ラピスラズリ族の関連する事件 - 国クラ Wik
Japanese Red4.2 Perfect Memento in Strict Senseプロフィール[]名前:レミリア・スカーレットRemilia ScarletAlternate spellings:Remilia Scarlet種族:吸血鬼能力:運命を操る程度の能力年
Even more perplexing information is given by Flandre's older sister, Remilia. Apparently, it was planned that the meteorite was supposed t
plan your escape!永遠に紅い幼き月 レミリア・スカーレットThe master of the house, vampire Remilia Scarlet is the cause of all the scarlet mist that has been han
anart. (Example)Since she is generally acknowledged to be easier than Remilia, Yuyuko and sometimes even her servant Eirin, Kaguya is though
e.Shinki is compared to Satan and has a sword-throwing maid (Yumeko). Remilia is also compared to Satan and has a knife-throwing maid (Sakuy
。楽しい夜になりそうね永く生きていると必要なものばかりになって困るのよ。日常のどうでもいいことが重要になってくるのレミリア・スカーレット (Remilia Scarlet) は、東方Project第6作『東方紅魔郷』のラスボスを務める吸血鬼。東方がWindows版に移行した後の初
location of this stand was the swimming pool at Patchouli's library (Remilia's "Indoor Sea").Official Profiles[]In response to questions fr
n, claims not to be the culprit, but admits that she's been tasked by Remilia to restore the garden to its original state now that her mistr
東方萃夢想 〜 Immaterial and Missing Power.に戻る東方萃夢想 ~ キャラクターリスト[]Reimu Hakurei博麗 霊夢霧雨 魔理沙Sakuya Izayoi十六夜 咲夜アリス・マーガトロイドTh075patchouli01.pngパチュリー・ノ
inapo6620puruto_2224Futty族1.meipurudayoo第二回募集からの一般参加者[]BAN者[]Nekomaid_Remilia ・・・ 国 ク ラ 史 上 最 悪 の 汚 点ホワリス消去[]特に記載のない限り、コミュニティのコンテンツはCC BY-SA
rest of Magic)人相:Brown eyes, curly blond hair, wears a hat similar to Remilia's. Wears a white one-piece skirt and black ribbons are tied o