Creature_IDs - ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki
Crafting Light.pngコマンドアイテムIDDodo.png生物IDカラーIDPurple_Beacon.pngビーコンID目次1 生物ID1.1 Scorched Earthの生物1.2 Ragnarokの生物1.3 Aberrationの生物1.4 Extinct
Crafting Light.pngコマンドアイテムIDDodo.png生物IDカラーIDPurple_Beacon.pngビーコンID目次1 生物ID1.1 Scorched Earthの生物1.2 Ragnarokの生物1.3 Aberrationの生物1.4 Extinct
Genesis 2 ChroniclesGenesis_2_Chronicles.pngイベント主催者Studio Wildcard開始日2020年11月7日終了日2021年3月This article is about the Event: Genesis 2 Chronicl
基本簡易通常優超級特級メイウィングの卵(基本)Basic Maewing Egg (Genesis Part 2).png“満腹度を大きく回復できる。この卵を使用すれば多くの調理レシピで基本的な栄養がとれる„消耗品 (数値は人間に適します) 種類 卵 食料 25 体力
Tripwire Alarm Trap.pngThis page is designed to be included in other pages using {{:探検家の記録/Santiago}}.Do not add section headers or other el
プラントRの種Plant Species R Seed (Genesis Part 2).pngDLCGenesis: Part 2消耗品 (数値は人間に適します)種類種アイテム追加バージョンv329.5Spawn CommandVariant プラントR-1の種cheat gf
Exo-Mek.pngエクソMEKExo-Mek image.pngExo-Mek_image.png生物グループVehiclesリリースバージョン 329.5June 3rd, 2021Xbox_One.svg 928.4June 3rd, 2021 689.4June 3rd
Thatch_Foundation.pngこの記事はまだ完成していません。ARK: Survival Evolved Wikiを拡張することで支援できます。Xbox_One.svgEpic_Games.svgThis article is about content exclus
Disambig.pngこの記事はEvents in PC and Consoleについてです。Events in Mobileについては、Events (Mobile)を参照してください。イベント情報最初の追加v221.0イベントは、ARK: Survival Evolvedで
Mek.pngMekDossier Mek.pngDossier_Mega_Mek.pngDossier_Mega_Mek.png生物グループVehiclesFuelElementリリースバージョンSteam.svg 285.10411月 6, 2018 779.2911月 6,
ARK_Event.pngThis article is about the Event: Extinction ChroniclesThis content is not available outside of this Event.Extinction Chronicles
ARK_Event.pngThis article is about content exclusive to the Event: Error! Eggcellent Adventure 7 is an invalid Event.This content is not ava
ARK_Event.pngThis article is about content exclusive to the Event: Love EvolvedThis content is not available outside of this Event.ARK: Love
ARK_Event.pngThis article is about content exclusive to the Event: Summer Bash 2020This content is not available outside of this Event.ARK:
ARK_Event.pngThis article is about content exclusive to the Event: Winter Wonderland 6This content is not available outside of this Event.AR
ARK_Event.pngThis article is about content exclusive to the Event: Eggcellent Adventure 6This content is not available outside of this Event
ARK_Event.pngThis article is about content exclusive to the Event: 5th AnniversaryThis content is not available outside of this Event.ARK: 5
ARK_Event.pngThis article is about content exclusive to the Event: Eggcellent Adventure 5This content is not available outside of this Event
ARK_Event.pngThis article is about content exclusive to the Event: Error! Love Evolved 3 is an invalid Event.This content is not available o
ARK_Event.pngThis article is about content exclusive to the Event: Turkey Trial 3This content is not available outside of this Event.ARK: Tu
ARK_Event.pngThis article is about content exclusive to the Event: Love Evolved 2This content is not available outside of this Event.ARK: Lo
ARK_Event.pngThis article is about content exclusive to the Event: Turkey Trial 5This content is not available outside of this Event.ARK: Tu
ARK_Event.pngThis article is about content exclusive to the Event: Turkey Trial 4This content is not available outside of this Event.ARK: Tu
ARK_Event.pngThis article is about content exclusive to the Event: Winter Wonderland 4This content is not available outside of this Event.AR
ARK_Event.pngThis article is about content exclusive to the Event: Fear Evolved 4This content is not available outside of this Event.ARK: Fe
