレイヤーのインベントリ (Preserving_Salt_%28Scorched_Earth%29.pngPreserving Salt あり *)9分 20秒8分 24秒
eam Soup Base1001Glass_of_Buttermilk.png Glass of Buttermilk1 Pile of Salt and Pepper1Bowl_of_Poultry_Stock.png Bowl of Poultry Stock1 Bowl
ing251Jar_of_Vinegar.png Jar of Vinegar1 Jar of Vegetable Oil1Pile_of_Salt_and_Pepper.png Pile of Salt and Pepper Pile of Ascalonian Herbs(次
orched Earthでの腐敗時間Human.pngプレイヤーのインベントリ30分27分プレイヤーのインベントリ (Preserving_Salt_%28Scorched_Earth%29.pngPreserving Salt あり *)1時間54分Trike.pngテイムした
pe: Marjory's Experimental Chili)Chef_tango_icon_20px.png4003 Pile of Salt and Pepper1Bowl_of_Spicy_Meat_Chili.png Bowl of Spicy Meat Chili1
登場作品:Don%27t_Starve_Together_icon.pngDon't Starve TogetherSalt Box"Salty storage for your foodstuffs."クラフトSalt Crystals.png×10 ×1 Cut Stone.
of Cauliflower Sautee2501Stick_of_Butter.png Stick of Butter1 Pile of Salt and Pepper1Head_of_Cauliflower.png Head of Cauliflower Bowl of Ca
Spiced Mashed YamsChef_tango_icon_20px.png1751 Head of Garlic1Pile_of_Salt_and_Pepper.png Pile of Salt and Pepper1 Bowl of Mashed Yams1Ginge
: Celebratory Meat)Chef_tango_icon_20px.png251 Head of Garlic1Pile_of_Salt_and_Pepper.png Pile of Salt and Pepper1 Chili Pepper1Slab_of_Red_
int "$trip";2ちゃんねるで表示されるトリップは、パスワードから#を取り除いた1-8文字目をキー、2-3文字目(特定記号は変換)をSaltとして使用し、得られたものの後ろ10文字である。2002年10月3日以前の2ちゃんねるでは、"($trip,-10)"が"($tri