Novakid - Starbound 非公式日本語Wiki
この記事は、一部またはすべて翻訳が完了していません。あなたが必要な箇所を翻訳すれば、Starbound日本語wikiを助けることができます。Novakidplayable race{{{male_pic_width}}}Cultural StyleWild WestAppeara
この記事は、一部またはすべて翻訳が完了していません。あなたが必要な箇所を翻訳すれば、Starbound日本語wikiを助けることができます。Novakidplayable race{{{male_pic_width}}}Cultural StyleWild WestAppeara
、縦方向の戦闘では役に立つでしょう。加えて、この方向性を持つ攻撃は 敵にstatus effectsを付与させるのに極めて役立つでしょう。-Novakid 以外のキャラクターは Tier3で生成されるダガーを最適化したUnique WeaponであるTitanium Dagger
s[]Saloon furniture previously sold at Frogg Furnishings has moved to Novakid Villages.The saloon tenant has changed his outfitThere's a new
Tenant.pngVillager_Floran_Tenant.pngVillager_Human_Tenant.pngVillager_Novakid_Tenant.png村人村人特定Racial (6)15 to 30 minutesランダム15 to 30 minutes
1 Apex2.1.2 Avian2.1.3 Floran2.1.4 Human2.1.5 Hylotl2.1.6 Glitch2.1.7 Novakid2.2 未実装船2.2.1 Human Mothership3 Trivia4 バージョン履歴船の部品[]Shiplocker
ommonN/A0Modern_Sliding_Door_Icon.png Modern Sliding DoorCommonN/A475 Novakid Ship DoorCommonN/A0Novakid_Ship_Hatch_Icon.png Novakid Ship Ha
nger. The blink frame shows its eyes wide open rather than closed.The Novakid AI depicts a horse-like figure. Its unique emote depicts it ro
races currently; The Apex, Avian, Floran, Glitch, Human, Hylotl, and Novakid. Each have there own unique ship and armors, as well as racial
.pngAnvil必要材料Iron Bar6Timber_Icon.pngTimber4Iron Assault Rifle is the Novakid Tier 1 unique craftable two handed gun. It's made using iron
... The 'god particle'.Hylotljp:ピクセルプリント、私の指先にあるピクセルが持つ力… これは「神の欠片」じゃ。Novakid_Icon.pngNovakid:Pixel printing is pretty fancy.Novakidjp:ピクセルプ
Ship Door • Human Ship Hatch • Hylotl Ship Door • Hylotl Ship Hatch • Novakid Ship Door • Novakid Ship HatchペイントガンBlue Paintgun • Green Pain
放ってくるようになります。1.3.4Classic Monster Skillsモンスターが遠距離攻撃を放ってくるようになります。1.3.4Novakid Villagersテナントでランダムに住む種族にノヴァキッドを追加します。1.3.4Penguin Villagericeオ
l:To tame a wild beast is to enter into a strong and loyal friendship.Novakid:Tamin' wild beasts will be child's play with capture pods.バージョ
ng ChairCommonN/A0None Modern ChairCommonHuman275A contemporary chair.Novakid_Captain%27s_Chair_Icon.png Novakid Captain's ChairCommonNovaki
t function...Hylotl:Saving pixels for the future is a good investment.Novakid_Icon.pngNovakid:A machine for storin' your golden squares. I s
BaseLarge research base with hostile Miniknog soldiers and scientists.Novakid Asteroid SaloonNovakid saloon with a Frontier Vault.OfficesMul
lotl:Teleporting feels like diving into the ocean from a mountain top.Novakid_Icon.pngNovakid:Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you
pngHuman:A smelting furnace. Looks hot.Hylotl:A hot, imposing furnace.Novakid_Icon.pngNovakid:Basic lookin' furnace, for smeltin' ore.バージョン履
getaway...Hylotl:A shop selling teleporters. Maybe I should browse it.Novakid_Icon.pngNovakid:A shop sellin' teleporters... If you've got a
あなたが調べた物体の描写やNPC達の反応に差があります。種族の選択によってゲームプレイや取得アイテムに制限がかかる事はありません(例外としてNovakid のみAnvil で近接武器ではなく銃が作れます)。DIFFICULTY(難易度)難易度は、空腹の概念と死亡した時のペナルティ
Cleanup.pngこの記事は翻訳が未完成ですこの記事は、一部またはすべて翻訳が完了していません。あなたが必要な箇所を翻訳すれば、Starbound日本語wikiを助けることができます。admin mode(管理者モード)では、 / に続いてワードを入力することでコマンドを実行
with a door and a light, someone will move in and make it their home.Novakid:With a colony deed someone'll move into the building. Just mak
Crew on Novakid Ship乗組員とは、プレイヤーの船に常駐し、主に受動的な、有益な効果をもたらすNPCです。12人まであなたの旅に勧誘することができ、彼らはプレイヤーについて行き、宇宙の様々な場所で、戦闘アシスト、または短時間のステータスバフを付与してあなたを助けま
ag_Icon.png Glitch Flag1 Human Flag1Hylotl_Flag_Icon.png Hylotl Flag1 Novakid Flag1Foundry_Bed_Icon.png Foundry Bed1 Heavy Door1Foundry_Ligh