ARK_Event.pngThis article is about the Event: The Witches CurseThis content is not available outside of this Event.The Witches Curseイベント主催者S
連邦製エクソレギンススキンFederation_Exo-leggings_Skin_%28Genesis_Part_2%29.png“レギンスやズボンの外見を変えるアイテム。テラン連邦のTEK武装が施されたエクソレギンスみたいだ!„DLCGenesis: Part 2アイテム種類
Tripwire Alarm Trap.pngThis page is designed to be included in other pages using {{:Item IDs/Ammunition}}.Do not add section headers or othe
ARK_Event.pngThis article is about content exclusive to the Event: Winter Wonderland 5This content is not available outside of this Event.AR
ARK_Event.pngThis article is about content exclusive to the Event: ARK: Happy New Year!This content is not available outside of this Event.A
ARK_Event.pngThis article is about content exclusive to the Event: Summer Bash 2021This content is not available outside of this Event.ARK:
Disambig.pngこの記事はthe weekend boosts on Official Serversについてです。the random events in Survival of the Fittestについては、Survival of the Fittest#Evol
ARK_Event.pngThis article is about content exclusive to the Event: Fear EvolvedThis content is not available outside of this Event.ARK: Fear
ARK_Event.pngThis article is about content exclusive to the Event: Fear Evolved 4This content is not available outside of this Event.ARK: Fe
ARK_Event.pngThis article is about content exclusive to the Event: Fear Evolved 2This content is not available outside of this Event.ARK: Fe
ARK_Event.pngThis article is about content exclusive to the Event: Error! Extra Life is an invalid Event.This content is not available outsi
Thatch_Foundation.pngこの記事はまだ完成していません。ARK: Survival Evolved Wikiを拡張することで支援できます。Xbox_One.svgEpic_Games.svgThis article is about content exclus
連邦製エクソヘルメットスキンFederation_Exo_Helmet_Skin_%28Genesis_Part_2%29.png“ヘルメットまたは帽子の外見を変えるアイテム。テラン連邦のTEK武装が施されたエクソヘルメットみたいだ!„DLCGenesis: Part 2アイテム
連邦製エクソブーツスキンFederation_Exo_Boots_Skin_%28Genesis_Part_2%29.png“ブーツの外見を変えるアイテム。テラン連邦のTEK武装が施されたエクソブーツみたいだ!„DLCGenesis: Part 2アイテム種類スキン重量0スタック
Tripwire Alarm Trap.pngThis page is designed to be included in other pages using {{:Item IDs/Eggs}}.Do not add section headers or other elem
Genesis: Part 2Genesis_Part_2_DLC.jpgARKのコロニーシップのDLC。DLCコンテンツの種類拡張パック価格¥ 3,080~3,630リリース日2021年6月3日Xbox_One.svg2021年6月3日2021年6月3日Nintendo_Swi
孵化装置Egg_Incubator_%28Genesis_Part_2%29.png“最大10個までの卵を温め管理できる孵化装置。使用するには電力が必要„DLCGenesis: Part 2建造物種類建造物崩壊時間32日アイテム重量25スタック数5追加バージョンv329.5Spa
連邦製エクソグローブスキンFederation_Exo-Gloves_Skin_%28Genesis_Part_2%29.png“グローブの外見を変えるアイテム。テラン連邦のTEK武装が施されたエクソグローブみたいだ!„DLCGenesis: Part 2アイテム種類スキン重量0
Experimental_Giganotosaurus.pngExperimental Giganotosaurus生物グループBosses気性攻撃的リリースバージョンSteam.svg 329.5June 3rd, 2021 928.4June 3rd, 2021PS.svg
Spoiled_Meat.pngこのページには、ARK:Survival Evolvedの背景ストーリーに関連したネタバレが含まれている可能性があります。あなたは物語のゲーム内を体験したい場合は、おそらくこのページの続きを読むべきではありません。ファイル:ロックウェル・プライム.
Tripwire Alarm Trap.pngThis page is designed to be included in other pages using {{:探検家の記録/Sir Edmund Rockwell}}.Do not add section headers
Tripwire Alarm Trap.pngThis page is designed to be included in other pages using {{:Item IDs/Resources}}.Do not add section headers or other
Steam.svgPS.svgThis article is about content exclusively available in the version on Steam, Xbox, PlayStation, Epic Games.Thatch_Foundation.
Macro-Summoner.pngMacro-SummonerBlank.pngBlank.png生物Groups空想生物, ボス気性攻撃的リリースバージョン 329.5June 3rd, 2021Xbox_One.svg 928.4June 3rd, 2021 689.4Ju
Tripwire_Alarm_Trap.pngThis page is designed to be included in other pages using {{:Event calendar}}.Do not add section headers or other ele