alised signs here!Hylotl_Icon.pngHylotl:Signs to inform and enlighten.Novakid:I could make all kinda signs if I wasn't so busy adventurin'.バ
Forest(森林惑星)で見つけることができます。エイペックス、エイビアン、ヒューマン、ノヴァキッドの商人によって販売されることもあります(Novakid商人はバージョン1.2.3の時点でまだ実装されていません)。にんじんを収穫または略奪した後、プレイヤーはCarrot Brea
of field workHylotl:To sow a seed is to one day reap nature's bounty.Novakid_Icon.pngNovakid:This table'd be great for farmin' some crops.バ
etter from the Librarian • Miniknog Issued Joke Book • Never Invite a Novakid to Tea • Nox's Journal • Official Notice • Salvage Plans • The
der of the Hylotl, because the humans have no current leader, nor the Novakid, and it doesn't also mention the emotion, tone or type of the
matic doorway to an unknown destination... or a concealed opportunity?Novakid_Icon.pngNovakid:What's a door like this doin' out here?バージョン履歴
litch Storage Locker • Human Storage Locker • Hylotl Storage Locker • Novakid Storage LockerTransportComposite Rail • Composite Rail Platfor
con.pngHylotl:This creature has an impressive collection of furniture.Novakid:Don't see many frog merchants round these parts!バージョン履歴[]Pleas
Avian • Floran_Icon.pngFloran • GlitchHuman_Icon.pngHuman • Hylotl • Novakid_Icon.pngNovakidNon-PlayableAgaran • Alpaca_Icon.png Alpaca • A
ylotl_Icon.pngHylotl:To sow a seed is to one day reap nature's bounty.Novakid:This table'd be great for farmin' some crops.バージョン履歴[]Cheerful
age • Human Campsite • Hylotl Underwater City • Hylotl Surface City • Novakid VillageダンジョンApex Miniknog Base • Apex Test Facility • Avian Te
Avian • Floran_Icon.pngFloran • GlitchHuman_Icon.pngHuman • Hylotl • Novakid_Icon.pngNovakidNon-PlayableAgaran • Alpaca_Icon.pngAlpaca • A
t function...Hylotl:Saving pixels for the future is a good investment.Novakid_Icon.pngNovakid:A machine for storin' your golden squares. I s
con.pngHylotl:A campfire, I enjoy the simplicity of flame-cooked food.Novakid:A toasty campfire for cookin'. What more d'ya need?バージョン履歴[]Pe
であり調理で作成します。それを調理すると#117の料理コレクションが埋まります。ボトル入りの水はシェフの商人またはHuman, Apex, Novakidの商人が販売することがあります。Kitchen Counterを開くと、すべてのプレイヤーがこのレシピを学習しています。ステー
htsTimber_Icon.png TimberBlockWooden Log(1)Materials_Tab.pngMaterials Novakid FlagTeleport MarkerCopper_Bar_Icon.pngCopper Bar(1) Woven Fabr
Avian • Floran_Icon.pngFloran • GlitchHuman_Icon.pngHuman • Hylotl • Novakid_Icon.pngNovakidNon-PlayableAgaran • Alpaca_Icon.pngAlpaca • An
Avian • Floran_Icon.pngFloran • GlitchHuman_Icon.pngHuman • Hylotl • Novakid_Icon.pngNovakidNon-PlayableAgaran • Alpaca_Icon.pngAlpaca • An
ylotl:The humble FTL fuel hatch. Fuel is the lifeblood of exploration.Novakid_Icon.pngNovakid:FTL fuel goes in here!バージョン履歴[]Upbeat Giraffe:
gHylotl:I can trade some of my rarer items for the wares in this cart.Novakid:I'd trade my boots for some of this stuff! But this trader ain
oran Ship3.3 Apex Ship3.4 Hylotl Ship3.5 Glitch Ship3.6 Avian Ship3.7 Novakid Shipアップグレードの条件#クエストクエスト条件船の条件1Boot Up--SAILのインタラクト2Become Spac
al ones.Hylotl:A robot hen's egg. The adult hen will lay AA batteries.Novakid_Icon.pngNovakid:This egg's got a robot chick inside it.バージョン履歴
icle.Hylotl_Icon.pngHylotl:I've been told this captain sells vehicles.Novakid:I wonder what kinda vehicles this guy sells?バージョン履歴[]Upbeat Gi
lotl:A secure locker. Only the most cunning of thieves could break it.Novakid:?バージョン履歴[]Perturbed Koala:AddedRampaging Koala:Changed each ra
lies Crate34161.33Mushroom_Wardrobe_Icon.png Mushroom Wardrobe45241.2 Novakid Storage Locker43484HangableOld_Chest_Icon.png Old Chest22164 O
ting furnace. Looks hot.Hylotl_Icon.pngHylotl:A hot, imposing furnace.Novakid:Basic lookin' furnace, for smeltin' ore.バージョン履歴[]Cheerful Gira